Source code for bsb.plotting

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from .networks import all_depth_first_branches, get_branch_points, reduce_branch
import numpy as np, math, functools
from .morphologies import Compartment
from contextlib import contextmanager
import random, types
from .reporting import warn

class CellTrace:
    def __init__(self, meta, data):
        self.meta = meta = data
        self.color = None

class CellTraces:
    def __init__(self, id, title, order=None):
        self.traces = []
        self.cell_id = id
        self.title = title
        self.order = order

    def add(self, meta, data):
        self.traces.append(CellTrace(meta, data))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.traces)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.traces)

class CellTraceCollection:
    def __init__(self, cells=None):
        if cells is None:
            cells = {}
        elif isinstance(cells, list):
            cells = dict(map(lambda cell: (cell.cell_id, cell), cells))
        self.cells = cells
        self.legends = []
        self.colors = []

    def set_legends(self, legends):
        self.legends = legends

    def set_colors(self, colors):
        self.colors = colors

    def add(self, id, meta, data):
        if not id in self.cells:
            self.cells[id] = CellTraces(
                meta.get("display_label", "Cell " + str(id)),
                order=meta.get("order", None),
        self.cells[id].add(meta, data)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.cells.values())

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cells)

    def order(self):
        self.cells = dict(sorted(self.cells.items(), key=lambda t: t[1].order or 0))

    def reorder(self, order):
        for o, key in zip(iter(order), self.cells.keys()):
            self.cells[key].order = o

def _figure(f):
    Decorator for functions that produce a Figure. Can set defaults, create and show
    figures and disable the legend.

    Adds the `show` and `legend` keyword arguments.

    def wrapper_function(*args, fig=None, show=True, legend=True, **kwargs):
        if fig is None:
            fig = go.Figure()
        r = f(*args, fig=fig, show=show, legend=legend, **kwargs)
        if show:
        return r

    return wrapper_function

def _network_figure(f):
    Decorator for functions that produce a Figure of a network. Applies ``@_figure``
    and can create cubic perspective and swap the Y & Z axis labels.

    Adds the `cubic` and `swapaxes` keyword arguments.

    def wrapper_function(*args, fig=None, cubic=True, swapaxes=True, **kwargs):
        r = f(*args, fig=fig, cubic=cubic, swapaxes=swapaxes, **kwargs)
        if cubic:
        if swapaxes:
            axis_labels = dict(xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Z", zaxis_title="Y")
            axis_labels = dict(xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Y", zaxis_title="Z")
        return r

    return wrapper_function

def _morpho_figure(f):
    Decorator for functions that produce a Figure of a morphology. Applies ``@_figure``
    and can set the offset, range & aspectratio and can swap the Y & Z axis labels.

    Adds the `offset`, `set_range` and `swapaxes` keyword arguments.

    def wrapper_function(
        if offset is None:
            offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        r = f(
        if set_range:
            rng = get_morphology_range(morphology, offset=offset, soma_radius=soma_radius)
            set_scene_range(fig.layout.scene, rng)
            set_scene_aspect(fig.layout.scene, rng)
        if swapaxes:
            axis_labels = dict(xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Z", zaxis_title="Y")
            axis_labels = dict(xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Y", zaxis_title="Z")
        return r

    return wrapper_function

def _input_highlight(f, required=False):
    Decorator for functions that highlight an input region on a Figure.

    Adds the `input_region` keyword argument. Decorated function has to have a `fig`
    keyword argument.

    :param required: If set to True, an ArgumentError is thrown if no `input_region`
      is specified
    :type required: bool

    def wrapper_function(*args, fig=None, input_region=None, **kwargs):
        r = f(*args, fig=fig, **kwargs)
        if input_region is not None:
            shapes = [
        elif required:
            raise ArgumentError("Missing required keyword argument `input_region`.")
        return r

    return wrapper_function

def _plot_network(network, fig, cubic, swapaxes):
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = tuple([0] * 6)
    for type in network.configuration.cell_types.values():
        if type.entity:
        pos = network.cells_by_type[][:, [2, 3, 4]]
        color = type.plotting.color
                x=pos[:, 0],
                y=pos[:, 1 if not swapaxes else 2],
                z=pos[:, 2 if not swapaxes else 1],
                marker=dict(color=color, size=type.placement.radius),
        xmin = min(xmin, np.min(pos[:, 0], initial=0))
        xmax = max(xmax, np.max(pos[:, 0], initial=0))
        ymin = min(ymin, np.min(pos[:, 1], initial=0))
        ymax = max(ymax, np.max(pos[:, 1], initial=0))
        zmin = min(zmin, np.min(pos[:, 2], initial=0))
        zmax = max(zmax, np.max(pos[:, 2], initial=0))
    if cubic:
        rng = max(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin)
        fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = [xmin, xmin + rng]
        if swapaxes:
            fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = [ymin, ymin + rng]
            fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = [zmin, zmin + rng]
            fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = [ymin, ymin + rng]
            fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = [zmin, zmin + rng]

[docs]@_network_figure def plot_network( network, fig=None, cubic=True, swapaxes=True, show=True, legend=True, from_memory=True ): """ Plot a network, either from the current cache or the storage. """ if from_memory: _plot_network(network, fig, cubic, swapaxes) else: network.reset_network_cache() for type in network.configuration.cell_types.values(): if type.entity: continue # Load from HDF5 network.get_cells_by_type( _plot_network(network, fig, cubic, swapaxes) return fig
@_network_figure def network_figure(fig=None, **kwargs): return fig @_network_figure def plot_detailed_network( network, fig=None, cubic=True, swapaxes=True, show=True, legend=True, ids=None ): from .output import MorphologyRepository ms = MorphologyScene(fig) mr = network.morphology_repository for cell_type in network.configuration.cell_types.values(): segment_radius = 1.0 if != "granule_cell": segment_radius = 2.5 m_names = cell_type.list_all_morphologies() if len(m_names) == 0: continue if len(m_names) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "We haven't implemented plotting different morphologies per cell type yet. Open an issue if you need it." ) cells = network.get_placement_set( morpho = mr.get_morphology(m_names[0]) for cell in cells: if ids is not None and not in ids: continue ms.add_morphology( morpho, cell.position, color=cell_type.plotting.color, soma_radius=cell_type.placement.soma_radius, segment_radius=segment_radius, ) ms.prepare_plot() scene = fig.layout.scene scene.xaxis.range = [-200, 200] scene.yaxis.range = [-200, 200] scene.zaxis.range = [0, 600] return fig def get_voxel_cloud_traces( cloud, selected_voxels=None, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], color=None ): # Calculate the 3D voxel indices based on the voxel positions and the grid size. boxes = cloud.get_boxes() voxels = cloud.voxels.copy() box_positions = np.column_stack(boxes[:, voxels]) # Calculate normalized occupancy of each voxel to determine transparency occupancies = cloud.get_occupancies() / 1.5 if color is None: color = [255, 0, 0] color = list(map(str, color)) if color is None: color = [0.0, 255.0, 0.0] color = [str(c) for c in color] colors = np.empty(voxels.shape, dtype=object) if selected_voxels is not None: # Color selected voxels colors[voxels] = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)" colors[selected_voxels] = "rgba(" + ",".join(color) + ", 1.0)" else: # Prepare voxels with the compartment density coded into the alpha of the facecolor colors[voxels] = [ "rgba(" + ",".join(color) + ", {})".format(o) for o in occupancies ] traces = [] for box, color in zip(box_positions, colors[voxels]): box += offset traces.extend( plotly_block(box, [cloud.grid_size, cloud.grid_size, cloud.grid_size], color) ) return traces @_network_figure def plot_voxel_cloud( cloud, selected_voxels=None, fig=None, show=True, legend=True, cubic=True, swapaxes=True, set_range=True, color=None, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ): traces = get_voxel_cloud_traces( cloud, selected_voxels=selected_voxels, offset=offset, color=color ) for trace in traces: fig.add_trace(trace) if set_range: box = cloud.get_voxel_box() range = [min(box), max(box)] fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = range + offset[0] fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = range + offset[2] if swapaxes else offset[1] fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = range + offset[1] if swapaxes else offset[2] return fig def get_branch_trace(compartments, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], color="black", width=1.0): if width == 0: x, y, z = [], [], [] else: x = [c.start[0] + offset[0] for c in compartments] y = [c.start[1] + offset[1] for c in compartments] z = [c.start[2] + offset[2] for c in compartments] # Add branch endpoint x.append(compartments[-1].end[0] + offset[0]) y.append(compartments[-1].end[1] + offset[1]) z.append(compartments[-1].end[2] + offset[2]) return go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=z, z=y, mode="lines", line=dict(width=width, color=color), showlegend=False ) def get_soma_trace( soma_radius, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], color="black", opacity=1, steps=5, **kwargs ): phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=steps * 2) theta = np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, num=steps) phi, theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) x = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi) * soma_radius + offset[0] y = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi) * soma_radius + offset[2] z = np.sin(theta) * soma_radius + offset[1] return go.Mesh3d( x=x.flatten(), y=y.flatten(), z=z.flatten(), opacity=opacity, color=color, alphahull=0, **kwargs, ) @_network_figure def plot_fiber_morphology( fiber, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], fig=None, cubic=True, swapaxes=True, show=True, legend=True, set_range=True, color="black", segment_radius=1.0, ): def get_branch_traces(branches, traces): for branch in branches: traces.append( get_branch_trace( branch._compartments, offset, color=color, width=segment_radius ) ) get_branch_traces(branch.child_branches, traces) traces = [] get_branch_traces(fiber.root_branches, traces) for trace in traces: fig.add_trace(trace) return fig @_morpho_figure def plot_morphology( morphology, offset=None, fig=None, swapaxes=True, show=True, legend=True, set_range=True, color="black", reduce_branches=False, soma_radius=None, soma_opacity=1.0, segment_radius=1.0, use_last_soma_comp=True, ): compartments = np.array(morphology.compartments.copy()) dfs_list = all_depth_first_branches(morphology.get_compartment_network()) if reduce_branches: branch_points = get_branch_points(dfs_list) dfs_list = list(map(lambda b: reduce_branch(b, branch_points), dfs_list)) traces = [] for branch in dfs_list[::-1]: branch_comps = compartments[branch] width = _get_branch_width(branch_comps, segment_radius) _color = _get_branch_color(branch_comps, color) traces.append(get_branch_trace(branch_comps, offset, color=_color, width=width)) if isinstance(color, dict) and "soma" not in color: raise Exception("Please specify a color for the `soma`.") soma_color = color["soma"] if isinstance(color, dict) else color soma_comps = [c for c in compartments if "soma" in c.labels] # Negative bool = -1/0 (True: -1, last soma comp, False: 0, first soma comp) soma_comp = soma_comps[-use_last_soma_comp] traces.append( get_soma_trace( soma_radius if soma_radius is not None else soma_comp.radius, offset + (soma_comp.end if use_last_soma_comp else soma_comp.start), soma_color, opacity=soma_opacity, ) ) for trace in traces: fig.add_trace(trace) return fig @_figure def plot_intersections( from_morphology, from_pos, to_morphology, to_pos, intersections, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], fig=None, show=True, legend=True, ): from_compartments = ( np.array(from_morphology.compartment_tree.get_arrays()[0]) + np.array(offset) + np.array(from_pos) ) to_compartments = ( np.array(to_morphology.compartment_tree.get_arrays()[0]) + np.array(offset) + np.array(to_pos) ) def _get_branch_width(branch, radii): if isinstance(radii, dict): for btype in reversed(branch[-1].labels): if btype in radii: return radii[btype] raise Exception( "Plotting width not specified for branches of type " + str(branch[-1].labels) ) return radii def _get_branch_color(branch, colors): if isinstance(colors, dict): for btype in reversed(branch[-1].labels): if btype in colors: return colors[btype] raise Exception( "Plotting color not specified for branches of type " + str(branch[-1].labels) ) return colors def plot_block(fig, origin, sizes, color=None, colorscale="Cividis", **kwargs): edges, faces = plotly_block(origin, sizes, color, colorscale) # fig.add_trace(edges, **kwargs) fig.add_trace(faces, **kwargs) def plotly_block(origin, sizes, color=None, colorscale_value=None, colorscale="Cividis"): return plotly_block_edges(origin, sizes), plotly_block_faces(origin, sizes, color) def plotly_block_faces( origin, sizes, color=None, colorscale_value=None, colorscale="Cividis", cmin=0, cmax=16.0, ): # 8 vertices of a block x = origin[0] + np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]) * sizes[0] y = origin[1] + np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]) * sizes[1] z = origin[2] + np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) * sizes[2] color_args = {} if colorscale_value: color_args = { "colorscale": colorscale, "intensity": np.ones((8)) * colorscale_value, "cmin": cmin, "cmax": cmax, } if color: color_args = {"color": color} return go.Mesh3d( x=x, y=z, z=y, # i, j and k give the vertices of the mesh triangles i=[7, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 0, 3, 2], j=[3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 0, 1, 6, 3], k=[0, 7, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1, 1, 5, 5, 7, 6], opacity=0.3, **color_args, ) def plotly_block_edges(origin, sizes): x = origin[0] + np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) * sizes[0] y = origin[1] + np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]) * sizes[1] z = origin[2] + np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]) * sizes[2] return go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=z, z=y, mode="lines", line=dict(width=1.0, color="black"), showlegend=False ) def set_scene_range(scene, bounds): if hasattr(scene, "layout"): scene = scene.layout.scene # Scene was a figure scene.xaxis.range = bounds[0] scene.yaxis.range = bounds[2] scene.zaxis.range = bounds[1] def set_scene_aspect(scene, bounds, mode="equal", swapaxes=True): if mode == "equal": ratios = np.array([d[1] - d[0] for d in bounds]) ratios = ratios / np.max(ratios) items = zip(["x", "z", "y"] if swapaxes else ["x", "y", "z"], ratios) scene.aspectratio = dict(items) else: scene.aspectmode = mode
[docs]def set_morphology_scene_range(scene, offset_morphologies): """ Set the range on a scene containing multiple morphologies. :param scene: A scene of the figure. If the figure itself is given, ``figure.layout.scene`` will be used. :param offset_morphologies: A list of tuples where the first element is offset and the 2nd is the :class:`Morphology` """ bounds = np.array([get_morphology_range(m[1], m[0]) for m in offset_morphologies]) combined_bounds = np.array( list(zip(np.min(bounds, axis=0)[:, 0], np.max(bounds, axis=0)[:, 1])) ) span = max(map(lambda b: b[1] - b[0], combined_bounds)) combined_bounds[:, 1] = combined_bounds[:, 0] + span set_scene_range(scene, combined_bounds)
def get_morphology_range(morphology, offset=None, soma_radius=None): if offset is None: offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] r = soma_radius or 0.0 itr = enumerate(morphology.flatten(vectors=["x", "y", "z"])) r = [[min(min(v), -r) + offset[i], max(max(v), r) + offset[i]] for i, v in itr] return r
[docs]def hdf5_plot_spike_raster( spike_recorders, input_region=None, show=True, cutoff=0, cell_type_sort=None, cell_sort=None, ): """ Create a spike raster plot from an HDF5 group of spike recorders. :param input_region: Specifies an interval ``[min, max]`` on the x axis to highlight as active input to the simulation. :type input_region: 2-element list-like :param show: Immediately plot the result :type show: bool :param cutoff: Amount of ms initial simulation to ignore. :type cutoff: float :param cell_type_sort: A function to sort the cell types. Must take 2 dictionaries as arguments, being the raster plot's x values per label and y values per label. Must return an array labels matching those of the x and y values to order them. :type cell_type_sort: function-like :param cell_sort: A function that takes the cell type label and set of ids and returns a map to sort them. :type cell_sort: function-like """ x_labelled = {} y_labelled = {} colors = {} for cell_id, dataset in spike_recorders.items(): attrs = dict(dataset.attrs) if len(dataset.shape) == 1 or dataset.shape[1] == 1: times = dataset[()] - cutoff set_ids = np.ones(len(times)) * int( attrs.get("cell_id", attrs.get("cell", cell_id)) ) else: times = dataset[:, 1] - cutoff set_ids = dataset[:, 0] label = attrs.get("label", "unlabelled") if not label in x_labelled: x_labelled[label] = [] if not label in y_labelled: y_labelled[label] = [] if not label in colors: colors[label] = attrs.get("color", "black") # Add the spike timings on the X axis. x_labelled[label].extend(times) # Set the cell id for the Y axis of each added spike timing. y_labelled[label].extend(set_ids) # Use the parallel arrays x & y to plot a spike raster fig = go.Figure( layout=dict( xaxis=dict(title_text="Time [ms]"), yaxis=dict(title_text="Cell [ID]") ) ) if cell_type_sort is None: # Sorts the cell type dictionary by cell type size cell_type_sort = lambda x, y: [ k for k, v in sorted(y.items(), key=lambda kv: len(kv[1])) ] # This lambda maps each unique y value to a sorted index starting from 0 # We define this here so that it can be used as fallback mechanism later _cell_sort = lambda l, sy: dict(zip(sy, np.argsort(sy))) if cell_sort is None: # If no cell sorter is given we use the fallback sorter as default sorter. cell_sort = _cell_sort sorted_labels = cell_type_sort(x_labelled, y_labelled) start_id = 0 for label in sorted_labels: x = np.array(x_labelled[label]) y = np.array(y_labelled[label]) if len(y) > 0: uy = np.unique(y) # Ask the cell sorter to give a map for the unique y values. If it returns # something Falsy (such as None) we use the default cell sorter. id_map = cell_sort(label, uy) or _cell_sort(label, uy) len_diff = len(uy) - len(id_map) if len_diff > 0: warn( f"Sorted '{label}' array do not contain all cell ids, {len_diff} {label} omitted from raster." ) y_mask = np.isin(y, id_map.keys()) y = y[y_mask] x = x[x_mask] # Build a new numpy array using the `id_map` dictionary lookup y = np.vectorize(id_map.__getitem__)(y) + start_id start_id += len(uy) plot_spike_raster( x, y, label=label, fig=fig, show=False, color=colors[label], input_region=input_region, ) fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(range=[0, np.max(x, initial=0)])) if show: return fig
[docs]def hdf5_gdf_plot_spike_raster(spike_recorders, input_region=None, fig=None, show=True): """ Create a spike raster plot from an HDF5 group of spike recorders saved from NEST gdf files. Each HDF5 dataset includes the spike timings of the recorded cell populations, with spike times in the first row and neuron IDs in the second row. """ cell_ids = [np.unique(spike_recorders[k][:, 1]) for k in spike_recorders.keys()] x = {} y = {} colors = {} ids = {} for cell_id, dataset in spike_recorders.items(): data = dataset[:, 0] neurons = dataset[:, 1] attrs = dict(dataset.attrs) label = attrs["label"] colors[label] = attrs["color"] if not label in x: x[label] = [] if not label in y: y[label] = [] if not label in colors: colors[label] = attrs["color"] if not label in ids: ids[label] = 0 cell_id = ids[label] ids[label] += 1 # Add the spike timings on the X axis. x[label].extend(data) # Set the cell id for the Y axis of each added spike timing. y[label].extend(neurons) subplots_fig = make_subplots(cols=1, rows=len(x), subplot_titles=list(x.keys())) _min = float("inf") _max = -float("inf") for i, (c, t) in enumerate(x.items()): _min = min(_min, np.min(np.array(t))) _max = max(_max, np.max(np.array(t))) subplots_fig.update_xaxes(range=[_min, _max]) # Overwrite the layout and grid of the single plot that is handed to us # to turn it into a subplots figure. fig._grid_ref = subplots_fig._grid_ref fig._layout = subplots_fig._layout for i, l in enumerate((x.keys())): plot_spike_raster( x[l], y[l], label=l, fig=fig, row=i + 1, col=1, show=False, color=colors[l], input_region=input_region, **kwargs, ) if show: return fig
@_figure @_input_highlight def plot_spike_raster( spike_timings, cell_ids, fig=None, row=None, col=None, show=True, legend=True, label="Cells", color=None, ): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=spike_timings, y=cell_ids, mode="markers", marker=dict(symbol="square", size=2, color=color or "black"), name=label, ), row=row, col=col, ) def hdf5_gather_voltage_traces(handle, root, groups=None): if not groups: groups = [""] traces = CellTraceCollection() for group in groups: path = root + group # If an element of `groups` point to a single set, rather than a group # catch the exception and construct a single element group from the single set try: iter = handle[path].items() except AttributeError: target = handle[path] iter = ((group, target),) path = root for name, dataset in iter: meta = {} id = int(name.split(".")[0]) meta["id"] = id meta["location"] = name meta["group"] = path for k, v in dataset.attrs.items(): meta[k] = v traces.add(id, meta, dataset) return traces @_figure @_input_highlight def plot_traces( traces, fig=None, show=True, legend=True, cutoff=0, range=None, x=None, **kwargs ): traces.order() subplots_fig = make_subplots( cols=1, rows=len(traces), subplot_titles=[trace.title for trace in traces], x_title="Time [ms]", y_title="Membrane potential [mV]", **kwargs, ) # Save the data already in the given figure _data = for k in dir(subplots_fig): v = getattr(subplots_fig, k) if isinstance(v, types.MethodType): # Unbind subplots_fig methods and bind to fig. v = v.__func__.__get__(fig) fig.__dict__[k] = v # Restore the data = _data fig.update_layout(height=max(len(traces) * 130, 300)) legend_groups = set() legends = traces.legends if range is not None and x is not None: x = np.array(x) x = x[cutoff:] mask = (x >= range[0]) & (x <= range[1]) x = x[mask] for i, cell_traces in enumerate(traces): for j, trace in enumerate(cell_traces): showlegend = legends[j] not in legend_groups data =[cutoff:] if range is not None and x is not None: data = data[mask] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=data, legendgroup=legends[j], name=legends[j], showlegend=showlegend, mode="lines", marker=dict(color=trace.color or traces.colors[j]), ), col=1, row=i + 1, ) legend_groups.add(legends[j]) return fig class PSTH: def __init__(self): self.rows = [] def add_row(self, row): row.index = len(self.rows) self.rows.append(row) def ordered_rows(self): return sorted(self.rows, key=lambda t: t.order or 0) class PSTHStack: def __init__(self, name, color): = name self.color = str(color) self._runs = set() self.list = [] def extend(self, arr, run=0): self.list.extend(arr[:, 1]) self._runs.add(run) @property def runs(self): return len(self._runs) class PSTHRow: def __init__(self, name, color, order=0): from colour import Color = name color = Color(color) if color else Color(pick_for=random.random()) self.palette = list(color.range_to("black", 6)) self.stacks = {} self.max = -float("inf") self.order = order def extend(self, arr, stack=None, run=0): if stack not in self.stacks: self.stacks[stack] = PSTHStack( stack or, self.palette[len(self.stacks)] ) self.stacks[stack].extend(arr, run=run) self.max = max(self.max, np.max(arr[:, 1])) if len(arr) > 0 else self.max @_figure def hdf5_plot_psth( network, handle, duration=3, cutoff=0, start=0, fig=None, gaps=True, **kwargs ): psth = PSTH() row_map = {} for g in handle.values(): l = g.attrs.get("label", "unlabelled") cts = g.attrs.get("cell_types", []) color = None if cts: if len(cts) > 1: warn( "Multiple cell types detected in a single dataset, can't perform proper PSTH" ) ct = network.configuration.cell_types[cts[0]] l = ct.plotting.label color = ct.plotting.color elif l in network.configuration.cell_types: ct = network.configuration.cell_types[l] l = ct.plotting.label color = ct.plotting.color if l not in row_map: color = g.attrs.get("color", color) order = g.attrs.get("order", 0) row_map[l] = row = PSTHRow(l, color, order=order) psth.add_row(row) else: row = row_map[l] run_id = g.attrs.get("run_id", 0) adjusted = g[()] adjusted[:, 1] = adjusted[:, 1] - cutoff row.extend(adjusted, stack=g.attrs.get("stack", None), run=run_id) subplots_fig = make_subplots( cols=1, rows=len(psth.rows), subplot_titles=[ for row in psth.ordered_rows()], x_title=kwargs.get("x_title", "Time [ms]"), y_title=kwargs.get("y_title", "Population firing rate [Hz]"), ) for k in dir(subplots_fig): if k == "data" or k == "_data": # Don't overwrite data already on the fig continue v = getattr(subplots_fig, k) if isinstance(v, types.MethodType): # Unbind subplots_fig methods and bind to fig. v = v.__func__.__get__(fig) fig.__dict__[k] = v # Align xaxis ranges to max of all rows _max = -float("inf") for i, row in enumerate(psth.rows): _max = max(_max, row.max) fig.update_xaxes(range=[start, _max]) fig.update_layout(title_text=kwargs.get("title", "PSTH")) if not gaps: fig.update_layout(bargap=0, bargroupgap=0) cell_types = network.get_cell_types() for i, row in enumerate(psth.ordered_rows()): for name, stack in sorted(row.stacks.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): counts, bins = np.histogram(stack.list, bins=np.arange(start, _max, duration)) # Workaround of Workarounds for merging info in scaffold and in results # Compares plotting colors to identify cell type ... for cell_type in cell_types: if cell_type.plotting.color.lower() == stack.color: current_cell_type = cell_type break else: raise Exception( f"Couldn't link result group '{name or}' to a network cell type." ) cell_num_single_run = network.get_placed_count( cell_num = cell_num_single_run * (stack.runs) if str(name).startswith("##"): # Lazy way to order the stacks; Stack names can start with ## and a number # and it will be sorted by name, but the ## and number are not displayed. name = name[4:] bar_kwargs = dict() if not gaps: bar_kwargs["marker_line_width"] = 0 trace = go.Bar( x=bins, y=counts / cell_num * 1000 / duration, name=name or, marker=dict(color=stack.color), **bar_kwargs, ) fig.add_trace(trace, row=i + 1, col=1) return fig class MorphologyScene: def __init__(self, fig=None): self.fig = fig or go.Figure() self._morphologies = [] def add_morphology(self, morphology, offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], **kwargs): self._morphologies.append((offset, morphology, kwargs)) def show(self): self.prepare_plot() def prepare_plot(self): if len(self._morphologies) == 0: raise MorphologyError("Cannot show empty MorphologyScene") for o, m, k in self._morphologies: plot_morphology(m, offset=o, show=False, set_range=False, fig=self.fig, **k) set_morphology_scene_range(self.fig.layout.scene, self._morphologies)