Simulating networks

Simulations can be run through the CLI:

bsb simulate my_network.hdf5 my_sim_name

or through the bsb library for more control. When using the CLI, the framework sets up a “hands off” simulation workflow:

  • Read the network file

  • Read the simulation configuration

  • Translate the simulation configuration to the simulator

  • Create all cells, connections and devices

  • Run the simulation

  • Collect all the output

When you use the library, you can set up more complex workflows, such as parameter sweeps:

# A module to read HDF5 data

# A module to run NEURON simulations in isolation
import nrnsub

from bsb import from_storage

# This decorator runs each call to the function in isolation
# on a separate process. Does not work with MPI.
def sweep(param):
    # Open the network file
    network = from_storage("my_network.hdf5")

    # Here you can set whatever simulation parameter you want.
    network.simulations.my_sim.devices.my_stim.rate = param

    # Run the simulation
    results = network.run_simulation("my_sim")
    # Tjese are the recorded spiketrains and signals

for i in range(11):
    # Sweep parameter from 0 to 1 in 0.1 increments
    sweep(i / 10)

Parallel simulations

To parallelize any BSB task prepend the MPI command in front of the BSB CLI command, or the Python script command:

mpirun -n 4 bsb simulate my_network.hdf5 my_sim_name
mpirun -n 4 python

Where n is the number of parallel nodes you’d like to use.


Each simulation config block needs to specify which simulator they use. Valid values are arbor, nest or neuron. Also included in the top level block are the duration, resolution and temperature attributes:

  "simulations": {
    "my_arbor_sim": {
      "simulator": "arbor",
      "duration": 2000,
      "resolution": 0.025,
      "temperature": 32,
      "cell_models": {

      "connection_models": {

      "devices": {


The cell_models are the simulator specific representations of the network’s cell types, the connection_models of the network’s connectivity types and the devices define the experimental setup (such as input stimuli and recorders). All of the above is simulation backend specific and is covered per simulator below.


Cell models

The keys given in the cell_models should correspond to a cell type in the network. If a certain cell type does not have a corresponding cell model then no cells of that type will be instantiated in the network. Cell models in Arbor should refer to importable arborize cell models. The Arborize model’s .cable_cell factory will be called to produce cell instances of the model:

  "cell_models": {
    "cell_type_A": {
      "model": "my.models.ModelA"
    "afferent_to_A": {
      "relay": true


Relays will be represented as spike_source_cells which can, through the connectome relay signals of other relays or devices. spike_source_cells cannot be the target of connections in Arbor, and the framework targets the targets of a relay instead, until only cable_cells are targeted.

Connection models

todo: doc

  "connection_models": {
    "aff_to_A": {
      "weight": 0.1,
      "delay": 0.1


spike_generator and probes:

  "devices": {
    "input_stimulus": {
      "device": "spike_generator",
      "explicit_schedule": {
        "times": [1,2,3]
      "targetting": "cell_type",
      "cell_types": ["mossy_fibers"]
    "all_cell_recorder": {
      "targetting": "representatives",
      "device": "probe",
      "probe_type": "membrane_voltage",
      "where": "(uniform (all) 0 9 0)"

todo: doc & link to targetting


Additional root attributes:

  • modules: list of NEST extension modules to be installed.

  "simulations": {
    "first_simulation": {
      "simulator": "nest",
      "duration": 1000,
      "resolution": 1.0,
      "modules": ["cerebmodule"],

      "cell_models": {

      "connection_models": {

      "devices": {

    "second_simulation": {


Cell models

In the cell_models block, you specify the simulator representation for each cell type. Each key in the block can have the following attributes:

  • model: NEST neuron model, See the available models in the NEST documentation

  • constants: neuron model parameters that are common to the NEST neuron models that could be used, including:

    • t_ref: refractory period duration [ms]

    • C_m: membrane capacitance [pF]

    • V_th: threshold potential [mV]

    • V_reset: reset potential [mV]

    • E_L: leakage potential [mV]


Configuration example for a cerebellar Golgi cell. In the eglif_cond_alpha_multisyn neuron model, the 3 receptors are associated to synapses from glomeruli, Golgi cells and Granule cells, respectively.

  "cell_models": {
    "golgi_cell": {
      "constants": {
        "t_ref": 2.0,
        "C_m": 145.0,
        "V_th": -55.0,
        "V_reset": -75.0,
        "E_L": -62.0

Connection models



Cell models

By default the NEURON adapter uses an ArborizedCellModel, which loads external arborize definition to instantiate cells.

  "cell_models": {
    "cell_type_A": {
      "model": "dbbs_models.GranuleCell"
    "cell_type_B": {
      "model": "dbbs_models.PurkinjeCell"

This example dictates that during simulation setup, any member of cell_type_A should be created by importing and using dbbs_models.GranuleCell. Documentation incomplete, see arborize docs ad interim.

Connection models

Once more the connection models are predefined inside of arborize and they can be referenced by name:

  "connection_models": {
    "A_to_B": {
      "synapses": ["AMPA", "NMDA"]


Devices send input, or record output.

Here we’ll place a spike generator and a voltage clamp:

  "devices": {
    "stimulus": {
      "device": "spike_generator",
      "targetting": {
          "strategy": "cell_model",
          "cell_models": ["cell_type_A"]
      "synapses": ["AMPA"],
      "start": 500,
      "number": 10,
      "interval": 10,
      "noise": true
    "voltage_clamp": {
      "device": "voltage_clamp",
      "targetting": {
          "strategy": "cell_model",
          "cell_models": ["cell_type_A"]
          "count": 1,
      "location": {
          "strategy": "soma"
      "parameters": {
        "delay": 0,
        "duration": 1000,
        "after": 0,
        "voltage": -63