Placement sets#

PlacementSets are constructed from the Storage and can be used to retrieve the positions, morphologies, rotations and additional datasets.


Loading datasets from storage is an expensive operation. Store a local reference to the data you retrieve instead of making multiple calls.

Retrieving a PlacementSet#

Multiple get_placement_set methods exist in several places as shortcuts to create the same PlacementSet. If the placement set does not exist, a DatesetNotFoundError is thrown.

from bsb import from_storage

network = from_storage("my_network.hdf5")
ps = network.get_placement_set("my_cell")
# Alternatives to obtain the same placement set:
ps = network.get_placement_set(network.cell_types.my_cell)
ps = network.cell_types.my_cell.get_placement_set()
ps =


Cells have no global identifiers, instead you use the indices of their data, i.e. the n-th position belongs to cell n, and so will the n-th rotation.


The positions of the cells can be retrieved using the load_positions() method.

for n, position in enumerate(ps.positions):
  print("I am", ps.tag, "number", n)
  print("My position is", position)


The positions of the cells can be retrieved using the load_morphologies() method.

for n, (pos, morpho) in enumerate(zip(ps.load_positions(), ps.load_morphologies())):
  print("I am", ps.tag, "number", n)
  print("My position is", position)


Loading morphologies is especially expensive.

load_morphologies() returns a MorphologySet. There are better ways to iterate over it using either soft caching or hard caching.


The positions of the cells can be retrieved using the load_rotations() method.

Additional datasets#

Not implemented yet.