
The BSB provides some “services”, which can be provided by a fallback system of providers. Usually they import a package, and if it isn’t found, provide a sensible mock, or an object that errors on first use, so that the framework and any downstream packages can always import and use the service (if a mock is provided).


The MPI service provided by is the COMM_WORLD mpi4py.MPI.Comm if mpi4py is available, otherwise it is an emulator that emulates a single node parallel context.


If any environment variables are present that contain MPI in their name an error is raised, as execution in an actual MPI environment won’t work without mpi4py.


The MPILock service provides mpilock’s WindowController if it is available, or a mock that immediately and unconditionally acquires its lock and continues.


Depends on the MPI service.


The JobPool service allows you to submit Jobs and then execute them.


Depends on the MPI service.

Most component types have a queue method that takes a job pool as an argument and lets them schedule their jobs.

The recommended way to open a job pool is to use the create_job_pool() context manager:

network = from_storage("example.hdf5")
with network.create_job_pool() as pool:
  if pool.is_main():
    # Only the main node needs to schedule the jobs
    for component in network.placement.values():
  # But everyone needs to partake in the execute call


Pools can concurrently schedule the jobs on the main node, while executing them on worker nodes with the schedule() method:

network = from_storage("example.hdf5")
with network.create_job_pool() as pool:
  if pool.is_main():


Pass in topologically sorted arrays of nodes! Dependencies are only checked between the nodes, not the jobs, by checking for a depends_on attribute.


On top of opening the job pool this also registers the appropriate listeners. Listeners listen to updates emitted by the job pool and can respond to changes, for example by printing them out to display the progress of the job pool:

_t = None
def report_time_elapsed(progress):
  global _t
  if progress.reason == PoolProgressReason.POOL_STATUS_CHANGE:
    if progress.status == PoolStatus.SCHEDULING:
      _t = time.time()
    elif progress.status == PoolStatus.CLOSING:
      print(f"Pool execution finished. {time.time()} seconds elapsed.")

with network.create_job_pool() as pool:
  pool.submit(lambda scaffold: time.sleep(2))
  # Will print `Pool execution finished. 2 seconds elapsed.`

Listeners can also be context managers, and will enter and exit the same context as the JobPool.