Simulating networks with the BSB

The BSB manages simulations by deferring as soon as possible to the simulation backends. Each simulator has good reasons to make their design choices, fitting to their simulation paradigm. These choices lead to divergence in how simulations are described, and each simulator has their own niche functions. This means that if you are already familiar with a simulator, writing simulation config should feel familiar, on top of that the BSB is able to offer you access to each simulator’s full set of features. The downside is that you’re required to write a separate simulation config block per backend.

Now, let’s get started.

Conceptual overview

Each simulation config block needs to specify which simulator they use. Valid values are arbor, nest or neuron. Also included in the top level block are the duration, resolution and temperature attributes:

  "simulations": {
    "my_arbor_sim": {
      "simulator": "arbor",
      "duration": 2000,
      "resolution": 0.025,
      "temperature": 32,
      "cell_models": {

      "connection_models": {

      "devices": {


The cell_models are the simulator specific representations of the network’s cell types, the connection_models of the network’s connectivity types and the devices define the experimental setup (such as input stimuli and recorders). All of the above is simulation backend specific and are covered in detail below.


Cell models

The keys given in the cell_models should correspond to a cell type in the network. If a certain cell type does not have a corresponding cell model then no cells of that type will be instantiated in the network. Cell models in Arbor should refer to importable arborize cell models. The Arborize model’s .cable_cell factory will be called to produce cell instances of the model:

  "cell_models": {
    "cell_type_A": {
      "model": "my.models.ModelA"
    "afferent_to_A": {
      "relay": true


Relays will be represented as spike_source_cells which can, through the connectome relay signals of other relays or devices. spike_source_cells cannot be the target of connections in Arbor, and the framework targets the targets of a relay instead, until only cable_cells are targeted.

Connection models

todo: doc

  "connection_models": {
    "aff_to_A": {
      "weight": 0.1,
      "delay": 0.1


spike_generator and probes:

  "devices": {
    "input_stimulus": {
      "device": "spike_generator",
      "explicit_schedule": {
        "times": [1,2,3]
      "targetting": "cell_type",
      "cell_types": ["mossy_fibers"]
    "all_cell_recorder": {
      "targetting": "representatives",
      "device": "probe",
      "probe_type": "membrane_voltage",
      "where": "(uniform (all) 0 9 0)"

todo: doc & link to targetting