Source code for bsb.connectivity.detailed.fiber_intersection

import numpy as np
import math
from ..strategy import ConnectionStrategy
from .shared import MorphologyStrategy
from ...helpers import DistributionConfiguration
from ...models import MorphologySet
from ...exceptions import *
from ...helpers import ConfigurableClass
from ...networks import FiberMorphology, Branch
from ...plotting import plot_fiber_morphology
from ...reporting import report, warn
import abc

# Import rtree
from rtree import index
from rtree.index import Rtree

[docs]class FiberIntersection(ConnectionStrategy, MorphologyStrategy): """ FiberIntersection connection strategies voxelize a fiber and find its intersections with postsynaptic cells. It's a specific case of VoxelIntersection. For each presynaptic cell, the following steps are executed: #. Extract the FiberMorphology #. Interpolate points on the fiber until the spatial resolution is respected #. transform #. Interpolate points on the fiber until the spatial resolution is respected #. Voxelize (generates the voxel_tree associated to this morphology) #. Check intersections of presyn bounding box with all postsyn boxes #. Check intersections of each candidate postsyn with current presyn voxel_tree """ casts = { "affinity": float, "contacts": DistributionConfiguration.cast, "resolution": float, "to_plot": list, } defaults = { "affinity": 1.0, "contacts": DistributionConfiguration.cast(1), "resolution": 20.0, "to_plot": [], "transformation": None, } def initialise(self, scaffold): super().initialise(scaffold) if self.transformation is not None: self.transformation.initialise(self.scaffold)
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def connect(self): scaffold = self.scaffold p = index.Property(dimension=3) to_cell_tree = index.Index(properties=p) labels_pre = None if self.label_pre is None else [self.label_pre] labels_post = None if self.label_post is None else [self.label_post] # Select all the cells from the pre- & postsynaptic type for a specific connection. from_type = self.from_cell_types[0] from_compartments = self.from_cell_compartments[0] to_compartments = self.to_cell_compartments[0] to_type = self.to_cell_types[0] from_ps = self.scaffold.get_placement_set(, labels=labels_pre) to_ps = self.scaffold.get_placement_set(, labels=labels_post) # Load the morphology and voxelization data for the entrire morphology, for each cell type. from_morphology_set = MorphologySet( scaffold, from_type, from_ps, compartment_types=from_compartments ) to_morphology_set = MorphologySet( scaffold, to_type, to_ps, compartment_types=to_compartments ) joined_map = ( from_morphology_set._morphology_map + to_morphology_set._morphology_map ) joined_map_offset = len(from_morphology_set._morphology_map) # For every postsynaptic cell, derive the box incorporating all voxels, # and store that box in the tree, to later find intersections with that cell. for i, (to_cell, morphology) in enumerate(to_morphology_set): self.assert_voxelization(morphology, to_compartments) to_offset = np.concatenate((to_cell.position, to_cell.position)) to_box = to_cell_tree.insert(i, tuple(to_box + to_offset)) connections_out = [] compartments_out = [] morphologies_out = [] fig = None fiber_cut_num = 0 for c, (from_cell, from_morpho) in enumerate(from_morphology_set): # (1) Extract the FiberMorpho object for each branch in the from_compartments # of the presynaptic morphology compartments = from_morpho.get_compartments(from_compartments) if not compartments: warn(f"Missing `{from_compartments}` compartments.") continue morpho_rotation = from_cell.rotation fm = FiberMorphology(compartments, morpho_rotation) # (2) Interpolate all branches recursively self.interpolate_branches(fm.root_branches) if c in self.to_plot: fig = plot_fiber_morphology( fm, fig=fig, offset=from_cell.position, show=False ) # (3) Transform the fiber if present. # It requires the from_cell position that will be # used for example in QuiverTransform to get the orientation value # in the voxel where the cell is located, while still keeping the # morphology in its local reference frame. if self.transformation is not None: self.transformation.transform_branches( fm.root_branches, from_cell.position ) if self.transformation._branch_cut_num > 0: fiber_cut_num += 1 if c in self.to_plot: fig = plot_fiber_morphology(fm, fig=fig, offset=from_cell.position) # (4) Interpolate again self.interpolate_branches(fm.root_branches) # (5) Voxelize all branches of the transformed fiber morphology p = index.Property(dimension=3) # The bounding box is incrementally expanded, these initial bounds are a point # at the start of the first root branch. from_bounding_box = [ fm.root_branches[0]._compartments[0].start + from_cell.position ] * 2 from_voxel_tree = index.Index(properties=p) from_map = [] ( from_bounding_box, from_voxel_tree, from_map, voxel_list, ) = self.voxelize_branches( fm.root_branches, from_cell.position, from_bounding_box, from_voxel_tree, from_map, ) # (6) Check for intersections of the postsyn tree with the bounding box ## TODO: Check if bounding box intersection is convenient # Bounding box intersection to identify possible connected candidates, using # the bounding box of the point cloud. Query the Rtree for intersections of # to_cell boxes with our from_cell box cell_intersections = list( to_cell_tree.intersection( tuple(np.concatenate(from_bounding_box)), objects=False ) ) # (7) For each hit on the box intersection between pre- and postsynaptic # cells, perform voxel cloud intersection to identify actually connected cell # pairs and select compartments from their intersecting voxels to form # connections with. for partner in cell_intersections: # Same as in VoxelIntersection, only select a fraction of the total # possible matches, based on how much affinity there is between the cell # types. if np.random.rand() >= self.affinity: continue # Get the precise morphology of the to_cell we collided with to_cell, to_morpho = to_morphology_set[partner] # Get the map from voxel id to list of compartments in that voxel. to_map = # Find which voxels inside the bounding box of the fiber and the cell box # actually intersect with eachother. voxel_intersections = self.intersect_voxel_tree( from_voxel_tree,, to_cell.position ) # Returns a list of lists: the elements in the inner lists are the indices # of the voxels in the from point cloud, the indices of the lists inside # of the outer list are the to voxel indices. # # Find non-empty lists: these voxels actually have intersections intersecting_to_voxels = np.nonzero(voxel_intersections)[0] if not len(intersecting_to_voxels): # No intersections found? Do nothing, continue to next partner. continue # Dictionary that stores the target compartments for each to_voxel. target_comps_per_to_voxel = {} # Iterate over each to_voxel index. for to_voxel_id in intersecting_to_voxels: # Get the list of voxels that the to_voxel intersects with. intersecting_voxels = voxel_intersections[to_voxel_id] target_compartments = [] for from_voxel_id in intersecting_voxels: # Store all of the compartments in the from_voxel as # possible candidates for these cells' connections target_compartments.extend([from_map[from_voxel_id]]) target_comps_per_to_voxel[to_voxel_id] = target_compartments # Weigh the random sampling by the amount of compartments so # that voxels with more compartments have a higher chance of # having one of their many compartments randomly picked. voxel_weights = [ len(to_map[to_voxel_id]) * len(from_targets) for to_voxel_id, from_targets in target_comps_per_to_voxel.items() ] weight_sum = sum(voxel_weights) voxel_weights = [w / weight_sum for w in voxel_weights] contacts = round(self.contacts.sample()) # Pick a random voxel and its targets candidates = list(target_comps_per_to_voxel.items()) while contacts > 0: contacts -= 1 # Pick a random voxel and its targets random_candidate_id = np.random.choice( range(len(candidates)), 1, p=voxel_weights )[0] # Pick a to_voxel_id and its target compartments from the list of candidates random_to_voxel_id, random_compartments = candidates[ random_candidate_id ] # Pick a random from and to compartment of the chosen voxel pair from_compartment = np.random.choice(random_compartments, 1)[0] to_compartment = np.random.choice(to_map[random_to_voxel_id], 1)[0] compartments_out.append([, to_compartment]) morphologies_out.append( [from_morpho._set_index, joined_map_offset + to_morpho._set_index] ) connections_out.append([,]) # Throw warning on cut fibers: if fiber_cut_num > 0: warn( "{} fibers out of {} were cut due to outside of quiver volume or external region voxels.".format( fiber_cut_num, c + 1 ), QuiverFieldWarning, ) self.scaffold.connect_cells( self, np.array(connections_out or np.empty((0, 2))), morphologies=np.array(morphologies_out or np.empty((0, 2), dtype=str)), compartments=np.array(compartments_out or np.empty((0, 2))), morpho_map=joined_map, )
[docs] def intersect_voxel_tree(self, from_voxel_tree, to_cloud, to_pos): """ Similarly to `intersect_clouds` from `VoxelIntersection`, it finds intersecting voxels between a from_voxel_tree and a to_cloud set of voxels :param from_voxel_tree: tree built from the voxelization of all branches in the fiber (in absolute coordinates) :type from_point_cloud: Rtree index :param to_cloud: voxel cloud associated to a to_cell morphology :type to_cloud: `VoxelCloud` :param to_pos: 3-D position of to_cell neuron :type to_pos: list """ voxel_intersections = [] # Find intersection of to_cloud with from_voxel_tree for v, voxel in enumerate(to_cloud.get_voxels(cache=True)): absolute_position = np.add(voxel, to_pos) absolute_box = np.add(absolute_position, to_cloud.grid_size) box = np.concatenate((absolute_position, absolute_box)) voxel_intersections.append( list(from_voxel_tree.intersection(tuple(box), objects=False)) ) return voxel_intersections
def assert_voxelization(self, morphology, compartment_types): if len( == 0: raise IncompleteMorphologyError( "Can't intersect without any {} in the {} morphology".format( ", ".join(compartment_types), morphology.morphology_name ) ) def interpolate_branches(self, branches): for branch in branches: branch.interpolate(self.resolution) self.interpolate_branches(branch.child_branches) def voxelize_branches( self, branches, position, bounding_box=None, voxel_tree=None, map=None, voxel_list=None, ): voxel_list = [] for branch in branches: bounding_box, voxel_tree, map, voxel_list = branch.voxelize( position, bounding_box, voxel_tree, map, voxel_list ) self.voxelize_branches( branch.child_branches, position, bounding_box, voxel_tree, map, voxel_list ) return bounding_box, voxel_tree, map, voxel_list
[docs]class FiberTransform(ConfigurableClass): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._branch_cut_num = 0 def transform_branches(self, branches, offset=None): if offset is None: offset = np.zeros(3) for branch in branches: self.transform_branch(branch, offset) self.transform_branches(branch.child_branches, offset) @abc.abstractmethod def transform_branch(self): pass
[docs]class QuiverTransform(FiberTransform): """ QuiverTransform applies transformation to a FiberMorphology, based on an orientation field in a voxelized volume. Used for parallel fibers. """ # Class attributes casts = {"vol_res": float} defaults = { "vol_res": 10.0, "vol_start": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "quivers": None, }
[docs] def validate(self): if self.shared is True: raise ConfigurationError( "Attribute 'shared' can't be True for {} transformation".format( ) # Only QuiverTransform has the attribute quivers, giving the orientation in a # discretized volume of size volume_res if self.quivers is None: raise AttributeError("Missing attribute 'quivers' for {}".format( if type(self.quivers) is not np.ndarray: self.quivers = np.array(self.quivers) if not hasattr(self, "vol_res"): raise AttributeError("Missing attribute 'vol_res' for {}".format( if not hasattr(self, "vol_start"): raise AttributeError( "Missing attribute 'vol_start' for {}".format( )
[docs] def transform_branch(self, branch, offset): """ Compute bending transformation of a fiber branch (discretized according to original compartments and configured resolution value). The transformation is a rotation of each segment/compartment of each fiber branch to align to the cross product between the orientation vector and the transversal direction vector (i.e. cross product between fiber morphology/parent branch orientation and branch direction): compartment[n+1].start = compartment[n].end cross_prod = orientation_vector X transversal_vector or transversal_vector X orientation_vector compartment[n+1].end = compartment[n+1].start + cross_prod * length_comp :param branch: a branch of the current fiber to be transformed :type branch: Branch object :returns: a transformed branch """ orientation_data = self.quivers volume_res = self.vol_res volume_start = self.vol_start if not self.shared: # Compute branch direction - to check that PFs have 2 branches, left and right branch_dir = self.get_branch_direction(branch) # If the entire branch consists of compartments without direction, do nothing. if branch_dir is False: return num_comp = len(branch._compartments) # Compute length of the first compartment in the current branch length_comp = np.linalg.norm( branch._compartments[0].end - branch._compartments[0].start ) # Looping over branch compartments to transform them for comp in range(len(branch._compartments)): # Find direction transversal to branch: cross product between # the branch direction and the original morphology/parent branch if branch.orientation is None: transversal_vector = np.cross(branch_dir, [0, 1, 0]) else: transversal_vector = np.cross(branch_dir, branch.orientation) # Extracting index of voxel where the current compartment is located voxel_ind = ( branch._compartments[comp].start + offset - volume_start ) / volume_res voxel_ind = voxel_ind.astype(int) - [1, 1, 1] # Catch values falling outside of quiver field volume if (np.array(voxel_ind) < np.array([0, 0, 0])).all() or ( np.array(voxel_ind) > np.array(orientation_data.shape[1:]) ).all(): # Update number of cut branches self._branch_cut_num += 1 # Detach subsequent compartments from branch leftover_branch = branch.detach(branch._compartments[comp]) break orientation_vector = orientation_data[ :, voxel_ind[0], voxel_ind[1], voxel_ind[2] ] # Catch values belonging to a different area than the reconstructed one (marked by NaN) if np.isnan(orientation_vector).any(): self._branch_cut_num += 1 # Detach subsequent compartments from branch leftover_branch = branch.detach(branch._compartments[comp]) break cross_prod = np.cross(orientation_vector, transversal_vector) cross_prod = cross_prod / np.linalg.norm(cross_prod) # Transform compartment branch._compartments[comp].end = ( branch._compartments[comp].start + cross_prod * length_comp ) if comp < (num_comp - 1): length_comp = np.linalg.norm( branch._compartments[comp + 1].end - branch._compartments[comp + 1].start ) # The new end is the start of the adjacent compartment branch._compartments[comp + 1].start = branch._compartments[comp].end
def get_branch_direction(self, branch): for comp in branch._compartments: branch_dir = comp.end - comp.start if not np.sum(branch_dir): continue # Normalize branch_dir vector branch_dir = branch_dir / np.linalg.norm(branch_dir) return branch_dir