Source code for bsb.cli

    This module contains all classes and functions required to run the scaffold
    from the command line.

import sys, os
import configparser
import builtins
import argparse
import traceback
from types import ModuleType

## This is the package entry point API and REPL.

[docs]def scaffold_cli(): """ console_scripts entry point for the scaffold package. Will start the CLI handler or REPL handler. """ args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: # Start the REPL? start_repl() else: start_cli()
[docs]def check_positive_factory(name): """ Return a function to report whether a certain value is a positive integer. If it isn't, raise an ArgumentTypeError. """ # Define factory product function. def f(x): try: # Try to cast the parameter to an int x = int(x) if x >= 0: # If x is positive, return it. return x # x is not positive, raise an exception. raise except Exception as e: # Catch the conversion or no-return exception and raise ArgumentTypeError. raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "{} is an invalid {} value (positive int expected)".format(x, name) ) # Return factory product function. return f
[docs]def start_repl(): """ Scaffold package REPL handler. Will parse user commands. """ # TODO: Add a python environment with access to globals like a scaffold or morphology repository state = ReplState() try: while not state.exit: state.repl() finally: state.destroy_globals()
[docs]def start_cli(): """ Scaffold package CLI handler """ # Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Subparsers subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="Operations", description="The BSB performs multiple seperate tasks. See the list below for available tasks.", dest="task", ) parser_compile = subparsers.add_parser( "compile", help="Build a network of neurons in a volume and compile it to an HDF5 network architecture file.", ) parser_run = subparsers.add_parser("run", help="Run a simulation from scratch.") parser_sim = subparsers.add_parser( "simulate", help="Run a simulation from a compiled HDF5 network architecture file.", ) parser_config = subparsers.add_parser( "make-config", help="Create a config file in the current directory." ) parser_repl = subparsers.add_parser( "repl", help="Start the interactive scaffold shell." ) parser_reconfigure = subparsers.add_parser( "reconfigure", help="Insert a new configuration file in an existing network architecture.", ) parser_plot = subparsers.add_parser("plot", help="Plot networks.") # Main arguments parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", help="Specify the path of the configuration file.", default="network_configuration.json", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--report", help="Path the file that the scaffold should report to, instead of printing", ) parser.add_argument( "-ct", "--ctype", help="Specify the type of the configuration file.", default="json", choices=["json"], ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Specify the verbosity of the console output", default=1, type=check_positive_factory("verbosity"), ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Specify an output file path") parser.add_argument( "--version", action="store_true", help="Print version information" ) # Compile subparser parser_compile.add_argument( "-p", action="store_true", help="Plot the created network" ) parser_compile.add_argument("-x", help="Resize volume X") parser_compile.add_argument("-z", help="Resize volume Z") # Run subparser parser_run.add_argument( "simulation", action="store", help="Preconfigured simulation to run." ) parser_run.add_argument("-p", action="store_true", help="Plot the created network") parser_run.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Specify an output file path") parser_run.add_argument( "-rc", "--reconfigure", help="Specify the path of the new configuration file." ) parser_run.add_argument("-x", help="Resize volume X") parser_run.add_argument("-z", help="Resize volume Z") # Simulate subparser parser_sim.add_argument( "simulation", action="store", help="Name of the preconfigured simulation." ) parser_sim.add_argument( "--hdf5", action="store", required=True, help="Name of the HDF5 file to load." ) parser_sim.add_argument( "-rc", "--reconfigure", help="Specify the path of the new configuration file." ) # Create config subparser parser_config.add_argument( "-t", "--template", action="store", default="template.json", help="Name of the template config file.", ) parser_config.add_argument( "output", action="store", default="network_configuration.json", nargs="?", help="Name of the output configuration file.", ) parser_config.set_defaults(func=create_config) parser_plot.add_argument("hdf5", action="store", help="Path of the HDF5 file") parser_plot.set_defaults(func=cli_plot) # Repl subparser parser_repl.set_defaults(func=start_repl) # Reconfigure subparser parser_reconfigure.add_argument("hdf5", action="store", help="Path of the HDF5 file") parser_reconfigure.add_argument( "config", action="store", help="Path of the configuration file" ) parser_reconfigure.set_defaults(func=cli_reconfigure) cl_args = parser.parse_args() if getattr(cl_args, "version", False): from . import __version__ print("bsb", __version__) exit() if hasattr(cl_args, "func"): cl_args.func(cl_args) else: from .config import JSONConfig from .core import Scaffold, from_hdf5 from .output import MorphologyRepository, HDF5Formatter from .reporting import set_verbosity, set_report_file # Should we change the verbosity setting? if cl_args.verbose is not None: set_verbosity(cl_args.verbose) # Should we report to a file? if set_report_file( if hasattr(cl_args, "hdf5"): # Is an HDF5 file specified? cl_args.ctype = "hdf5" # Load from the config stored in the HDF5 file. if cl_args.ctype == "json": # Load scaffold from json config scaffoldConfig = JSONConfig(file=cl_args.config) scaffoldInstance = Scaffold(scaffoldConfig) elif cl_args.ctype == "hdf5": # Load scaffold from HDF5 file = cl_args.hdf5 if cl_args.reconfigure is not None: config = JSONConfig(file=cl_args.reconfigure) HDF5Formatter.reconfigure(file, config) # Extract the config stored in the hdf5 file. scaffoldInstance = from_hdf5(file) if hasattr(cl_args, "x") and hasattr(cl_args, "z") and (cl_args.x or cl_args.z): resize_kwargs = {} if hasattr(cl_args, "x") and cl_args.x is not None: resize_kwargs["X"] = float(cl_args.x) if hasattr(cl_args, "z") and cl_args.z is not None: resize_kwargs["Z"] = float(cl_args.z) scaffoldInstance.configuration.resize(**resize_kwargs) if cl_args.output: # Is a new output file name specified? scaffoldInstance.output_formatter.save_file_as = cl_args.output if ( cl_args.task == "compile" or cl_args.task == "run" ): # Do we need to compile a network architecture? scaffoldInstance.compile_network() if cl_args.p: # Is a plot requested? scaffoldInstance.plot_network_cache() if ( cl_args.task == "run" or cl_args.task == "simulate" ): # Do we need to run a simulation? scaffoldInstance.run_simulation(cl_args.simulation, quit=True)
def cli_plot(args): from .core import from_hdf5 from .plotting import plot_network scaffold = from_hdf5(args.hdf5) plot_network(scaffold, from_memory=False) def cli_reconfigure(args): from .config import JSONConfig from .output import HDF5Formatter config = JSONConfig(file=args.config) HDF5Formatter.reconfigure(args.hdf5, config) def create_config(args): from .helpers import get_config_path from shutil import copy2 as copy_file import os copy_file(get_config_path(args.template), "./" + args.output)
[docs]class ReplState: """ Stores the REPL state and executes each step of the REPL. """ def __init__(self): self.exit = False self.state = "base" self.question = None self.prefix = None self.reply = None = None self.command = None self.error = False self.globals = {}
[docs] def repl(self): """ Execute the next repl step. """ # Ask for user input self.command = input( "{}{}{}> ".format( (self.reply or "") + ("\n" if self.reply else ""), (self.question or "") + ("\n" if self.question else ""), self.prefix or "", ) ) if self.command == "": # Empty command? Next step. return # Update state with next if set, or keep last state. self.state = or self.state # Reset transient values = None self.question = None self.reply = None # Add subparsers and arguments based on the state self.update_parser() try: # Parse the command args = self.parser.parse_args(self.command.split(" ")) except ParseError as e: print(str(e)) return if hasattr(args, "func"): # Was a command found? try: # Execute the command args.func(args) except Exception as e: # Catch and print all exceptions traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def update_parser(self): """ Creates a new parser for the next REPL step. Tries to add subparsers and arguments if the method "set_parser_``state``_state" is callable. """ self.parser = StateParser(add_help=False) self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers() self.add_parser_globals() state_method_name = "set_parser_{}_state".format(self.state) state_method = getattr(self.__class__, state_method_name, None) if callable(state_method): state_method(self) else: raise ParseError("Unparsable state: {}".format(self.state))
[docs] def set_parser_base_state(self): """ Adds the initial subparsers and arguments to the REPL parser. """ parser_open = self.add_subparser( "open", description="Open various scaffold files like output files, repositories and tree collections.", ) open_subparsers = parser_open.add_subparsers() mr_parser = open_subparsers.add_parser( "mr", description="Open a morphology repository." ) mr_parser.add_argument( "file", action="store", help="Path of the morphology repository to load." ) mr_parser.add_argument( "--create", action="store_true", help="Create the morphology repository." ) mr_parser.set_defaults(func=self.open_morphology_repository) hdf5_parser = open_subparsers.add_parser("hdf5", description="Open a HDF5 file.") hdf5_parser.add_argument( "file", action="store", help="Path of the HDF5 file to load." ) hdf5_parser.set_defaults(func=self.open_hdf5)
[docs] def set_parser_base_mr_state(self): """ Adds the morphology repository state subparsers and arguments to the REPL parser. """ mr = self.globals["mr"] close_parser = self.add_subparser( "close", description="Close the currently opened repository." ) close_parser.set_defaults( func=lambda args: (self.clear_prefix() and False) or self.set_next_state("base") ) list_parser = self.add_subparser("list") list_subparsers = list_parser.add_subparsers() all_parser = list_subparsers.add_parser( "all", description="List all morphologies in the repository" ) all_parser.set_defaults( func=lambda args: self.set_reply(self.globals["mr"].list_morphologies()) ) voxelized_parser = list_subparsers.add_parser( "voxelized", description="List voxelized morphologies in the repository" ) voxelized_parser.set_defaults( func=lambda args: self.set_reply(self.globals["mr"].list_all_voxelized()) ) import_parser = self.add_subparser( "import", description="Import a morphology or repository into the repository" ) types_subparsers = import_parser.add_subparsers() swc_parser = types_subparsers.add_parser("swc", description="Import SWC file") swc_parser.add_argument("file", action="store", help="Filename of the swc file.") swc_parser.add_argument( "name", action="store", help="Unique name of the morphology." ) swc_parser.set_defaults( func=lambda args: mr.import_swc(args.file,, overwrite=True) ) arbz_parser = self.add_subparser( "arborize", description="Import an Arborize model" ) arbz_parser.add_argument( "model", action="store", help="Importable class of the model" ) arbz_parser.add_argument( "name", action="store", help="Unique name of the morphology.", nargs="?", ) arbz_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: repl_import_arbz(mr, args)) remove_parser = self.add_subparser( "remove", description="Remove a morphology from the repository.." ) remove_parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of the morphology") remove_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: mr.remove_morphology( repo_parser = types_subparsers.add_parser( "repo", description="Import a morphology repository" ) repo_parser.add_argument( "file", action="store", help="Filename of the repository." ) repo_parser.add_argument( "-f", "--overwrite", action="store_true", dest="overwrite", default=False ) repo_parser.set_defaults( func=lambda args: mr.import_repository( MorphologyRepository(args.file), overwrite=args.overwrite ) ) voxelize_parser = self.add_subparser( "voxelize", description="Divide a morphology into a given amount of voxels." ) voxelize_parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of the morphology") voxelize_parser.add_argument("voxels", nargs="?", default=130, type=int) voxelize_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: repl_voxelize(mr, args)) plot_parser = self.add_subparser("plot", description="Plot a morphology.") plot_parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of the morphology") plot_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: repl_plot_morphology(mr, args))
[docs] def set_parser_base_hdf5_state(self): """ Adds the HDF5 state subparsers and arguments to the REPL parser. """ h = self.globals["hdf5"] def close(args): self.clear_prefix() self.close_hdf5() self.set_next_state("base") close_parser = self.add_subparser( "close", description="Close the currently opened HDF5 file." ) close_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: close) view_parser = self.add_subparser( "view", description="Explore the hierarchical components of the HDF5 file." ) view_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: repl_view_hdf5(h, args)) plot_parser = self.add_subparser("plot", description="Plot the HDF5 network.") def plot_handler(args): args.hdf5 = h.filename cli_plot(args) plot_parser.set_defaults(func=plot_handler)
[docs] def add_parser_globals(self): """ Adds subparsers and arguments that should be there in any state. """ exit_parser = self.add_subparser("exit") exit_parser.set_defaults(func=self.exit_repl)
[docs] def add_subparser(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a top level subparser to the current REPL parser. """ return self.subparsers.add_parser(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def exit_repl(self, args): """ Exit the REPL. """ self.exit = True
[docs] def clear_prefix(self): """ Clear the REPL prefix. """ self.prefix = None
[docs] def set_next_state(self, state): """ Set the next REPL state. :param state: The next state. For each state there should be a set_parser_``state``_state function (e.g. :func:`set_parser_base_state`). :type state: string :rtype: None """ = state
[docs] def set_reply(self, message): """ Set the REPL reply, to be printed to the user at the end of this step. :param message: The reply to print. :type message: string :rtype: None """ self.reply = str(message)
[docs] def close_hdf5(self): """ Closes the currently open HDF5 file. :raises ParseError: Raised if there's no open HDF5 file. :rtype: None """ if self.globals["hdf5"] is None: raise ParseError("No HDF5 file is currently opened.") self.globals["hdf5"].close() self.globals["hdf5"] = None
[docs] def destroy_globals(self): """ Always called before the REPL exits to clean up open resources. """ if "hdf5" in self.globals and not self.globals["hdf5"] is None: self.close_hdf5()
[docs] def open_morphology_repository(self, args): """ Callback function that handles the ``open mr`` command. :param args: Result of ArgumentParser.parse_args() :type args: Namespace :rtype: None """ from .output import MorphologyRepository # Create the morphology repository instance. mr = MorphologyRepository(args.file) if args.create: # Create and initialize file. with mr.load("a"): pass elif not os.path.exists(args.file): self.reply = "File not found." return # Store it as a global REPL variable. self.globals["mr"] = mr # Switch to the base_mr state. = "base_mr" # Indicate the open mr state with a prefix. self.prefix = "repo <'{}'".format(args.file)
[docs] def open_hdf5(self, args): """ Callback function that handles the ``open hdf5`` command. :param args: Result of ArgumentParser.parse_args() :type args: Namespace :rtype: None """ # Import the HDF5 library. import h5py # Add the h5py file handle as a global REPL variable. self.globals["hdf5"] = h5py.File(args.file, "a") # Switch to the base_hdf5 state. = "base_hdf5" # Indicate the open hdf5 state with a prefix self.prefix = "hdf5 <'{}'".format(args.file)
[docs]class ParseError(Exception): """ Thrown when the parsing of a command string fails. """ pass
class StateParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Inherits from argparse.ArgumentParser and overloads the ``error`` method so that when an error occurs, instead of exiting and exception is thrown. """ def error(self, message): """ Overloads default exit behavior with throwing ParseError. """ raise ParseError(message)
[docs]def repl_plot_morphology(morphology_repository, args): """ Callback function that handles ``plot`` command in the *base_mr* state. """ m = morphology_repository.get_morphology( from .plotting import plot_morphology plot_morphology(m)
[docs]def repl_voxelize(morphology_repository, args): """ Callback function that handles ``voxelize`` command in the *base_mr* state. """ m = morphology_repository.get_morphology( m.voxelize(args.voxels) morphology_repository.store_voxel_cloud(m, overwrite=True)
[docs]def repl_view_hdf5(handle, args): """ Callback function that handles ``view`` command in the *base_hdf5* state. """ df = chr(172) def format_level(lvl, sub=None): return " " * (lvl * 3) + (sub or df) def format_self(obj, name, lvl): print(format_level(lvl) + name) if hasattr(obj, "attrs"): for attr in obj.attrs.keys(): print( " " + format_level(lvl, ".") + attr + " = " + str(obj.attrs[attr])[: min(100, len(str(obj.attrs[attr])))] + ("..." if len(str(obj.attrs[attr])) > 100 else "") ) if hasattr(obj, "keys"): for key in obj.keys(): format_self(obj[key], obj[key].name, lvl + 1) format_self(handle, str(handle.file), 0)
def repl_import_arbz(mr, args): import_parts = args.model.split(".") if len(import_parts) == 1: # No module to load, check if it is in the global namespace. try: return globals()[args.model] except KeyError: obj = __import__(args.model, globals(), locals(), level=0) else: _class = import_parts[-1] module = __import__(".".join(import_parts[:-1]), globals(), locals(), [_class], 0) obj = module.__dict__[_class] if isinstance(obj, ModuleType): mr.import_arbz_module(obj) else: mr.import_arbz(, obj, overwrite=True)