Source code for bsb.morphologies

import abc, numpy as np, pickle, h5py, math, itertools
from .helpers import ConfigurableClass
from .voxels import VoxelCloud, detect_box_compartments, Box
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
from .exceptions import *
from .reporting import report

[docs]class Compartment: """ Compartments are line segments with a radius. They can be constructed from the points on a :class:`Branch <.morphologies.Branch>` or by concatenating the results of a depth-first iteration of the branches of a :class:`Morphology <.morphologies.Morphology>`. """ def __init__( self, start, end, radius, id=None, labels=None, parent=None, section_id=None, morphology=None, ): = id self.start = start self.end = end self.radius = radius self.labels = labels if labels is not None else [] self.parent = parent self.section_id = section_id self.morphology = morphology @property def midpoint(self): # Calculate midpoint of the compartment if not hasattr(self, "_midpoint"): self._midpoint = (self.end - self.start) / 2 + self.start return self._midpoint @property def spherical(self): # Calculate the radius of the outer sphere of this compartment if not hasattr(self, "_spherical"): self._spherical = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.start - self.end) ** 2)) / 2 return self._spherical
[docs] @classmethod def from_template(cls, template, **kwargs): """ Create a compartment based on a template compartment. Accepts any keyword argument to overwrite or add attributes. """ c = cls(, start=template.start, end=template.end, radius=template.radius, labels=template.labels.copy(), parent=template.parent, section_id=template.section_id, morphology=template.morphology, ) for k, v in kwargs.items(): c.__dict__[k] = v return c
[docs]class NilCompartment(Compartment): def __init__(self): = -1 self.start = float("nan") self.end = float("nan") self.radius = float("nan") self.labels = [] self.parent = None self.section_id = None self.morphology = None
[docs]def branch_iter(branch): """ Iterate over a branch and all of its children depth first. """ yield branch for child in branch._children: yield from branch_iter(child)
def _validate_branch_args(args): vec = Branch.vectors if len(args) > len(vec): raise TypeError( f"__init__ takes {len(vec) + 1} arguments but {len(args) + 1} given." ) if len(args) < len(vec): n = len(vec) - len(args) w = "argument" if n == 1 else "arguments" missing = ", ".join(map("'{}'".format, vec[-n:])) raise TypeError(f"__init__ is missing {n} required {w}: {missing}.")
[docs]class Branch: """ A vector based representation of a series of point in space. Can be a root or connected to a parent branch. Can be a terminal branch or have multiple children. """ vectors = ["x", "y", "z", "radii"] def __init__(self, *args, labels=None): _validate_branch_args(args) self._children = [] self._full_labels = [] self._label_masks = {} self._parent = None for v, vector in enumerate(self.__class__.vectors): self.__dict__[vector] = args[v] @property def points(self): """ Return the vectors of this branch as a matrix. """ return np.column_stack(tuple(getattr(self, v) for v in self.__class__.vectors)) @property def size(self): """ Returns the amount of points on this branch :returns: Number of points on the branch. :rtype: int """ return len(getattr(self, self.__class__.vectors[0])) @property def terminal(self): """ Returns whether this branch is terminal or has children. :returns: True if this branch has no children, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return not self._children
[docs] def label(self, *labels): """ Add labels to every point on the branch. See :func:`label_points <.morphologies.Morphology.label_points>` to label individual points. :param labels: Label(s) for the branch. :type labels: str """ self._full_labels.extend(labels)
[docs] def label_points(self, label, mask): """ Add labels to specific points on the branch. See :func:`label <.morphologies.Morphology.label>` to label the entire branch. :param label: Label to apply to the points. :type label: str :param mask: Boolean mask equal in size to the branch that determines which points get labelled. :type mask: np.ndarray(dtype=bool, shape=(branch_size,)) """ self._label_masks[label] = np.array(mask, dtype=bool)
@property def children(self): """ Collection of the child branches of this branch. :returns: list of :class:`Branches <.morphologies.Branch>` :rtype: list """ return self._children.copy()
[docs] def attach_child(self, branch): """ Attach a branch as a child to this branch. :param branch: Child branch :type branch: :class:`Branch <.morphologies.Branch>` """ if branch._parent is not None: branch._parent.detach_child(branch) self._children.append(branch) branch._parent = self
[docs] def detach_child(self, branch): """ Remove a branch as a child from this branch. :param branch: Child branch :type branch: :class:`Branch <.morphologies.Branch>` """ try: self._children.remove(branch) branch._parent = None except ValueError: raise ValueError("Branch could not be detached, it is not a child branch.")
[docs] def to_compartments(self, start_id=0, parent=None): """ Convert the branch to compartments. .. deprecated:: 3.6 Use the vectors and points API instead (``.points``, ``.walk()``) """ comp_id = start_id def to_comp(data, labels): nonlocal comp_id, parent kwargs = dict(id=comp_id, parent=parent, labels=labels) if hasattr(self, "_neuron_sid"): kwargs["section_id"] = self._neuron_sid comp = Compartment(*data, **kwargs) comp_id += 1 parent = comp return comp # Walk over each pair of points as the start and end if a compartment. # Start from the end of the parent branch's last compartment. comps = [ to_comp(data, labels) for data, labels in _pairwise_iter(self.walk(), self.label_walk()) ] return comps
[docs] def walk(self): """ Iterate over the points in the branch. """ return zip(*(self.__dict__[v] for v in self.__class__.vectors))
[docs] def label_walk(self): """ Iterate over the labels of each point in the branch. """ labels = self._full_labels.copy() n = self.size shared = np.ones((n, len(labels)), dtype=bool) labels.extend(self._label_masks.keys()) label_row = np.array(labels) label_matrix = np.column_stack((shared, *self._label_masks.values())) return (label_row[label_matrix[i, :]] for i in range(n))
def has_label(self, label): return label in self._full_labels def has_any_label(self, labels): return any(self.has_label(l) for l in labels) def get_labelled_points(self, label): point_label_iter = zip(self.walk(), self.label_walk()) return list(p for p, labels in point_label_iter if label in labels)
def _pairwise_iter(walk_iter, labels_iter): try: start = np.array(next(walk_iter)[:3]) # Throw away the first point's labels as there are only n - 1 compartments. _ = next(labels_iter) except StopIteration: return iter(()) for data in walk_iter: end = np.array(data[:3]) radius = data[3] labels = next(labels_iter) yield (start, end, radius), labels start = end
[docs]class Morphology: """ A multicompartmental spatial representation of a cell based on connected 3D compartments. :todo: Uncouple from the MorphologyRepository and merge with TrueMorphology. """ def __init__(self, roots): = None self.has_morphology = True self.has_voxels = False self.roots = roots self._compartments = None self.update_compartment_tree() @property def compartments(self): if self._compartments is None: self._compartments = self.to_compartments() return self._compartments @property def branches(self): """ Return a depth-first flattened array of all branches. """ return self.get_branches()
[docs] def get_branches(self, labels=None): """ Return a depth-first flattened array of all or the selected branches. :param labels: Names of the labels to select. :type labels: list :returns: List of all branches or all branches with any of the labels when given :rtype: list """ root_iter = (branch_iter(root) for root in self.roots) all_branch_iter = itertools.chain(*root_iter) if labels is None: return list(all_branch_iter) else: return [b for b in all_branch_iter if b.has_any_label(labels)]
[docs] def to_compartments(self): """ Return a flattened array of compartments """ comp_counter = 0 def treat_branch(branch, last_parent=None): nonlocal comp_counter comps = branch.to_compartments(comp_counter, last_parent) comp_counter += len(comps) # If this branch has no compartments just pass on the compartment we were # supposed to connect our first compartment to. That way this empty branch # is skipped and the next compartments are still connected in the comp tree. parent_comp = comps[-1] if len(comps) else last_parent child_iters = (treat_branch(b, parent_comp) for b in branch._children) return itertools.chain(comps, *child_iters) return [*itertools.chain(*(treat_branch(root) for root in self.roots))]
[docs] def flatten(self, vectors=None, matrix=False, labels=None): """ Return the flattened vectors of the morphology :param vectors: List of vectors to return such as ['x', 'y', 'z'] to get the positional vectors. :type vectors: list of str :returns: Tuple of the vectors in the given order, if `matrix` is True a matrix composed of the vectors is returned instead. :rtype: tuple of ndarrays (`matrix=False`) or matrix (`matrix=True`) """ if vectors is None: vectors = Branch.vectors branches = self.get_branches(labels=labels) if not branches: if matrix: return np.empty((0, len(vectors))) return tuple(np.empty(0) for _ in vectors) t = tuple(np.concatenate(tuple(getattr(b, v) for b in branches)) for v in vectors) return np.column_stack(t) if matrix else t
def update_compartment_tree(self): # Eh, this code will be refactored soon, if you're still seeing this in v4 open an # issue. if self.compartments: self.compartment_tree = KDTree(np.array([c.end for c in self.compartments])) def voxelize(self, N, compartments=None): = VoxelCloud.create(self, N, compartments=compartments) def create_compartment_map(self, tree, boxes, voxels, box_size): compartment_map = [] box_positions = np.column_stack(boxes[:, voxels]) for i in range(box_positions.shape[0]): box_origin = box_positions[i, :] compartment_map.append(detect_box_compartments(tree, box_origin, box_size)) return compartment_map def get_bounding_box(self, compartments=None, centered=True): # Use the compartment tree to get a quick array of the compartments positions compartment_positions = np.array( list(map(lambda c: c.midpoint, compartments or self.compartments)) ) # Determine the amount of dimensions of the morphology. Let's hope 3 ;) n_dimensions = range(compartment_positions.shape[1]) # Create a bounding box outer_box = Box() # The outer box dimensions are equal to the maximum distance between compartments in each of n dimensions outer_box.dimensions = np.array( [ np.max(compartment_positions[:, i]) - np.min(compartment_positions[:, i]) for i in n_dimensions ] ) # The outer box origin should be in the middle of the outer bounds if 'centered' is True. (So lowermost point + sometimes half of dimensions) outer_box.origin = np.array( [ np.min(compartment_positions[:, i]) + (outer_box.dimensions[i] / 2) * int(centered) for i in n_dimensions ] ) return outer_box def get_search_radius(self, plane="xyz"): pos = np.array(self.compartment_tree.get_arrays()[0]) dimensions = ["x", "y", "z"] try: max_dists = np.max( np.abs(np.array([pos[:, dimensions.index(d)] for d in plane])), axis=1 ) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Unknown dimensions in dimension string '{}'".format(plane)) return np.sqrt(np.sum(max_dists ** 2)) def get_compartment_network(self): compartments = self.compartments node_list = [set([]) for c in compartments] # Add child nodes to their parent's adjacency set for node in compartments[1:]: if node.parent is None: continue node_list[int(].add(int( return node_list def get_compartment_positions(self, labels=None): comp_pos = [c.end for c in self.get_compartments(labels=labels)] return np.array(comp_pos).reshape(-1, 3) def get_compartment_tree(self, labels=None): if labels is None: return self.compartment_tree else: labelled_comps = self.get_compartments(labels=labels) if labelled_comps: return _compartment_tree(labelled_comps) else: return None def get_compartment_submask(self, labels): ## TODO: Remove; voxelintersection & touchdetection audit should make this code ## obsolete. return [ for c in self.get_compartments(labels)] def get_compartments(self, labels=None): if labels is None: return self.compartments.copy() return [c for c in self.compartments if any(l in labels for l in c.labels)]
[docs] def rotate(self, v0, v): """ Rotate a morphology to be oriented as vector v, supposing to start from orientation v0. norm(v) = norm(v0) = 1 Rotation matrix R, representing a rotation of angle alpha around vector k """ R = get_rotation_matrix(v0, v) for c in range(len(self.compartments)): self.compartments[c].start =[c].start) self.compartments[c].end =[c].end) self.update_compartment_tree()
def _compartment_tree(compartments): return KDTree(np.array([c.end for c in compartments])) class EmptyTree: pass
[docs]class Representation(ConfigurableClass): pass
[docs]class GranuleCellGeometry(Representation): casts = { "dendrite_length": float, "pf_height": float, "pf_height_sd": float, } required = ["dendrite_length", "pf_height", "pf_height_sd"]
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class PurkinjeCellGeometry(Representation):
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class GolgiCellGeometry(Representation): casts = { "dendrite_radius": float, "axon_x": float, "axon_y": float, "axon_z": float, } required = ["dendrite_radius"]
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class RadialGeometry(Representation): casts = { "dendrite_radius": float, } required = ["dendrite_radius"]
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class NoGeometry(Representation):
[docs] def validate(self): pass
def get_rotation_matrix(v0, v): I = np.identity(3) # Reduce 1-size dimensions v0 = np.array(v0).squeeze() v = np.array(v).squeeze() # Normalize orientation vectors v0 = v0 / np.linalg.norm(v0) v = v / np.linalg.norm(v0) alpha = np.arccos(, v)) if math.isclose(alpha, 0.0, rel_tol=1e-4): report( "Rotating morphology between parallel orientation vectors, {} and {}!".format( v0, v ), level=3, ) # We will not rotate the morphology, thus R = I return I elif math.isclose(alpha, np.pi, rel_tol=1e-4): report( "Rotating morphology between antiparallel orientation vectors, {} and {}!".format( v0, v ), level=3, ) # We will rotate the morphology of 180° around a vector orthogonal to # the starting vector v0 (the same would be if we take the ending vector # v). We set the first and third components to 1; the second one is # obtained to have the scalar product with v0 equal to 0 kx = 1 kz = 1 ky = -(v0[0] + v0[2]) / v0[1] k = np.array([kx, ky, kz]) else: k = (np.cross(v0, v)) / math.sin(alpha) k = k / np.linalg.norm(k) K = np.array([[0, -k[2], k[1]], [k[2], 0, -k[0]], [-k[1], k[0], 0]]) # Compute and return the rotation matrix using Rodrigues' formula return I + math.sin(alpha) * K + (1 - math.cos(alpha)) * np.linalg.matrix_power(K, 2)