Source code for bsb.connectivity.connectome.mossy_glomerulus

import numpy as np
from bsb.connectivity import ConnectionStrategy
from bsb.reporting import report, warn
from time import time  # usalo per time sttart stop

# import time    #usalo per il time.sleep

[docs]class ConnectomeMossyGlomerulus(ConnectionStrategy): """ Implementation for the connections between mossy fibers and glomeruli. The connectivity is somatotopic and """
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def connect(self): def probability_mapping(input, center, std): # input: input array that has to be transformed # center: center of the sigmoid # std: value at which the sigmoid reaches the 54% of its value output = np.empty(input.size, dtype=float) # print(' dist_x shape', input.shape) input_rect = np.fabs(input - center) output[np.where(input <= center)] = ( 0.5 + 0.5 * (input[np.where(input <= center)]) / center ) output[np.where(input > center)] = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-input_rect[np.where(input > center)] * (1.0 / std))) ) # sigmoide rovesciata return output def compute_likelihood(x, z, gloms): # Based on the distance between the x and z position of each # MF and the x z positions of the glomeruli # the likelihood of a glomerulus to belong to the MF # is computed dist_x = np.fabs( gloms[:, 0] - x ) # np.fabs returns the absolute value di (coordinata x del glom - valore x) dist_z = np.fabs(gloms[:, 1] - z) # Glomeruli receiving signals from the same mf were # grouped together in anisotropic clusters that extended 60 µm along the parasagittal direction (x-axis) # and 20 µm along the transverse direction (z-axis) prob_x = probability_mapping( dist_x, center=30.0, std=3.0 ) # As in Sultan, 2001 for the parasagittal axis prob_z = probability_mapping( dist_z, center=10.0, std=1.0 ) # As in Sultan, 2001 for the mediolateral axis probabilities = prob_x * prob_z return probabilities t_start = time() # Source and target neurons are extracted mossy_cell_type = self.from_cell_types[0] glomerulus_cell_type = self.to_cell_types[0] # glomeruli contiene per ogni glom, l'id del glo, l'id del cell type, le coordinate x y z glomeruli = self.scaffold.cells_by_type[] # I'm shamelessly aiming for the path of least resistance here and will # produce a most horrible workaround to quickly converge on the code: # # mossy fiber positions will be sampled from a uniform distribution, # and merged with the mossy fiber (entity) IDs. These will be padded # together in the awful 5-column old-style placement matrices so that # they can be plugged into the `mossy` variable and the rest of the code # will run as before. _mossy_ids = mossy_cell_type.get_placement_set().identifiers _layer = mossy_cell_type.placement.layer_instance _og, _dims = _layer.origin, _layer.dimensions _rng = np.random.default_rng() _uni_pos = [] mossy = np.column_stack( ( _mossy_ids, np.broadcast_to(0, (len(_mossy_ids),)), *(_rng.random(len(_mossy_ids)) * d + o for o, d in zip(_og, _dims)), ) ) first_MF = int(mossy[0, 0]) report("id first mf:", first_MF, level=3) num_mf = len(mossy[:, 0]) report("num mf :", num_mf, level=3) # Glom x, y and ID Glom_xzID = glomeruli[:, [2, 4, 0]] Mf_xzID = mossy[:, [2, 4, 0]] mossy_id = (np.array(mossy[:, 0])).tolist() glom_id = (np.array(glomeruli[:, 0])).tolist() # time.sleep(4) total_glom = np.shape(Glom_xzID)[0] report("num glom", total_glom, level=3) first_glom = int(glomeruli[0, 0]) ind_associated_glom = [] deleted_gloms = [] index = 0 num_glom = 0 connections = [] mo = [] gl = [] n = 50 # prendo in modo casuale i 'num_glom' glomeruli tra i primi 100 a prob maggiore fine = 0 w = 0 ind_non_associated_glom = [] non_associated_mf = [] for i in np.random.permutation(range(num_mf)): mf_id = i + first_MF w = w + 1 report( "--> connecting mf num : ", w, "/", num_mf, "-id mf=", mf_id, i, level=3 ) # time.sleep(1) mf_x = mossy[i, 2] mf_z = mossy[i, 4] probabilities = compute_likelihood(mf_x, mf_z, Glom_xzID) # print('prob prima', len(probabilities), probabilities ) #probabilità per ogni glomerulo, lunghezza: 20085 (ind_prob,) = np.where( probabilities > 0.0001 ) # indici con prob > 0.001, da 0 a 20084 # print('numero indici a prob > 0.001 : ', len(ind_prob)) # print('indici non ordinati:', ind_prob) ind_prob_ord_dec = (ind_prob[np.argsort(probabilities[ind_prob])])[ ::-1 ] # ordino in ordine decrescente: il primo indice corrisponde al glom con probabilità maggiore # da questa lista devo prendere gli indici dei gloms dopo i primi n # print('numero indici a prob> 0.001', len(ind_prob_ord_dec)) # print('indici ordinati per probabilità decrescente: ', ind_prob_ord_dec) ind_prob_ord_dec_n = ind_prob_ord_dec[:n] # print('primi n glomeruli (', len(ind_prob_ord_dec_n), ') :', ind_prob_ord_dec_n) ind_prob_ord_dec_n_random = np.random.permutation(ind_prob_ord_dec_n) # print('primi n glomeruli mescolati (', len(ind_prob_ord_dec_n_random), ') :', ind_prob_ord_dec_n_random) num_glom = min( int(20 + 3 * np.random.randn()), len(ind_prob_ord_dec) ) # distribuzione standard con media 0 e varianza 1 # print('num glomeruli da associare: ', num_glom) ind_associated_glom = ind_prob_ord_dec_n_random[:num_glom] ind = 1 fine_sub_for_current_mf = 0 ind_associated_glom_def = [] for k in range(num_glom): # per il num di glom da associare glom_associati = k # print('k=',k,'- analizzo il glomerulo numero ', ind_associated_glom[k], '(' , ind_associated_glom[k]+first_glom, ')' ) if ( ind_associated_glom[k] not in deleted_gloms ): # se il glom non è gia associato # print('il glomerulo va bene ') ind_associated_glom_def.append(ind_associated_glom[k]) glom_id.remove(glomeruli[ind_associated_glom[k]][0]) else: # il glomerulo è già associato # print('glomerulo gia associato, devo sostituirlo') if fine_sub_for_current_mf == 1: # print('non posso sostituire il glom con niente, quindi lo elimino') continue # salta le conse scritte sotto e va alla prossima iterazione del for else: # trovo un sostituto per il glomerulo substitute_glom = True while substitute_glom: # print(' - indice ', ind+num_glom, 'len probabilities', len(probabilities)) # print('indice numero sostituzioni,', ind) if ( k + index ) == total_glom: # ho finito i glomeruli a disposizione # print('non ho più glomeruli a disposizione') fine = 1 substitute_glom = False break # esce dal while elif (ind + num_glom - 1) == len(ind_prob_ord_dec): # print (' finiti i gloms a prob > 0.001') fine_sub_for_current_mf = 1 substitute_glom = False else: if (ind + num_glom) <= n: # arrivo fino a n = 50 # print('cerco nei gloms tra i primi 50 a prob maggiore ') # print('ind + num glo =', ind+num_glom, 'lunghezza associated glom random = ', len(associated_glom_random)) # new_glom = associated_glom_random[num_glom+ind-1] #nuova prova ind_new_glom = ind_prob_ord_dec_n_random[ num_glom + ind - 1 ] else: # entro per n>50 # print('cerco nei glom dopo i primi 50') # new_glom = associated_glom_all[num_glom+ind-1] ind_new_glom = ind_prob_ord_dec[num_glom + ind - 1] # print('analizzo', ind_new_glom, '(', ind_new_glom+first_glom, ')' ) if ind_new_glom not in deleted_gloms: # print('sostituisco' , ind_associated_glom[k], 'con il nuovo glom ', ind_new_glom, '(' , ind_new_glom+first_glom, ')') substitute_glom = False ind_associated_glom_def.append(ind_new_glom) glom_id.remove(glomeruli[ind_new_glom][0]) ind = ( ind + 1 ) # indice per prendere nuovi glomeruli, nel caso di selezione glom già usati. if fine == 1: # print('condizione fine') break # esco dal ciclo for deleted_gloms.extend( list(ind_associated_glom_def) ) # se esco prima dal for, devo agiungere solo i gloms # print('num glomeruli associati: ', len(deleted_gloms)) # print('associo', len(ind_associated_glom_def), 'nuovi glomeruli') if len(ind_associated_glom_def) == 0: non_associated_mf.append(mf_id) for j in range(len(ind_associated_glom_def)): mo.append(mf_id) gl.append(glomeruli[ind_associated_glom_def[j]][0]) # print(' - connection ' , len(mo), '/',total_glom,'-associate mf ', mf_id, 'to glom', glomeruli[ind_associated_glom_def[j]][0] ) # print (' len mo e gl' , len(mo), len(gl)) if (len(mo)) == total_glom: # print ('non associo indice ', index+j, '(' , j+index+1, '==', total_glom, ')' ) break # index = index + j + 1 if fine == 1: # print('esco dal secondo for') break # esco dal ciclo for # print (' index = ', index) # print (' len mo e gl' , len(mo), len(gl)) # print (' num non associated mf ', len(non_associated_mf)) # print('id mf non associate: ', non_associated_mf) report(first_MF, level=3) ind_non_associated_mf = [] for i in range(len(non_associated_mf)): ind_non_associated_mf.append(non_associated_mf[i] - first_MF) # print('indici mf non associate', ind_non_associated_mf) report("connetto i glomeruli non associati", level=3) num_non_ass_glom = len(glom_id) report("num glomeruli non associati", len(glom_id), level=3) ind_non_associated_glom = [] # glom_x = [] # glom_y =[] # glom_z = [] for i in range(len(glom_id)): ind_non_associated_glom.append(glom_id[i] - first_glom) # print(' index non associated gloms', ind_non_associated_glom ) c = 0 # for i in np.random.permutation(range(len(ind_non_associated_glom))): for i in range(len(ind_non_associated_glom)): # print('incice', i ) # print (ind_non_associated_glom[i]) gl_id = ind_non_associated_glom[i] + first_glom c = c + 1 report( "--> connecting glom num : ", c, "/", num_non_ass_glom, "-id glom=", gl_id, ind_non_associated_glom[i], level=3, ) # time.sleep(1) glom_x = glomeruli[int(ind_non_associated_glom[i])][2] glom_z = glomeruli[int(ind_non_associated_glom[i])][4] # print ( ' glomeruli x e z ', glom_x, glom_z) probabilities = compute_likelihood(glom_x, glom_z, Mf_xzID) # print( 'len probabilities', len(probabilities)) #lunhezza par al numero di mf ind_max_prob = int(np.argmax(probabilities)) # print('probabilities', probabilities) # print('indice massima probabilità', ind_max_prob, probabilities[ind_max_prob], 'corrisponde alla mf', mossy_id[ind_max_prob] ) mo.append(mossy_id[ind_max_prob]) gl.append(gl_id) # print(' - connection ' , index+i, '/',total_glom,'-associate mf ', mossy_id[ind_max_prob], 'to glom', gl_id ) connections = np.column_stack((mo, gl)) report("tot connessioni", len(connections), level=3) t_end = time() tot_time = t_end - t_start report("Total time: ", tot_time, level=3) report("random 50, probabilità = 0.0001", level=3) self.scaffold.connect_cells(self, connections)