Source code for bsb.connectivity.connectome.granule_golgi

import numpy as np
from ..strategy import ConnectionStrategy
from ...exceptions import *
from ...reporting import warn

[docs]class ConnectomeGranuleGolgi(ConnectionStrategy): """ Legacy implementation for the connections between Golgi cells and glomeruli. """ casts = {"aa_convergence": int, "pf_convergence": int} required = ["aa_convergence", "pf_convergence", "tag_aa", "tag_pf"] defaults = {"tag_aa": "ascending_axon_to_golgi", "tag_pf": "parallel_fiber_to_golgi"}
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def connect(self): # Gather information for the legacy code block below. granule_cell_type = self.from_cell_types[0] golgi_cell_type = self.to_cell_types[0] granules = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] golgis = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] first_granule = int(granules[0, 0]) r_goc_vol = golgi_cell_type.morphology.dendrite_radius oob = ( self.scaffold.configuration.X * 1000.0 ) # Any arbitrarily large value outside of simulation volume n_connAA = self.aa_convergence n_conn_pf = self.pf_convergence tot_conn = n_connAA + n_conn_pf def connectome_grc_goc( first_granule, granules, golgicells, r_goc_vol, OoB_value, n_connAA, n_conn_pf, tot_conn, scaffold, ): aa_goc = np.empty((0, 2)) pf_goc = np.empty((0, 2)) densityWarningSent = False new_granules = np.copy(granules) granules_x = new_granules[:, 2] granules_z = new_granules[:, 4] new_golgicells = np.random.permutation(golgicells) if new_granules.shape[0] <= new_golgicells.shape[0]: raise ConnectivityError( "The number of granule cells was less than the number of golgi cells. Simulation cannot continue." ) for golgi_id, _, golgi_x, golgi_y, golgi_z in new_golgicells: # Distance of this golgi cell to all ascending axons distance_vector = ((granules_x - golgi_x) ** 2) + ( (granules_z - golgi_z) ** 2 ) AA_candidates = np.where((distance_vector).__le__(r_goc_vol ** 2))[ 0 ] # finds indexes of ascending axons that can potentially be connected chosen_rand = np.random.permutation(AA_candidates) selected_granules = new_granules[chosen_rand] selected_distances = np.sqrt(distance_vector[chosen_rand]) prob = selected_distances / r_goc_vol distance_sort = prob.argsort() selected_granules = selected_granules[distance_sort] prob = prob[distance_sort] rolls = np.random.uniform(size=len(selected_granules)) connectedAA = np.empty(n_connAA) idx = 0 for ind, j in enumerate(selected_granules): if idx < n_connAA: if rolls[ind] > prob[ind]: connectedAA[idx] = j[0] idx += 1 connectedAA = connectedAA[0:idx] good_grc = np.delete( granules, np.array(connectedAA - first_granule, dtype=int), 0 ) intersections = (good_grc[:, 2]).__ge__(golgi_x - r_goc_vol) & ( good_grc[:, 2] ).__le__(golgi_x + r_goc_vol) good_pf = np.where(intersections == True)[ 0 ] # finds indexes of granules that can potentially be connected # The remaining amount of parallel fibres to connect after subtracting the amount of already connected ascending axons. AA_connected_count = len(connectedAA) parallelFibersToConnect = tot_conn - AA_connected_count # Randomly select parallel fibers to be connected with a GoC, to a maximum of tot_conn connections if good_pf.shape[0] < parallelFibersToConnect: connected_pf = np.random.choice( good_pf, min(tot_conn - AA_connected_count, good_pf.shape[0]), replace=False, ) totalConnectionsMade = connected_pf.shape[0] + AA_connected_count # Warn the user once if not enough granule cells are present to connect to the Golgi cell. if not densityWarningSent: densityWarningSent = True warn( "The granule cell density is too low compared to the Golgi cell density to make physiological connections!", ConnectivityWarning, ) else: connected_pf = np.random.choice( good_pf, tot_conn - len(connectedAA), replace=False ) totalConnectionsMade = tot_conn PF_connected_count = connected_pf.shape[0] pf_idx = good_grc[connected_pf, :] matrix_aa = np.zeros((AA_connected_count, 2)) matrix_pf = np.zeros((PF_connected_count, 2)) matrix_pf[0:PF_connected_count, 0] = pf_idx[:, 0] matrix_aa[0:AA_connected_count, 0] = connectedAA matrix_pf[:, 1] = golgi_id matrix_aa[:, 1] = golgi_id pf_goc = np.vstack((pf_goc, matrix_pf)) aa_goc = np.vstack((aa_goc, matrix_aa)) new_granules[((connectedAA.astype(int)) - first_granule), :] = OoB_value # End of Golgi cell loop aa_goc = aa_goc[aa_goc[:, 1].argsort()] pf_goc = pf_goc[ pf_goc[:, 1].argsort() ] # sorting of the resulting vector on the post-synaptic neurons return aa_goc, pf_goc result_aa, result_pf = connectome_grc_goc( first_granule, granules, golgis, r_goc_vol, oob, n_connAA, n_conn_pf, tot_conn, self.scaffold, ) self.scaffold.connect_cells(self, result_aa, self.tag_aa) self.scaffold.connect_cells(self, result_pf, self.tag_pf)