Source code for bsb.functions

    Contains all the mathematical helper functions used throughout the scaffold.
    Differs from only categorically. contains functions,
    classes and general logic that supports the scaffold, while
    contains a collection of mathematical functions.

import bisect
import numpy as np
import random
from scipy.spatial import distance

[docs]def compute_circle(center, radius, n_samples=50): """ Create `n_samples` points on a circle based on given `center` and `radius`. :param center: XYZ vector of the circle center :type center: array-like :param radius: Radius of the circle :type radius: scalar value :param n_samples: Amount of points on the circle. :type n_samples: int """ nodes = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_samples, endpoint=False) x, y = np.cos(nodes) * radius + center[0], np.sin(nodes) * radius + center[1] return np.column_stack([x, y])
[docs]def apply_2d_bounds(possible_points, cell_bounds): """ Compare a 2xN matrix of XZ coordinates to a matrix 2x3 with a minimum column and maximum column of XYZ coordinates. """ x_mask = (possible_points[:, 0].__ge__(cell_bounds[0, 0])) & ( possible_points[:, 0].__le__(cell_bounds[0, 1]) ) z_mask = (possible_points[:, 1].__ge__(cell_bounds[2, 0])) & ( possible_points[:, 1].__le__(cell_bounds[2, 1]) ) return possible_points[x_mask & z_mask]
[docs]def get_candidate_points(center, radius, bounds, min_ϵ, max_ϵ, return_ϵ=False): """ Returns a list of points that are suited next candidates in a random walk. Computes a circle of points between `2r + ϵ` distance away from the center and removes any points that lie outside of the given bounds. :param center: 2D position of the starting point. :type center: list :param radius: Unit distance radius of the particle at the center point. :type radius: float :param bounds: A 2x3 matrix where the first column are the minimum XYZ and the last column the maximum XYZ. :type bounds: ndarray :param min_ϵ: Lower bound of epsilon used to calculate random distance. :type min_ϵ: float :param max_ϵ: Upper bound of epsilon used to calculate random distance. :type max_ϵ: float :param return_ϵ: If `True` the candidates and ϵ used to calculate them will be returned as a tuple. """ # Determine the uniformly random ϵ rnd_ϵ = np.random.uniform(min_ϵ, max_ϵ) # Create a circle of points `2r + ϵ` possible_points = compute_circle(center, radius * 2 + rnd_ϵ) # Get only the candidates within the bounds candidates = apply_2d_bounds(possible_points, bounds) if return_ϵ: return candidates, rnd_ϵ return candidates
[docs]def exclude_index(arr, index): """ Return a new list with the element at `index` removed. """ return [arr[i] for i in range(len(arr)) if i != index]
[docs]def add_y_axis(points, min, max): """ Add random values to the 2nd column of a matrix of 2D points. """ return np.insert(points, 1, np.random.uniform(min, max, points.shape[0]), axis=1)
############################# # Gist from: # def bisect_index(arr, start, end, x): i = bisect.bisect_left(arr, x, lo=start, hi=end) if i != end and arr[i] == x: return i return -1 def exponential_search(arr, start, x): if x == arr[start]: return 0 i = start + 1 while i < len(arr) and arr[i] <= x: i = i * 2 return bisect_index(arr, i // 2, min(i, len(arr)), x) def compute_intersection_list(l1, l2): # find B, the smaller list B = l1 if len(l1) < len(l2) else l2 A = l2 if l1 is B else l1 # run the algorithm described at: # i = 0 j = 0 intersection_list = [] for i, x in enumerate(B): j = exponential_search(A, j, x) if j != -1: intersection_list.append(x) else: j += 1 return intersection_list
[docs]def compute_intersection_slice(l1, l2): """ Returns the indices of elements in l1 that intersect with l2. """ # find B, the smaller list swapped = len(l1) < len(l2) B = l1 if swapped else l2 A = l2 if l1 is B else l1 # run the algorithm described at: # i = 0 j = 0 intersection_list = [] for i, x in enumerate(B): j = exponential_search(A, j, x) if j != -1: intersection_list.append(i if swapped else j) else: j += 1 return intersection_list
# Stolen from abandoned neuronpy project. By Tom McCavish
[docs]def poisson_train(frequency, duration, start_time=0, seed=None): """ Generator function for a Homogeneous Poisson train. :param frequency: The mean spiking frequency. :param duration: Maximum duration. :param start_time: Timestamp. :param seed: Seed for the random number generator. If None, this will be decided by numpy, which chooses the system time. :return: A relative spike time from t=start_time, in seconds (not ms). EXAMPLE:: # Make a list of spikes at 20 Hz for 3 seconds spikes = [i for i in poisson_train(20, 3)] """ cur_time = start_time end_time = duration + start_time rangen = np.random.mtrand.RandomState() if seed is not None: rangen.seed(seed) isi = 1.0 / frequency while cur_time <= end_time: cur_time += isi * rangen.exponential() if cur_time > end_time: return yield cur_time
[docs]def get_distances(candidates, point): """ Return the distances of a list of points to a common point """ return [np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(c) - point) ** 2)) for c in candidates]