Source code for bsb.connectivity.connectome.golgi_glomerulus

import numpy as np
from ..strategy import ConnectionStrategy

[docs]class ConnectomeGolgiGlomerulus(ConnectionStrategy): """ Legacy implementation for the connections between glomeruli and Golgi cells. """ casts = {"divergence": int} required = ["divergence"]
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def connect(self): # Gather information for the legacy code block below. golgi_cell_type = self.from_cell_types[0] glomerulus_cell_type = self.to_cell_types[0] glomeruli = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] golgis = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] first_glomerulus = int(glomeruli[0, 0]) GoCaxon_x = golgi_cell_type.morphology.axon_x GoCaxon_y = golgi_cell_type.morphology.axon_y GoCaxon_z = golgi_cell_type.morphology.axon_z r_glom = glomerulus_cell_type.placement.radius n_conn_goc = self.divergence layer_thickness = self.scaffold.configuration.get_layer( name=golgi_cell_type.placement.layer ).thickness # An arbitrarily large value that will be used to exclude cells from geometric constraints oob = self.scaffold.configuration.X * 1000.0 def connectome_goc_glom( first_glomerulus, glomeruli, golgicells, GoCaxon_x, GoCaxon_y, GoCaxon_z, r_glom, n_conn_goc, layer_thickness, oob, ): glom_x = glomeruli[:, 2] glom_y = glomeruli[:, 3] glom_z = glomeruli[:, 4] new_glomeruli = np.copy(glomeruli) new_golgicells = np.random.permutation(golgicells) connections = np.zeros((golgis.shape[0] * n_conn_goc, 2)) new_connection_index = 0 # for all Golgi cells: calculate which glomeruli fall into the area of GoC # axon, then choose 40 of them for the connection and delete them from # successive computations, since 1 glomerulus must be connected to only 1 GoC for golgi_id, golgi_type, golgi_x, golgi_y, golgi_z in new_golgicells: # Check geometrical constraints # glomerulus falls into the x range of values? bool_vector = ((glom_x + r_glom).__ge__(golgi_x - GoCaxon_x / 2.0)) & ( (glom_x - r_glom).__le__(golgi_x + GoCaxon_x / 2.0) ) # glomerulus falls into the y range of values? bool_vector = bool_vector & ( ((glom_y + r_glom) > (golgi_y - GoCaxon_y / 2.0)) & ((glom_y - r_glom) < (golgi_y + GoCaxon_y / 2.0)) ) # glomerulus falls into the z range of values? bool_vector = bool_vector & ( ((glom_z + r_glom).__ge__(golgi_z - GoCaxon_z / 2.0)) & ((glom_z - r_glom).__le__(golgi_z + GoCaxon_z / 2.0)) ) # Make a permutation of all candidate glomeruli good_gloms = np.where(bool_vector)[0] chosen_rand = np.random.permutation(good_gloms) good_gloms_matrix = new_glomeruli[chosen_rand] # Calculate the distance between the golgi cell and all glomerulus candidates, normalize distance by layer thickness normalized_distance_vector = ( np.sqrt( (good_gloms_matrix[:, 2] - golgi_x) ** 2 + (good_gloms_matrix[:, 3] - golgi_y) ** 2 ) / layer_thickness ) sorting_map = normalized_distance_vector.argsort() # Sort the candidate glomerulus matrix and distance vector by the distance vector good_gloms_matrix = good_gloms_matrix[sorting_map] # Use the normalized distance vector as a probability treshold for connecting glomeruli probability_treshold = normalized_distance_vector[sorting_map] idx = 1 for candidate_index, glomerulus in enumerate(good_gloms_matrix): if idx <= n_conn_goc: ra = np.random.random() if ra.__gt__(probability_treshold[candidate_index]): glomerulus_id = glomerulus[0] connections[new_connection_index, 0] = golgi_id connections[new_connection_index, 1] = glomerulus_id new_glomeruli[int(glomerulus_id - first_glomerulus), :] = oob new_connection_index += 1 idx += 1 return connections[0:new_connection_index] result = connectome_goc_glom( first_glomerulus, glomeruli, golgis, GoCaxon_x, GoCaxon_y, GoCaxon_z, r_glom, n_conn_goc, layer_thickness, oob, ) self.scaffold.connect_cells(self, result)