Source code for bsb.simulators.nest

from ..simulation import (
from ..models import ConnectivitySet
from ..helpers import ListEvalConfiguration, listify_input
from ..reporting import report, warn
from ..exceptions import *
import time, os, json, weakref, numpy as np
from itertools import chain
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
from ..simulation import SimulationRecorder, SimulationResult
import warnings
import h5py
import time

    from functools import cached_property, cache
    from functools import lru_cache

    cache = lru_cache(None)

    def cached_property(f):
        return property(cache(f))

    import mpi4py
    import mpi4py.MPI

    _MPI_processes = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
    _MPI_rank = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
except ImportError as e:
    warn(f"Could not import `mpi4py.MPI`: {e}")
    _MPI_processes = 1
    _MPI_rank = 0

_LOCK_ATTRIBUTE = "_dbbs_scaffold_lock"
_HOT_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE = "_dbbs_scaffold_hot_modules"

class MapsScaffoldIdentifiers:
    def reset_identifiers(self):
        self.nest_identifiers = []
        self.scaffold_identifiers = []
        self.scaffold_to_nest_map = {}

    def _build_identifier_map(self):
        self.scaffold_to_nest_map = dict(
            zip(self.scaffold_identifiers, self.nest_identifiers)

    def get_nest_ids(self, ids):
        return [self.scaffold_to_nest_map[id] for id in ids]

[docs]class NestCell(SimulationCell, MapsScaffoldIdentifiers): node_name = "simulations.?.cell_models" def boot(self): super().boot() self.receptor_specifications = {} self.reset() if self.relay: # If a cell type is marked as a relay then the cell model should be a # parameterless "parrot_neuron" model if no specifics are provided. # # Set the default relay model to "parrot_neuron" if not hasattr(self, "neuron_model"): self.neuron_model = "parrot_neuron" # Set the default parameter dict to empty if not hasattr(self, "parameters"): self.parameters = {} # Set the default relay model parameter dict to empty if not hasattr(self, self.neuron_model): self.__dict__[self.neuron_model] = {} # The cell model contains a 'parameters' attribute and many sets of # neuron model specific sets of parameters. Each set of neuron model # specific parameters can define receptor specifications. # Extract those if present to the designated receptor_specifications dict. for neuron_model in self.__dict__: model_parameters = self.__dict__[neuron_model] # Iterate over the model specific parameter dicts with receptor # specifications, excluding the default parameter dict. if ( neuron_model != "parameters" and isinstance(model_parameters, dict) and "receptors" in model_parameters ): # Transfer the receptor specifications self.receptor_specifications[neuron_model] = model_parameters["receptors"] del model_parameters["receptors"]
[docs] def validate(self): if not self.relay and not hasattr(self, "parameters"): raise AttributeMissingError( "Required attribute 'parameters' missing from '{}'".format( self.get_config_node() ) )
def reset(self): self.reset_identifiers() def get_parameters(self): # Get the default synapse parameters params = self.parameters.copy() # Raise an exception if the requested model is not configured. if not hasattr(self, self.neuron_model): raise ConfigurationError( "Missing parameters for '{}' model in '{}'".format( self.neuron_model, ) ) # Merge in the model specific parameters params.update(self.__dict__[self.neuron_model]) return params def get_receptor_specifications(self): if self.neuron_model in self.receptor_specifications: return self.receptor_specifications[self.neuron_model] else: return {}
[docs]class NestConnection(SimulationComponent): node_name = "simulations.?.connection_models" casts = {"synapse": dict, "connection": dict} required = ["synapse", "connection"] defaults = { "plastic": False, "hetero": None, "teaching": None, "is_teaching": False, }
[docs] def validate(self): if "weight" not in self.connection: raise ConfigurationError( "Missing 'weight' in the connection parameters of " + self.node_name + "." + ) if self.plastic: # Set plasticity synapse dict defaults synapse_defaults = { "A_minus": 0.0, "A_plus": 0.0, "Wmin": 0.0, "Wmax": 4000.0, } for key, value in synapse_defaults.items(): if key not in self.synapse: self.synapse[key] = value
def get_synapse_parameters(self, synapse_model_name): # Get the default synapse parameters return self.synapse[synapse_model_name] def get_connection_parameters(self): # Get the default synapse parameters params = self.connection.copy() # Add the receptor specifications, if required. if self.should_specify_receptor_type(): # If specific receptors are specified, the weight should always be positive. # We try to sanitize user data as best we can. If the given weight is a distr # (given as a dict) we try to sanitize the `mu` value, if present. if type(params["weight"]) is dict: if "mu" in params["weight"].keys(): params["weight"]["mu"] = np.abs(params["weight"]["mu"]) else: params["weight"] = np.abs(params["weight"]) if "Wmax" in params: params["Wmax"] = np.abs(params["Wmax"]) if "Wmin" in params: params["Wmin"] = np.abs(params["Wmin"]) params["receptor_type"] = self.get_receptor_type() params["model"] = self.adapter.suffixed( return params def _get_cell_types(self, key="from"): meta = self.scaffold.output_formatter.get_connectivity_set_meta( if key + "_cell_types" in meta: cell_types = set() for name in meta[key + "_cell_types"]: cell_types.add(self.scaffold.get_cell_type(name)) return list(cell_types) connection_types = ( self.scaffold.output_formatter.get_connectivity_set_connection_types( ) ) cell_types = set() for connection_type in connection_types: cell_types |= set(connection_type.__dict__[key + "_cell_types"]) return list(cell_types) def get_cell_types(self): return self._get_cell_types(key="from"), self._get_cell_types(key="to") def should_specify_receptor_type(self): _, to_cell_types = self.get_cell_types() if len(to_cell_types) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Specifying receptor types of connections consisiting of more than 1 cell type is currently undefined behaviour." ) to_cell_type = to_cell_types[0] to_cell_model = self.adapter.cell_models[] return to_cell_model.neuron_model in to_cell_model.receptor_specifications def get_receptor_type(self): from_cell_types, to_cell_types = self.get_cell_types() if len(to_cell_types) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Specifying receptor types of connections consisiting of more than 1 target cell type is currently undefined behaviour." ) if len(from_cell_types) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Specifying receptor types of connections consisting of more than 1 origin cell type is currently undefined behaviour." ) to_cell_type = to_cell_types[0] from_cell_type = from_cell_types[0] to_cell_model = self.adapter.cell_models[] if in self.adapter.cell_models.keys(): from_cell_model = self.adapter.cell_models[] else: # For neurons receiving from entities from_cell_model = self.adapter.entities[] receptors = to_cell_model.get_receptor_specifications() if not in receptors: raise ReceptorSpecificationError( "Missing receptor specification for cell model '{}' in '{}' while attempting to connect a '{}' to it during '{}'".format(, self.node_name,, ) ) return receptors[]
[docs]class NestDevice(TargetsNeurons, SimulationComponent): node_name = "simulations.?.devices" casts = { "radius": float, "origin": [float], "parameters": dict, "stimulus": ListEvalConfiguration.cast, } defaults = {"connection": {"rule": "all_to_all"}, "synapse": None} required = ["targetting", "device", "io", "parameters"]
[docs] def validate(self): if not in ("input", "output"): raise ConfigurationError( "Attribute io needs to be either 'input' or 'output' in {}".format( self.node_name ) ) if hasattr(self, "stimulus"): stimulus_name = ( "stimulus" if not hasattr(self.stimulus, "parameter_name") else self.stimulus.parameter_name ) self.parameters[stimulus_name] = self.stimulus.eval()
def boot(self): super().boot() self.protocol = get_device_protocol(self)
[docs] def get_nest_targets(self): """ Return the targets of the stimulation to pass into the nest.Connect call. """ targets = np.array(self.get_targets(), dtype=int) return self.adapter.get_nest_ids(targets)
[docs]class NestEntity(NestDevice, MapsScaffoldIdentifiers): node_name = "simulations.?.entities" def boot(self): super().boot() self.reset_identifiers()
[docs]class NestAdapter(SimulatorAdapter): """ Interface between the scaffold model and the NEST simulator. """ simulator_name = "nest" configuration_classes = { "cell_models": NestCell, "connection_models": NestConnection, "devices": NestDevice, "entities": NestEntity, } casts = {"threads": int, "modules": list} defaults = { "default_synapse_model": "static_synapse", "default_neuron_model": "iaf_cond_alpha", "verbosity": "M_ERROR", "threads": 1, "resolution": 1.0, "modules": [], } required = [ "default_neuron_model", "default_synapse_model", "duration", "resolution", "threads", ] @cached_property def nest(self): report("Importing NEST...", level=2) import nest self._nest = nest setattr(nest, _HOT_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE, set()) return self._nest def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.result = SimulationResult() self.is_prepared = False self.suffix = "" self.multi = False self.has_lock = False self.global_identifier_map = {} self.simulation_id = _randint()
[docs] def prepare(self): if self.is_prepared: raise AdapterError( "Attempting to prepare the same adapter twice. Please use `bsb.create_adapter` for multiple adapter instances of the same simulation." ) report("Locking NEST kernel...", level=2) self.lock() report("Installing NEST modules...", level=2) self.install_modules() if self.in_full_control(): report("Initializing NEST kernel...", level=2) self.reset_kernel() report("Creating neurons...", level=2) self.create_neurons() report("Creating entities...", level=2) self.create_entities() report("Building identifier map...", level=2) self._build_identifier_map() report("Creating devices...", level=2) self.create_devices() report("Creating connections...", level=2) self.connect_neurons() self.is_prepared = True return self.nest
def get_rank(self): return _MPI_rank
[docs] def get_size(self): return _MPI_processes
[docs] def broadcast(self, data, root=0): return mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(data, root)
def in_full_control(self): if not self.has_lock or not self.read_lock(): raise AdapterError( "Can't check if we're in full control of the kernel: we have no lock on the kernel." ) return not self.multi or len(self.read_lock()["suffixes"]) == 1 def lock(self): if not self.multi: self.single_lock() else: self.multi_lock() self.has_lock = True def single_lock(self): if hasattr(self.nest, _LOCK_ATTRIBUTE): raise KernelLockedError( "This adapter is not in multi-instance mode and another adapter is already managing the kernel." ) else: lock_data = {"multi": False} self.write_lock(lock_data) def multi_lock(self): lock_data = self.read_lock() if lock_data is None: lock_data = {"multi": True, "suffixes": []} if not lock_data["multi"]: raise KernelLockedError( "The kernel is locked by a single-instance adapter and cannot be managed by multiple instances." ) if self.suffix in lock_data["suffixes"]: raise SuffixTakenError( "The kernel is already locked by an instance with the same suffix." ) lock_data["suffixes"].append(self.suffix) self.write_lock(lock_data) def read_lock(self): if hasattr(self.nest, _LOCK_ATTRIBUTE): return getattr(self.nest, _LOCK_ATTRIBUTE) else: return None def write_lock(self, lock_data): setattr(self.nest, _LOCK_ATTRIBUTE, lock_data) def enable_multi(self, suffix): self.suffix = suffix self.multi = True def release_lock(self): if not self.has_lock: raise AdapterError( "Cannot unlock kernel from an adapter that has no lock on it." ) self.has_lock = False lock_data = self.read_lock() if lock_data["multi"]: if len(lock_data["suffixes"]) == 1: self.delete_lock() else: lock_data["suffixes"].remove(self.suffix) self.write_lock(lock_data) else: self.delete_lock() def delete_lock(self): try: delattr(self.nest, _LOCK_ATTRIBUTE) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def get_rank(self): return mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
def reset_kernel(self): self.nest.set_verbosity(self.verbosity) self.nest.ResetKernel() # Reset which modules we should consider explicitly loaded by the user # to appropriately warn them when they load them twice. setattr(self.nest, _HOT_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE, set()) self.reset_processes(self.threads) self.nest.SetKernelStatus( { "resolution": self.resolution, "overwrite_files": True, "data_path": self.scaffold.output_formatter.get_simulator_output_path( self.simulator_name ), } ) def reset(self): self.is_prepared = False if hasattr(self, "nest"): self.reset_kernel() self.global_identifier_map = {} for cell_model in self.cell_models.values(): cell_model.reset() if self.has_lock: self.release_lock() def get_master_seed(self, fixed_seed=None): if not hasattr(self, "_master_seed"): if fixed_seed is None: # Use time as random seed if mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: fixed_seed = int(time.time()) else: fixed_seed = None self._master_seed = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(fixed_seed, root=0) else: self._master_seed = fixed_seed return self._master_seed def reset_processes(self, threads): master_seed = self.get_master_seed() total_num = _MPI_processes * threads # Create a range of random seeds and generators. random_generator_seeds = range(master_seed, master_seed + total_num) # Create a different range of random seeds for the kernel. thread_seeds = range(master_seed + 1 + total_num, master_seed + 1 + 2 * total_num) success = True try: # Update the kernel with the new RNG and thread state. self.nest.SetKernelStatus( { "grng_seed": master_seed + total_num, "rng_seeds": thread_seeds, "local_num_threads": threads, "total_num_virtual_procs": total_num, } ) except Exception as e: if ( hasattr(e, "errorname") and e.errorname[0:27] == "The resolution has been set" ): # Threads can't be updated at this point in time. success = False raise NestKernelError( "Updating the NEST threads or virtual processes must occur before setting the resolution." ) from None else: raise if success: self.threads_per_node = threads self.virtual_processes = total_num self.random_generators = [ np.random.RandomState(seed) for seed in random_generator_seeds ]
[docs] def simulate(self, simulator): if not self.is_prepared: warn("Adapter has not been prepared", SimulationWarning) report("Simulating...", level=2) tick = time.time() with simulator.RunManager(): for oi, i in self.step_progress(self.duration, step=1): simulator.Run(i - oi) self.progress(i) report(f"Simulation done. {time.time() - tick:.2f}s elapsed.", level=2) if self.has_lock: self.release_lock()
def step(self, simulator, dt): if not self.is_prepared: warn("Adapter has not been prepared", SimulationWarning) report("Simulating...", level=2) tick = time.time() with simulator.RunManager(): for oi, i in self.step_progress(self.duration, step=dt): simulator.Run(i - oi) yield self.progress(i) report(f"Simulation done. {time.time() - tick:.2f}s elapsed.", level=2) if self.has_lock: self.release_lock()
[docs] def collect_output(self, simulator): report("Collecting output...", level=2) tick = time.time() try: import mpi4py rank = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank except Exception as e: print(str(e)) rank = 0 timestamp = str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + str(_randint()) result_path = "results_" + + "_" + timestamp + ".hdf5" if rank == 0: with h5py.File(result_path, "a") as f: f.attrs["configuration_string"] = self.scaffold.configuration._raw for path, data, meta in self.result.safe_collect(): try: path = "/".join(path) if path in f: data = np.vstack((f[path][()], data)) del f[path] d = f.create_dataset(path, data=data) for k, v in meta.items(): d.attrs[k] = v except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): warn( "Recorder {} numpy.ndarray expected, got {}".format( path, type(data) ) ) else: warn( "Recorder {} processing errored out: {}".format( path, "{} {}".format(data.dtype, data.shape) ) ) mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(result_path, root=0) report( f"Output collected in '{result_path}'. " + f"{time.time() - tick:.2f}s elapsed.", level=2, ) return result_path
[docs] def validate(self): for cell_model in self.cell_models.values(): cell_model.neuron_model = ( cell_model.neuron_model if hasattr(cell_model, "neuron_model") else self.default_neuron_model ) for connection_model in self.connection_models.values(): connection_model.synapse_model = ( connection_model.synapse_model if hasattr(connection_model, "synapse_model") else self.default_synapse_model ) connection_model.plastic = ( connection_model.plastic if hasattr(connection_model, "plastic") else connection_model.defaults["plastic"] ) connection_model.hetero = ( connection_model.hetero if hasattr(connection_model, "hetero") else connection_model.defaults["hetero"] ) if connection_model.plastic and connection_model.hetero: if not hasattr(connection_model, "teaching"): raise ConfigurationError( "Required attribute 'teaching' is missing for heteroplastic connection '{}'".format( connection_model.get_config_node() ) ) if connection_model.teaching not in self.connection_models: raise ConfigurationError( "Teaching connection '{}' does not exist".format( connection_model.teaching ) ) # Set the is_teaching parameter of teaching connection to true teaching_connection = self.connection_models[connection_model.teaching] teaching_connection.is_teaching = True teaching_connection.add_after(
def install_modules(self): for module in self.modules: hot = getattr(self.nest, _HOT_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE) try: self.nest.Install(module) hot.add(module) except Exception as e: if e.errorname == "DynamicModuleManagementError": if "loaded already" in e.message: # Modules stay loaded in between `ResetKernel` calls. We # assume that there's nothing to warn the user about if # the adapter installs the modules each # `reset`/`prepare` cycle. if module in hot: warn(f"Already installed '{module}'.", KernelWarning) elif "file not found" in e.message: raise NestModuleError( "Module {} not found".format(module) ) from None else: raise else: raise def _build_identifier_map(self): # Iterate over all simulation components that contain representations # of scaffold components with an ID to create a map of all scaffold ID's # to all NEST ID's this adapter manages for mapping_type in chain(self.entities.values(), self.cell_models.values()): # "Freeze" the type's identifiers into a map mapping_type._build_identifier_map() # Add the type's map to the global map self.global_identifier_map.update(mapping_type.scaffold_to_nest_map) def get_nest_ids(self, ids): return [self.global_identifier_map[id] for id in ids] def get_scaffold_ids(self, ids): scaffold_map = {v: k for k, v in self.global_identifier_map.items()} return [scaffold_map[id] for id in ids]
[docs] def create_neurons(self): """ Create a population of nodes in the NEST simulator based on the cell model configurations. """ for cell_model in self.cell_models.values(): # Get the cell type's placement information ps = self.scaffold.get_placement_set( nest_name = self.suffixed( # Create the population's model self.create_model(cell_model) scaffold_identifiers = ps.identifiers report( "Creating {} {}...".format(len(scaffold_identifiers), nest_name), level=3 ) nest_identifiers = self.nest.Create(nest_name, len(scaffold_identifiers)) cell_model.scaffold_identifiers.extend(scaffold_identifiers) cell_model.nest_identifiers.extend(nest_identifiers)
def create_entities(self): # Create entities for entity_type in self.entities.values(): name = nest_name = self.suffixed(name) count = self.scaffold.statistics.cells_placed[] # Create the cell model in the simulator report("Creating " + nest_name + "...", level=3) entity_nodes = list(self.nest.Create(entity_type.device, count)) report("Creating {} {}...".format(count, nest_name), level=3) if hasattr(entity_type, "parameters"): # Execute SetStatus and catch DictError self.execute_command( self.nest.SetStatus, entity_nodes, entity_type.parameters, exceptions={ "DictError": { "from": None, "exception": catch_dict_error( "Could not create {} device '{}': ".format( entity_type.device, ) ), } }, ) entity_type.scaffold_identifiers = self.scaffold.get_entities_by_type( ) entity_type.nest_identifiers = entity_nodes
[docs] def connect_neurons(self): """ Connect the cells in NEST according to the connection model configurations """ order = NestConnection.resolve_order(self.connection_models) for connection_model in order: name = nest_name = self.suffixed(name) cs = ConnectivitySet(self.scaffold.output_formatter, name) if not cs.exists(): warn( 'Expected connection dataset "{}" not found. Skipping it.'.format( name ), ConnectivityWarning, ) continue # Get the NEST identifiers for the connections made in the connectivity matrix try: presynaptic_sources = np.array( self.get_nest_ids(np.array(cs.from_identifiers, dtype=int)) ) except KeyError as e: raise UnknownGIDError( f"Unknown GID {e.args[0]} in presynaptic `{name}` data." ) from None try: postsynaptic_targets = np.array( self.get_nest_ids(np.array(cs.to_identifiers, dtype=int)) ) except KeyError as e: raise UnknownGIDError( f"Unknown GID {e.args[0]} in postsynaptic `{name}` data." ) from None if not len(presynaptic_sources) or not len(postsynaptic_targets): warn("No connections for " + name) continue # Accessing the postsynaptic type to be associated to the volume transmitter of the synapse postsynaptic_type = cs.connection_types[0].to_cell_types[0] postsynaptic_cells = np.unique(postsynaptic_targets) # Create the synapse model in the simulator self.create_synapse_model(connection_model) # Set the specifications NEST allows like: 'rule', 'autapses', 'multapses' connection_specifications = {"rule": "one_to_one"} if hasattr(self, "weight_recorder"): wr_conf = self.weight_recorder wr = nest.Create("weight_recorder") nest.SetStatus(wr, wr_conf) connection_specifications["weight_recorder"] = wr # Get the connection parameters from the configuration connection_parameters = connection_model.get_connection_parameters() report("Creating connections " + nest_name, level=3) # Create the connections in NEST if not (connection_model.plastic and connection_model.hetero): receptor_cfg = connection_parameters.get("receptor_type", []) # Repeat connections per receptor type receptor_types = listify_input(receptor_cfg) if not len(receptor_types): # If no receptor types are specified, go over the connection loop # once, without setting any receptor type in the conn params. receptor_types.append(None) for receptor_type in receptor_types: single_connection_parameters = deepcopy(connection_parameters) if receptor_type is not None: single_connection_parameters["receptor_type"] = receptor_type self.execute_command( self.nest.Connect, presynaptic_sources, postsynaptic_targets, connection_specifications, single_connection_parameters, exceptions={ "IncompatibleReceptorType": { "from": None, "exception": catch_receptor_error( "Invalid receptor specifications in {}: ".format(name) ), } }, ) else: # Create the volume transmitter if the connection is plastic with heterosynaptic plasticity report("Creating volume transmitter for " + name, level=3) volume_transmitters = self.create_volume_transmitter( connection_model, postsynaptic_cells ) postsynaptic_type._vt_id = volume_transmitters # Each post synaptic cell has to set its own vt_num for its synapses for vt_num, post_cell in enumerate(postsynaptic_cells): connection_parameters = connection_model.get_connection_parameters() connection_parameters["vt_num"] = float(vt_num) indexes = np.where(postsynaptic_targets == post_cell)[0] pre_neurons = presynaptic_sources[indexes] post_neurons = postsynaptic_targets[indexes] self.execute_command( self.nest.Connect, pre_neurons, post_neurons, connection_specifications, connection_parameters, exceptions={ "IncompatibleReceptorType": { "from": None, "exception": catch_receptor_error( "Invalid receptor specifications in {}: ".format(name) ), } }, ) if connection_model.is_teaching: # We need to map the ID of the postsynaptic_target to its relative volume_transmitter min_ID_postsynaptic = np.min(postsynaptic_targets) min_ID_volume_transmitter = np.min(postsynaptic_type._vt_id) delta_ID = min_ID_volume_transmitter - min_ID_postsynaptic postsynaptic_volume_transmitters = postsynaptic_targets + delta_ID self.nest.Connect( presynaptic_sources, postsynaptic_volume_transmitters, connection_specifications, {"model": "static_synapse", "weight": 1.0, "delay": 1.0}, )
[docs] def create_devices(self): """ Create the configured NEST devices in the simulator """ for device_model in self.devices.values(): device_model.initialise_targets() device_model.protocol.before_create() device = self.nest.Create(device_model.device) report("Creating device: " + device_model.device, level=3) # Execute SetStatus and catch DictError self.execute_command( self.nest.SetStatus, device, device_model.parameters, exceptions={ "DictError": { "from": None, "exception": catch_dict_error( "Could not create {} device '{}': ".format( device_model.device, ) ), } }, ) device_model.protocol.after_create(device) # Execute targetting mechanism to fetch target NEST ID's device_targets = device_model.get_nest_targets() report( "Connecting to {} device targets.".format(len(device_targets)), level=3 ) # Collect the NEST Connect parameters if == "input": # Connect device to nodes connect_params = [device, device_targets] elif == "output": # Connect nodes to device connect_params = [device_targets, device] elif == "none": # Weight recorder device is not connected to any node; just linked to a connection return else: raise ConfigurationError( "Unknown device type '{}' for {}".format(, ) ) connect_params.append(device_model.connection) connect_params.append(device_model.synapse) # Send the Connect command to NEST and catch IllegalConnection errors. self.execute_command( self.nest.Connect, *connect_params, exceptions={ "IllegalConnection": { "from": None, "exception": catch_connection_error( device_model.get_config_node() ), } }, )
[docs] def create_model(self, cell_model): """ Create a NEST cell model in the simulator based on a cell model configuration. """ # Use the default model unless another one is specified in the configuration.A_minus # Alias the nest model name under our cell model name. nest_name = self.suffixed( self.nest.CopyModel(cell_model.neuron_model, nest_name) # Get the synapse parameters params = cell_model.get_parameters() # Set the parameters in NEST self.nest.SetDefaults(nest_name, params)
[docs] def create_synapse_model(self, connection_model): """ Create a NEST synapse model in the simulator based on a synapse model configuration. """ nest_name = self.suffixed( # Use the default model unless another one is specified in the configuration. # Alias the nest model name under our cell model name. report( "Copying synapse model '{}' to {}".format( connection_model.synapse_model, nest_name ), level=3, ) self.nest.CopyModel(connection_model.synapse_model, nest_name) # Get the synapse parameters params = connection_model.get_synapse_parameters(connection_model.synapse_model) # Set the parameters in NEST self.nest.SetDefaults(nest_name, params)
# This function should be simplified by providing a CreateTeacher function in the # CerebNEST module. See # And def create_volume_transmitter(self, synapse_model, postsynaptic_cells): vt = self.nest.Create("volume_transmitter_alberto", len(postsynaptic_cells)) teacher = vt[0] # Assign the volume transmitters to their synapse model nest_name = self.suffixed( self.nest.SetDefaults(nest_name, {"vt": teacher}) # Assign an ID to each volume transmitter for n, vti in enumerate(vt): self.nest.SetStatus([vti], {"vt_num": n}) return vt def execute_command(self, command, *args, exceptions={}): try: command(*args) except Exception as e: if not hasattr(e, "errorname"): raise if e.errorname in exceptions: handler = exceptions[e.errorname] if "from" in handler: raise handler["exception"](e) from handler["from"] else: raise handler["exception"] else: raise def suffixed(self, str): if self.suffix == "": return str return str + "_" + self.suffix
def catch_dict_error(message): def handler(e): attributes = list( map(lambda x: x.strip(), e.errormessage.split(":")[-1].split(",")) ) return NestModelError( message + "Unknown attributes {}".format("'" + "', '".join(attributes) + "'") ) return handler def catch_receptor_error(message): def handler(e): return NestModelError(message + e.errormessage.split(":")[-1].strip()) return handler def catch_connection_error(source): def handler(e): return NestModelError( "Illegal connections for '{}'".format(source) + ": " + e.errormessage ) return handler class SpikeRecorder(SimulationRecorder): def __init__(self, device_model): self.device_model = device_model def get_path(self): return ("recorders", "soma_spikes", def get_data(self): from glob import glob files = glob("*" + self.device_model.parameters["label"] + "*.gdf") with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") spikes = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=float) for file in files: file_spikes = np.loadtxt(file) # if len(file_spikes): if len(file_spikes.shape) > 1: scaffold_ids = np.array( self.device_model.adapter.get_scaffold_ids(file_spikes[:, 0]) ) self.cell_types = list( set( self.device_model.adapter.scaffold.get_gid_types(scaffold_ids) ) ) times = file_spikes[:, 1] scaffold_spikes = np.column_stack((scaffold_ids, times)) spikes = np.concatenate((spikes, scaffold_spikes)) os.remove(file) return spikes def get_meta(self): if hasattr(self.device_model, "cell_types"): self.cell_types = [ self.device_model.adapter.scaffold.get_cell_type(n) for n in self.device_model.cell_types ] else: self.cell_types = list( set( self.device_model.adapter.scaffold.get_gid_types( self.device_model.get_nest_targets() ) ) ) return { "name":, "label": self.cell_types[0].name, "cell_types": [ for ct in self.cell_types], "color": self.cell_types[0].plotting.color, "parameters": json.dumps(self.device_model.parameters), } def _randint(): return np.random.randint(np.iinfo(int).max) class DeviceProtocol: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device def before_create(self): pass def after_create(self, id): pass class SpikeDetectorProtocol(DeviceProtocol): def before_create(self): if "label" not in self.device.parameters: raise ConfigurationError( "Required `label` missing in spike detector '{}' parameters.".format( ) ) device_tag = str(_randint()) device_tag = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(device_tag, root=0) if not hasattr(self.device, "_orig_label"): self.device._orig_label = self.device.parameters["label"] self.device.parameters["label"] = self.device._orig_label + device_tag if mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: self.device.adapter.result.add(SpikeRecorder(self.device)) def get_device_protocol(device): if device.device in _device_protocols: return _device_protocols[device.device](device) return DeviceProtocol(device) _device_protocols = {"spike_detector": SpikeDetectorProtocol}