Source code for bsb.helpers

import abc, numpy as np, os, sys, collections
from contextlib import contextmanager
from inspect import isclass
import inspect, site
from .exceptions import *

def suppress_stdout():
    with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
        sys.stdout = devnull
        sys.stderr = devnull
            sys.stdout = old_stdout
            sys.stderr = old_stderr

def get_config_path(file=None):
    packaged_configs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "configurations")
    global_install_configs = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "configurations")
    user_install_configs = os.path.join(site.USER_BASE, "configurations")
    if os.path.exists(packaged_configs):
        configs = packaged_configs
    elif os.path.exists(global_install_configs):
        configs = global_install_configs
    elif os.path.exists(user_install_configs):
        configs = user_install_configs
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not locate configuration directory.")
    if file is not None:
        return os.path.join(configs, file)
        return configs

def get_qualified_class_name(x):
    return x.__class__.__module__ + "." + str(x.__class__.__name__)

[docs]class ConfigurableClass(abc.ABC): """ A class that can be configured. """ def initialise(self, scaffold): self.scaffold = scaffold self.cast_config() self.boot() self.validate() def boot(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self): """ Must be implemented by child classes. Raise exceptions when invalid configuration parameters are received. """ pass
def fill(self, conf, excluded=[]): self._raw_config = conf for name, prop in conf.items(): if name not in excluded: self.__dict__[name] = prop def resolve_required(self, raw_required): requirements = [] for required_condition in raw_required: if callable(required_condition): resolved = required_condition(self.__dict__) if resolved is None: continue requirements.extend(listify_input(resolved)) else: requirements.append(required_condition) return requirements
[docs] def cast_config(self): """ Casts/validates values imported onto this object from configuration files to their final form. The `casts` dictionary should contain the key of the attribute and a function that takes a value as only argument. This dictionary will be used to cast the attributes when cast_config is called. """ name = "" if hasattr(self, "node_name"): name += self.node_name + "." if hasattr(self, "name"): name += else: name = str(self) castingDict = getattr(self.__class__, "casts", {}) defaultDict = getattr(self.__class__, "defaults", {}) required = self.resolve_required(getattr(self.__class__, "required", [])) # Get unique keys attrKeys = set([*castingDict.keys(), *defaultDict.keys(), *required]) for attr in attrKeys: isRequired = attr in required hasDefault = attr in defaultDict shouldCast = attr in castingDict if not hasattr(self, attr): if hasDefault: default_value = defaultDict[attr] if isinstance(default_value, dict): self.__dict__[attr] = default_value.copy() elif isinstance(default_value, list): self.__dict__[attr] = list(default_value) else: self.__dict__[attr] = default_value elif isRequired: raise AttributeMissingError( "Required attribute '{}' missing from '{}' section.".format( attr, name ) ) elif shouldCast: cast = castingDict[attr] self.__dict__[attr] = cast_node(self.__dict__[attr], cast, attr, name)
def cast_node(value, cast, attr, name): if type(cast) is tuple: for union_cast in cast: # Try casting to each type in the union. Follows order. try: return cast_node(value, union_cast, attr, name) except Exception as e: pass # If this code path is reached, it means none of the casts succeeded without # an error so we should raise an error that the union cast failed. raise_union_cast(value, cast, attr, name) elif type(cast) is list: if len(cast) != 1: raise CastConfigurationError( "Invalid list casting configuration of {} in {}: can only cast a one-element list. The one element being the casting type of the list elements.".format( attr, name ) ) cast = cast[0] # Try casting value to a list value = try_cast(value, list, attr, name) # Try casting each element of value to the cast type for i in range(len(value)): value[i] = cast_node(value[i], cast, attr + "[{}]".format(i), name) return value elif type(cast) is dict: raise NotImplementedError("Dictionary casting not implemented yet.") else: return try_cast(value, cast, attr, name) def try_cast(value, cast, attr, name): try: # Try to cast using the specified cast function. v = cast(value) return v except Exception as e: if isinstance( e, ConfigurableCastError ): # Is this an error raised by a child configurable class? # Format context and pass along the child cast exception. raise e.__class__("{}.{}: ".format(name, attr) + str(e)) from None # Use the function name, unless it is a class method called 'cast', then use the class name cast_name = ( cast.__name__ if not hasattr(cast, "__self__") or cast.__name__ != "cast" else cast.__self__.__name__ ) # Else, replace by generic "we couldn't" error. raise CastError( "{}.{}: Could not cast '{}' to a {}".format(name, attr, value, cast_name) ) def raise_union_cast(value, cast, attr, name): cast_names = [] for c in cast: if c.__name__ == "cast" and hasattr(c, "__self__"): cast_names.append(c.__self__.__name__) else: cast_names.append(c.__name__) raise UnionCastError( "{}.{}: Could not cast '{}' to any of the following: {}".format( name, attr, value, ", ".join(cast_names) ) )
[docs]def listify_input(value): """ Turn any non-list values into a list containing the value. Sequences will be converted to a list using `list()`, `None` will be replaced by an empty list. """ if value is None: return [] if isinstance(value, str): return [str] try: return list(value) except: return [value]
[docs]class CastableConfigurableClass(ConfigurableClass): excluded = [] @classmethod def cast(cast_class, value): class_instance = cast_class() class_instance.fill(value, cast_class.excluded) class_instance.cast_config() class_instance.boot() class_instance.validate() return class_instance
[docs]class OptionallyCastable(CastableConfigurableClass): @classmethod def cast(cast_class, value): class_instance = cast_class() if isinstance(value, cast_class): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): # Configured by dictionary class_instance.type = "class" class_instance.fill(value, cast_class.excluded) class_instance.cast_config() else: # Try fallback constant casting if not hasattr(cast_class, "fallback"): raise ConfigurableCastError( "OptionallyCastable configuration classes require a fallback cast function. Missing for '{}'".format( cast_class.__name__ ) ) try: value = cast_class.fallback(value) except Exception as e: raise class_instance.type = "const" class_instance.value = value class_instance.boot() class_instance.validate() return class_instance
[docs]class DistributionConfiguration(OptionallyCastable): """ Cast a configuration node into a `scipy.stats` distribution. """ # Fall back to float casting if no dictionary is given. fallback = float casts = {"type": str} required = ["type"]
[docs] def validate(self): from scipy.stats import distributions if self.type == "const": return if self.type[-4:] == "_gen": raise InvalidDistributionError( "Distributions can not be created through their constructors but need to use their factory methods. (Those do not end in _gen)" ) if self.type not in dir(distributions): raise UnknownDistributionError( "'{}' is not a distribution of scipy.stats".format(self.type) ) try: distribution_factory = distributions.__dict__[self.type] distribution_kwargs = self._raw_config.copy() del distribution_kwargs["type"] self.distribution = distribution_factory(**distribution_kwargs) except TypeError as e: error_msg = str(e).replace( "_parse_args()", "scipy.stats.distributions." + self.type ) raise InvalidDistributionError(error_msg) from None
def draw(self, n): if self.type == "const": return [self.value for _ in range(n)] else: return self.distribution.rvs(size=n) def sample(self): return self.draw(1)[0] def mean(self): return self.distribution.mean()
[docs]class EvalConfiguration(OptionallyCastable): casts = {"statement": str, "variables": dict} required = ["statement"] def eval(self, locals=None): if self.type == "const": return self.value else: locals = {} if locals is None else locals globals = {"np": np} if hasattr(self, "variables"): locals.update(self.variables) result = eval(self.statement, globals, locals) return result
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class ListEvalConfiguration(EvalConfiguration): fallback = list
[docs]class FloatEvalConfiguration(EvalConfiguration): fallback = float
def assert_attr(section, attr, section_name): if attr not in section: raise AttributeMissingError( "Required attribute '{}' missing in '{}'".format(attr, section_name) ) return section[attr] def if_attr(section, attr, default_value): if attr not in section: return default_value return section[attr] def assert_strictly_one(section, attrs, section_name): attr_list = [] for attr in attrs: if attr in section: attr_list.append(attr) if len(attr_list) != 1: msg = "{} found: ".format(len(attr_list)) + ", ".join(attr_list) if len(attr_list) == 0: msg = "None found." raise AttributeError( "Strictly one of the following attributes is expected in {}: {}. {}".format( section_name, ", ".join(attrs), msg ) ) else: return attr_list[0], section[attr_list[0]] def assert_float(val, section_name): try: ret = float(val) except ValueError as e: raise TypeError("Invalid float '{}' given for '{}'".format(val, section_name)) return ret def assert_array(val, section_name): from import Sequence if isinstance(val, Sequence): return val raise TypeError("Invalid array '{}' given for '{}'".format(val, section_name)) def assert_attr_float(section, attr, section_name): if attr not in section: raise AttributeMissingError( "Required attribute '{}' missing in '{}'".format(attr, section_name) ) return assert_float(section[attr], "{}.{}".format(section_name, attr))
[docs]def assert_attr_array(section, attr, section_name): """ Asserts that an attribute exists on a dictionary or object, and that it is an array. :param section: Dictionary or object that needs to contain the attribute. :type section: dict, object :param attr: Attribute name. :type attr: string :param section_name: Name of the section to print out the location of the missing attribute. :type section_name: string """ if isinstance(section, dict) and attr in section: return assert_array(section[attr], "{}.{}".format(section_name, attr)) elif hasattr(section, attr): return assert_array(section.__dict__[attr], "{}.{}".format(section_name, attr)) raise AttributeMissingError( "Required attribute '{}' missing in '{}'".format(attr, section_name) )
[docs]def assert_attr_in(section, attr, values, section_name): """ Assert that the attribute is present in the section dictionary and that its value is included in the given array. """ if attr not in section: raise AttributeMissingError( "Required attribute '{}' missing in '{}'".format(attr, section_name) ) if not section[attr] in values: raise AttributeError( "Attribute '{}.{}' with value '{}' must be one of the following values: {}".format( section_name, attr, section[attr], "'" + "', '".join(values) + "'" ) ) return section[attr]
class dimensions: def __init__(self, dimensions=None): self.dimensions = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if dimensions is None else dimensions @property def width(self): return self.dimensions[0] @property def height(self): return self.dimensions[1] @property def depth(self): return self.dimensions[2] @property def volume(self): return class origin: def __init__(self, origin=None): self.origin = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if origin is None else origin def X(self): return self.origin[0] @property def Y(self): return self.origin[1] @property def Z(self): return self.origin[2] class SortableByAfter: @abc.abstractmethod def has_after(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def create_after(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_after(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_ordered(self, objects): pass def add_after(self, after_item): if not self.has_after(): self.create_after() self.get_after().append(after_item) def is_after_satisfied(self, objects): """ Determine whether the `after` specification of this cell type is met. Any cell types appearing in `self.after` need to occur before this cell type, so that this cell type appears "after" all these cell types. """ if not self.has_after(): # No after? # Condition without constraints always True. return True is_met = False after = self.get_after() # Determine whether this cell type is out of order. for type in objects: if is_met and in after: # After conditions not met if we have we seen ourself and # find something that's supposed to be in front of us. return False elif type == self: # Is this us? # From this point on, nothing that appears in the after array is allowed to be encountered is_met = True # We didn't meet anything behind us that was supposed to be in front of us # => Condition met. return True def satisfy_after(self, objects): """ Given an array of cell types, place this cell type after all of the cell types specified in `self.after`. If cell types in `self.after` are missing from the given array this cell type is placed at the end of the array. Modifies the `objects` array in place. """ before_types = self.get_after().copy() i = 0 place_after = False while len(before_types) > 0 and i < len(objects): if objects[i].name in before_types: before_types.remove(objects[i].name) if objects[i] == self: objects.remove(self) place_after = True else: i += 1 if place_after: objects.insert(i, self) @classmethod def resolve_order(cls, objects): """ Orders a given dictionary of objects by the class's default mechanism and then apply the `after` attribute for further restrictions. """ # Sort by the default approach sorting_objects = list(cls.get_ordered(objects)) # Afterwards cell types can be specified that need to be placed after other types. after_specifications = list(filter(lambda c: c.has_after(), sorting_objects)) j = 0 # Keep rearranging as long as any cell type's after condition isn't satisfied. while any( map(lambda c: not c.is_after_satisfied(sorting_objects), after_specifications) ): j += 1 # Rearrange each element that is out of place. for after_type in after_specifications: if not after_type.is_after_satisfied(sorting_objects): after_type.satisfy_after(sorting_objects) # If we have had to rearrange all elements more than there are elements, the # conditions cannot be met, and a circular dependency is at play. if j > len(objects): raise OrderError( "Couldn't resolve order, probably a circular dependency including: {}".format( ", ".join( list( map( lambda c:, filter( lambda c: not c.is_after_satisfied( sorting_objects ), after_specifications, ), ) ) ) ) ) # Return the sorted array. return sorting_objects def map_ndarray(data, _map=None): if _map is None: _map = [] last_index = -1 last_value = None def map_1d_array(e): nonlocal last_index, last_value, _map if last_index == -1 or e != last_value: try: last_index = _map.index(e) except ValueError as ex: last_index = len(_map) _map.append(e) last_value = e return last_index def n_dim_map(a): n = np.empty(a.shape, dtype=int) if len(a.shape) > 1: for i, b in enumerate(a): n[i] = n_dim_map(b) else: n[:] = list(map(map_1d_array, a)) return n _mapped = n_dim_map(data) return _mapped, _map def load_configurable_class(name, configured_class_name, parent_class, parameters={}): if isclass(configured_class_name): instance = configured_class_name(**parameters) else: class_ref = get_configurable_class(configured_class_name) if not parent_class is None and not issubclass(class_ref, parent_class): raise DynamicClassError( "Configurable class '{}' must derive from {}.{}".format( configured_class_name, parent_class.__module__, parent_class.__qualname__, ) ) instance = class_ref(**parameters) instance.__dict__["name"] = name return instance def fill_configurable_class(obj, conf, excluded=[]): for name, prop in conf.items(): if not name in excluded: if isinstance(prop, dict) or isinstance(prop, list): prop = prop.copy() obj.__dict__[name] = prop def get_configurable_class(configured_class_name): class_parts = configured_class_name.split(".") class_name = class_parts[-1] module_name = ".".join(class_parts[:-1]) if module_name == "": module_dict = globals() else: import os, sys sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) module_ref = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [class_name], 0) sys.path = sys.path[1:] module_dict = module_ref.__dict__ if not class_name in module_dict: raise ConfigurableClassNotFoundError("Class not found: " + configured_class_name) return module_dict[class_name]
[docs]def continuity_list(iterable, step=1): """ Return a compacted notation of a list of nearly continuous numbers. The ``iterable`` will be iterated and chains of continuous numbers will be determined. Each chain will then be added to the output format as a starting number and count. *Example:* ``[4,5,6,7,8,9,12]`` ==> ``[4,6,12,1]`` :param iterable: The collection of elements to be compacted. :type iterable: iter :param step: ``iterable[i]`` needs to be equal to ``iterable[i - 1] + step`` for them to considered continuous. """ serial = [] iterator = iter(iterable) # Get the first item in the iterator to set the initial conditions. try: item = next(iterator) # Iterable is empty. except StopIteration: # Return empty serialization. return [] # Initial condition. start = item last_item = item counter = 1 # Iterate over the remaining items. for item in iterator: # Is this new item discontinuous with the last? if item != last_item + step: # End the chain at the previous item and start a new one. # Store the start and length of the last chain in the serialized list. serial.append(start) serial.append(counter) # Set the values for a new list counter = 1 start = item else: counter += 1 last_item = item # Finish the last chain serial.append(start) serial.append(counter) return serial
[docs]def continuity_hop(iterator): """ Hop over a continuity list in steps of 2, returning the start & count pairs. """ try: while True: yield (next(iterator), next(iterator)) except StopIteration: pass
[docs]def expand_continuity_list(iterable, step=1): """ Return the full set of items associated with the continuity list, as formatted by :func:`.helpers.continuity_list`. """ deserialized = [] for start, count in continuity_hop(iter(iterable)): # Each hop, expand a `count` long list starting from `start` # taking `step` sized steps, and append it to the deserialized list. end = start + count * step deserialized.extend(list(range(start, end, step))) return deserialized
[docs]def iterate_continuity_list(iterable, step=1): """ Generate the continuity list """ for start, count in continuity_hop(iter(iterable)): end = start + count * step for i in range(start, end, step): yield i
def count_continuity_list(iterable): total = 0 for _, count in continuity_hop(iter(iterable)): # Each hop, add the count to the total total += count return total