Developer Guidelines

This section provides advisory guidelines for developers on the BSB repository to facilitate the communication with its maintainer and smoothen the process of integration and review of new contributions.

Please, read first our code of conduct to understand how to interact with the BSB community ❤️

Development process

Raise issue on Github

If you wish to contribute or raise an issue on the BSB project, you should first check the list of known issues on Github. If you cannot find an issue related to your specific contribution, please create a new one. It is indeed important for the BSB maintainers to keep track of potential bugs or needed features to schedule future releases. Additionally, they would provide you with their expertise and guide you through this process of development.

If you need to create an issue on Github, please provide as much context as possible.

Fork and create a Pull Request

If you are not part of the BSB maintainers, you should fork the bsb repository on your own account to modify the code. If you introduce new features to BSB, please provide the associated documentation (docstrings or general documentation), and unittests. We are trying to improve the coverage for both and would appreciate greatly your contribution.

The documentation, tests and code style (black, isort) is controlled for each commit on the repository, so please install the pre-commit hooks and run the following tests before pushing on the repository:

To install:

cd bsb-core
black .

isort .

# try build the documentation, warnings will trigger errors
cd docs && rm -rf _build && sphinx-build -nW -b html . _build/html && cd ..

# run the tests
python -m unittest discover -s tests

The BSB repository implements Github Actions to perform these tests directly on Github. Failing these tests will prevent the integration of your contribution. Do not hesitate to ask for help on these 😉

When you believe your changes are ready to be integrated in the main repository, you can create a Pull Request (PR) adding in the description what your contribution changed and which issue it is related to.

Commit guidelines

BSB commits and PR names should follow the conventional commits guidelines. Not only this will help with the communication of the nature of your changes with the other developers, it will also permit for the automatic generation of changelogs and releases.


A new BSB release is published automatically for every push on the main branch. The push will automatically trigger Github Actions that will bump the library version, add a git tag, make a github release and update the CHANGELOG This will update the official documentation on Readthedocs but also deploy the code on PyPI and the EBRAINS website.