Source code for bsb.connectivity.strategy

from ..helpers import ConfigurableClass, SortableByAfter
from ..functions import compute_intersection_slice
from ..models import ConnectivitySet
import abc

class _SimulationPlaceholder:

[docs]class ConnectionStrategy(ConfigurableClass, SortableByAfter): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.simulation = _SimulationPlaceholder() self.tags = [] self.label_pre = None self.label_post = None @abc.abstractmethod def connect(self): pass def _wrap_connect(this): # This function is called after the ConnectionStrategy instance if constructed, # and replaces its user-defined `connect` function with a wrapped version of # itself. The wrapper provides the ConnectionStrategy with the cell type ids it # needs and might execute it multiple times. The set(s) of provided cell ids are # defined by the `from_cell_types` and `to_cell_types` arrays in the JSON config # of the ConnectionStrategy. If it contains a `with_label` the cell types will be # filtered to a subset of cells that are labelled with the label. If the # with_label ends on a wilcard (e.g. "label-big-*") multiple labels might apply # and the ConnectionStrategy is repeated for each label. import types # Store a local reference to the original connect function connect = this.connect # Wrapper closure that calls the local `connect`, referencing the original connect def wrapped_connect(self): # Handle with_label specifications. # This is a dirty solution that only implements the wanted microzone behavior # See # Introduced a local variable "mixed" that can be updated considering an attribute inside connection_types in the json file # if it is necessary to mix the 2 labeled populations when connecting them (like microzone positive and negative) if hasattr(self, "mix_labels"): mixed = self.mix_labels else: mixed = False if len(self._from_cell_types) == 0: # No specific type specification? No labelling either -> do connect. self._set_cells() connect() elif "with_label" not in { **self._from_cell_types[0], **self._to_cell_types[0], }: # No labels specified -> select all cells and do connect. self._set_cells() connect() else: # Label specified labels_pre = [] if "with_label" in self._from_cell_types[0].keys(): labels_specification_pre = self._from_cell_types[0]["with_label"] if not isinstance(labels_specification_pre, list): labels_specification_pre = [labels_specification_pre] for label_specification_pre in labels_specification_pre: labels_pre.extend( self.scaffold.get_labels(label_specification_pre) ) labels_post = [] if "with_label" in self._to_cell_types[0].keys(): labels_specification_post = self._to_cell_types[0]["with_label"] if not isinstance(labels_specification_post, list): labels_specification_post = [labels_specification_post] for label_specification_post in labels_specification_post: labels_post.extend( self.scaffold.get_labels(label_specification_post) ) n_pre = len(labels_pre) n_post = len(labels_post) label_matrix = [] if n_pre * n_post != 0: for i in range(n_pre): if mixed: for j in range(n_post): label_matrix.append([labels_pre[i], labels_post[j]]) else: label_matrix.append([labels_pre[i], labels_post[i]]) elif n_pre > 0: for i in range(n_pre): label_matrix.append([labels_pre[i], labels_post]) else: for j in range(n_post): label_matrix.append([labels_pre, labels_post[j]]) for label_pre, label_post in label_matrix: self.label_pre, self.label_post = label_pre, label_post self._set_cells(label_pre, label_post) connect() self.label_pre, self.label_post = None, None # Replace the connect function of this instance with a wrapped version. this.connect = types.MethodType(wrapped_connect, this) def _set_cells(self, label_pre=None, label_post=None): """ Sets the current relevant set of cells on the ConnectionStrategy object so that they can be unused during the `connect` call. If any labels are given then the total set of cells of the pre- and postsynaptic types are reduced to only cells with that label. """ self.from_cells = {} self.to_cells = {} types = ["from_cell", "to_cell"] labels = {"from_cell": label_pre, "to_cell": label_post} # Repeat the same steps for the presynaptic and postsynaptic cell types. for t in types: label = labels[t] # Iterate over the from or to cell types. for cell_type in self.__dict__[t + "_types"]: # Get the cell matrix for the cell type. cells = cell_type.get_cells() if label: # Get all ids for the cell type. ids = list(cell_type.get_placement_set().identifiers) ids.sort() # Get the cells with the current label labelled = self.scaffold.get_labelled_ids(label).tolist() labelled.sort() # Get intersection between cells of this type and the labelled cells label_slice = compute_intersection_slice(ids, labelled) # Store the filtered cells under from_cells/to_cells self.__dict__[t + "s"][] = cells[label_slice] else: # Don't filter by label and store the cells under from_cells/to_cells self.__dict__[t + "s"][] = cells @classmethod def get_ordered(cls, objects): return objects.values() # No sorting of connection types required. def get_after(self): return None if not self.has_after() else self.after def has_after(self): return hasattr(self, "after") def create_after(self): self.after = [] def get_connection_matrices(self): return [self.scaffold.cell_connections_by_tag[tag] for tag in self.tags] def get_connectivity_sets(self): return [ConnectivitySet(self.scaffold.output_formatter, tag) for tag in self.tags]
[docs]class TouchingConvergenceDivergence(ConnectionStrategy): casts = {"divergence": int, "convergence": int} required = ["divergence", "convergence"]
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def connect(self): pass
class TouchConnect(ConnectionStrategy): def validate(self): pass def connect(self): pass