Source code for bsb.connectivity.connectome.glomerulus_granule

import numpy as np, random
from ..strategy import ConnectionStrategy
from ...exceptions import ConfigurationError, ConnectivityError

[docs]class ConnectomeGlomerulusGranule(ConnectionStrategy): """ Legacy implementation for the connections between glomeruli and granule cells. """ casts = {"detailed": bool, "convergence": int} defaults = {"detailed": False} required = ["convergence"]
[docs] def validate(self): if self.detailed: morphologies = self.to_cell_types[0].list_all_morphologies() if not morphologies: raise ConfigurationError( "Can't create detailed glomerulus to granule connections without any morphologies for the granule cell." ) elif len(morphologies) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Detailed glomerulus to granule connections can only be made for a single morphology." + " (Requires the selection of morphologies to be moved from the connection module to the placement module)" ) mr = self.scaffold.morphology_repository morphology = mr.get_morphology(morphologies[0]) dendritic_compartments = morphology.get_compartments(["dendrites"]) dendrites = {} for c in dendritic_compartments: # Store the last found compartment of each dendrite dendrites[c.section_id] = c self.dendritic_claws = [ for c in dendrites.values()] self.morphology = morphology
def connect(self): # Gather information for the legacy code block below. from_cell_type = self.from_cell_types[0] to_cell_type = self.to_cell_types[0] glomeruli = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] granules = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] dend_len = to_cell_type.morphology.dendrite_length n_conn_glom = self.convergence first_glomerulus = int(glomeruli[0, 0]) mf_to_glom = self.scaffold.cell_connections_by_tag["mossy_to_glomerulus"] glom_mf_map = {v: k for k, v in mf_to_glom} def connectome_glom_grc( first_glomerulus, glomeruli, granules, dend_len, n_conn_glom ): """ Legacy code block to connect glomeruli to granule cells """ glom_x = glomeruli[:, 2] glom_y = glomeruli[:, 3] glom_z = glomeruli[:, 4] results = np.empty((granules.shape[0] * n_conn_glom, 2)) next_index = 0 # Find glomeruli to connect to each granule cell for gran_id, gran_type, gran_x, gran_y, gran_z in granules: # Use a naive approach to find all glomeruli at a maximum distance of `dendrite_length` distance_vector = ( ((glom_x - gran_x) ** 2) + ((glom_y - gran_y) ** 2) + ((glom_z - gran_z) ** 2) - (dend_len ** 2) ) # Indices of glomeruli that can potentially be connected good_gloms = np.where((distance_vector < 0.0) == True)[0] had_mf = set() candidates = [] for g in np.random.permutation(good_gloms): mf = glom_mf_map[g + first_glomerulus] if mf in had_mf: continue had_mf.add(mf) candidates.append(g) good_gloms = np.array(candidates) good_gloms_len = len(good_gloms) # Do we find more than enough candidates? if good_gloms_len > n_conn_glom: # Yes: select the closest ones # Get the distances of the glomeruli within range gloms_distance = distance_vector[good_gloms] # Sort the good glomerulus id vector by the good glomerulus distance vector connected_gloms = good_gloms[gloms_distance.argsort()] connected_glom_len = n_conn_glom else: # No: select all of them connected_gloms = good_gloms connected_glom_len = good_gloms_len # Connect the selected glomeruli to the current gran_id for i in range(connected_glom_len): # Add the first_glomerulus id to convert their local id to their real simulation id results[next_index + i] = [ connected_gloms[i] + first_glomerulus, gran_id, ] # Move up the internal array pointer next_index += connected_glom_len # Truncate the pre-allocated array to the internal array pointer. return results[:next_index, :] # Execute legacy code and add the connection matrix it returns to the scaffold. connectome = connectome_glom_grc( first_glomerulus, glomeruli, granules, dend_len, n_conn_glom ) if self.detailed: # Add morphology & compartment information morpho_map = [self.morphology.morphology_name] morphologies = np.zeros((len(connectome), 2)) # Store a map between the granule cell ids and the available claw compartment ids granule_dendrite_occupation = { g[0]: self.dendritic_claws.copy() for g in granules } # Shuffle the order in which the dendrites will be selected by glomeruli for l in granule_dendrite_occupation.values(): random.shuffle(l) compartments = [] from time import time t = time() for i in range(len(connectome)): granule_id = connectome[i, 1] try: unoccupied_claw = granule_dendrite_occupation[granule_id].pop() except IndexError: raise ConnectivityError( "Attempt to connect a glomerulus to a fully saturated granule cell." ) compartments.append([-1, unoccupied_claw]) self.scaffold.connect_cells( self, connectome, morphologies=morphologies, compartments=np.array(compartments), morpho_map=morpho_map, ) else: self.scaffold.connect_cells(self, connectome)