Source code for bsb.connectivity.connectome.aa_purkinje

import numpy as np
from ..strategy import ConnectionStrategy

[docs]class ConnectomeAscAxonPurkinje(ConnectionStrategy): """ Legacy implementation for the connections between ascending axons and purkinje cells. """
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def connect(self): # Gather information for the legacy code block below. granule_cell_type = self.from_cell_types[0] purkinje_cell_type = self.to_cell_types[0] granules = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] purkinjes = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] first_granule = int(granules[0, 0]) OoB_value = ( self.scaffold.configuration.X * 1000.0 ) # Any arbitrarily large value outside of simulation volume purkinje_extension_x = purkinje_cell_type.placement.extension_x purkinje_extension_z = purkinje_cell_type.placement.extension_z def connectome_aa_pc(first_granule, granules, purkinjes, x_pc, z_pc, OoB_value): aa_pc = np.zeros((0, 2)) new_granules = np.copy(granules) # for all Purkinje cells: calculate and choose which granules fall into the area of PC dendritic tree, then delete them from successive computations, since 1 ascending axon is connected to only 1 PC for i in purkinjes: # ascending axon falls into the z range of values? bool_vector = (new_granules[:, 4]).__ge__(i[4] - z_pc / 2.0) & ( new_granules[:, 4] ).__le__(i[4] + z_pc / 2.0) # ascending axon falls into the x range of values? bool_vector = bool_vector & ( (new_granules[:, 2]).__ge__(i[2] - x_pc / 2.0) & (new_granules[:, 2]).__le__(i[2] + x_pc / 2.0) ) good_aa = np.where(bool_vector)[ 0 ] # finds indexes of ascending axons that, on the selected axis, have the correct sum value # construction of the output matrix: the first column has the GrC id, while the second column has the PC id matrix = np.zeros((len(good_aa), 2)) matrix[:, 1] = i[0] matrix[:, 0] = good_aa + first_granule aa_pc = np.vstack((aa_pc, matrix)) new_granules[ good_aa, : ] = OoB_value # update the granules matrix used for computation by deleting the coordinates of connected ones return aa_pc result = connectome_aa_pc( first_granule, granules, purkinjes, purkinje_extension_x, purkinje_extension_z, OoB_value, ) self.scaffold.connect_cells(self, result)