Source code for bsb.config._make

import functools
import importlib
import inspect
import os
import sys
import types
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from re import sub

import errr

from .._package_spec import warn_missing_packages
from .._util import get_qualified_class_name
from ..exceptions import (
from ..reporting import warn
from ._hooks import overrides

def _has_own_init(meta_subject, kwargs):
        determined_class = meta_subject.__new__.class_determinant(meta_subject, kwargs)
        return overrides(determined_class, "__init__", mro=True)
    except Exception:
        return overrides(meta_subject, "__init__", mro=True)

def make_metaclass(cls):
    # We make a `NodeMeta` class for each decorated node class, in compliance with any
    # metaclasses they might already have (to prevent metaclass confusion).
    # The purpose of the metaclass is to rewrite `__new__` and `__init__` arguments,
    # and to always call `__new__` and `__init__` in the same manner.
    # The metaclass makes it so that there are 3 overloaded constructor forms:
    # MyNode({ <config dict values> })
    # MyNode(example="attr", values="here")
    # ParentNode(me=MyNode(...))
    # The third makes it that type handling and other types of casting opt out early
    # and keep the object reference that the user gives them
    class ConfigArgRewrite:
        def __call__(meta_subject, *args, _parent=None, _key=None, **kwargs):
            has_own_init = _has_own_init(meta_subject, kwargs)
            # Rewrite the arguments
            primer = args[0] if args else None
            if isinstance(primer, meta_subject):
                _set_pk(primer, _parent, _key)
                return primer
            elif isinstance(primer, dict):
                args = args[1:]
                primed = primer.copy()
                kwargs = primed
            elif primer is not None and not has_own_init:
                # If we're dealing with a typical config node, the primer should be a dict
                # or already precast node. If it is not, we consider it invalid input,
                # unless the user has specified its own `__init__` function and will deal
                # with the input arguments there.
                raise ValueError(f"Unexpected positional argument '{primer}'")
            # Call the base class's new with internal arguments
            instance = meta_subject.__new__(
                meta_subject, *args, _parent=_parent, _key=_key, **kwargs
            instance._config_pos_init = getattr(instance, "_config_pos_init", False)
            # Call the end user's __init__ with the rewritten arguments, if one is defined
            if has_own_init:
                sig = inspect.signature(instance.__init__)
                    # Check whether the arguments match the signature. We use `sig.bind`
                    # so that the function isn't actually called, as this could mask
                    # `TypeErrors` that occur inside the function.
                    sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
                except TypeError as e:
                    # Since the user might not know where all these additional arguments
                    # are coming from, inform them that config nodes get passed their
                    # config attrs, and how to correctly override __init__.
                    Param = inspect.Parameter
                    help_params = {"self": Param("self", Param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)}
                    help_params["kwargs"] = Param("kwargs", Param.VAR_KEYWORD)
                    sig._parameters = help_params
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"`{instance.__init__.__module__}.__init__` {e}."
                        + " When overriding `__init__` on config nodes, do not define"
                        + " any positional arguments, and catch any additional"
                        + " configuration attributes that are passed as keyword arguments"
                        + f": e.g. 'def __init__{sig}'"
                    ) from None
                    instance._config_pos_init = bool(len(args))
                    instance.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            return instance

    # Avoid metaclass conflicts by prepending our rewrite class to existing metaclass MRO
    class NodeMeta(ConfigArgRewrite, *cls.__class__.__mro__):
        def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            rcls = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
            # `__init_subclass__` refused to be called with correct subclass, so call
            # it ourselves.
            if hasattr(rcls.__bases__[0], "_cfgnode_replaced_ics"):
                rcls.__bases__[0]._cfgnode_replaced_ics(rcls, **kwargs)
            return rcls

    return NodeMeta

class NodeKwargs(dict):
    def __init__(self, instance, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.is_shortform = getattr(instance, "_config_pos_init", False)

[docs] def compose_nodes(*node_classes): """ Create a composite mixin class of the given classes. Inherit from the returned class to inherit from more than one node class. """ meta = type("ComposedMetaclass", tuple(type(cls) for cls in node_classes), {}) return meta("CompositionMixin", node_classes, {})
def compile_class(cls): cls_dict = dict(cls.__dict__) if "__dict__" in cls_dict: del cls_dict["__dict__"] if "__weakref__" in cls_dict: del cls_dict["__weakref__"] ncls = make_metaclass(cls)(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls_dict) for method in ncls.__dict__.values(): _replace_closure_cells(method, cls, ncls) # Shitty hack, for some reason I couldn't find a way to override the first argument # of `__init_subclass__` methods, that would otherwise work on other classmethods, # so we noop the actual `__init_subclass__` and we call `__init_subclass__` ourselves # from the metaclass' `__new__` method, where the argument replacement works as usual. if ( hasattr(ncls, "__init_subclass__") and "__init_subclass__" in ncls.__dict__ and not isinstance(ncls.__init_subclass__, types.BuiltinFunctionType) ): ncls._cfgnode_replaced_ics = ncls.__init_subclass__.__func__ ncls.__init_subclass__ = lambda *args, **kwargs: None classmap = getattr(ncls, "_config_dynamic_classmap", None) if classmap is not None: # Replace the reference to the old class with the new class. # The auto classmap entry is added in `__init_subclass__`, which happens before # we replace the class. for k, v in classmap.items(): if v is cls: classmap[k] = ncls return ncls def _replace_closure_cells(method, old, new): cl = getattr(method, "__closure__", None) or [] for cell in cl: if cell.cell_contents is old: cell.cell_contents = new elif inspect.isfunction(cell.cell_contents): _replace_closure_cells(cell.cell_contents, old, new) def compile_isc(node_cls, dynamic_config): if not dynamic_config or not dynamic_config.auto_classmap: return node_cls.__init_subclass__ from ._hooks import overrides def dud(*args, **kwargs): pass if overrides(node_cls, "__init_subclass__"): f = node_cls.__init_subclass__ else: f = dud def __init_subclass__(cls, classmap_entry=MISSING, **kwargs): super(node_cls, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if classmap_entry is MISSING: classmap_entry = _snake_case(cls.__name__) if classmap_entry is not None: node_cls._config_dynamic_classmap[classmap_entry] = cls f(**kwargs) return classmethod(__init_subclass__) def _snake_case(s): return "_".join( sub("([A-Z][a-z]+)", r" \1", sub("([A-Z]+)", r" \1", s.replace("-", " "))).split() ).lower() def _node_determinant(cls, kwargs): return cls def compile_new(node_cls, dynamic=False, pluggable=False, root=False): if pluggable: class_determinant = _get_pluggable_class elif dynamic: class_determinant = _get_dynamic_class else: class_determinant = _node_determinant def __new__(_cls, *args, _parent=None, _key=None, **kwargs): ncls = class_determinant(_cls, kwargs) instance = object.__new__(ncls) instance._config_pos_init = bool(len(args)) _set_pk(instance, _parent, _key) if root: instance._config_isfinished = False instance.__post_new__(**kwargs) if _cls is not ncls: instance.__init__(*args, **kwargs) return instance __new__.class_determinant = class_determinant return __new__ def _set_pk(obj, parent, key): obj._config_parent = parent obj._config_key = key if not hasattr(obj, "_config_attr_order"): obj._config_attr_order = [] if not hasattr(obj, "_config_state"): obj._config_state = {} for a in get_config_attributes(obj.__class__).values(): if a.key: from ._attrs import _setattr _setattr(obj, a.attr_name, key) def _missing_requirements(instance, attr, kwargs): # We use `self.__class__`, not `cls`, to get the proper child class. cls = instance.__class__ dynamic_root = getattr(cls, "_config_dynamic_root", None) kwargs = NodeKwargs(instance, kwargs) if dynamic_root is not None: dynamic_attr = dynamic_root._config_dynamic_attr # If we are checking the dynamic attribute, but we're already a dynamic subclass, # we skip the required check. return ( attr.attr_name == dynamic_attr and cls is dynamic_root and attr.required(kwargs) ) or (attr.attr_name != dynamic_attr and attr.required(kwargs)) else: return attr.required(kwargs) def compile_postnew(cls): def __post_new__(self, _parent=None, _key=None, **kwargs): attrs = get_config_attributes(self.__class__) self._config_attr_order = list(kwargs.keys()) catch_attrs = [a for a in attrs.values() if hasattr(a, "__catch__")] leftovers = kwargs.copy() values = {} for attr in attrs.values(): name = attr.attr_name value = values[name] = leftovers.pop(name, None) try: if _missing_requirements(self, attr, kwargs) and value is None: raise RequirementError(f"Missing required attribute '{name}'") except RequirementError as e: # Catch both our own and possible `attr.required` RequirementErrors # and set the node detail before passing it on e.node = self raise for attr in attrs.values(): name = attr.attr_name if attr.key and attr.attr_name not in kwargs: # If this is a "key" attribute, and the user didn't overwrite it, # set the attribute to the config key setattr(self, name, self._config_key) attr.flag_pristine(self) elif (value := values[name]) is None: if _is_settable_attr(attr): setattr(self, name, attr.get_default()) attr.flag_pristine(self) else: setattr(self, name, value) attr.flag_dirty(self) for key, value in leftovers.items(): try: _try_catch_attrs(self, catch_attrs, key, value) except UncaughtAttributeError: try: setattr(self, key, value) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f"Configuration attribute key '{key}' conflicts with" + f" readonly class attribute on `{self.__class__.__module__}" + f".{self.__class__.__name__}`." ) from None raise ConfigurationError(f"Unknown attribute: '{key}'") from None return __post_new__ def wrap_root_postnew(post_new): def __post_new__(self, *args, _parent=None, _key=None, _store=None, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "_meta"): self._meta = {"path": None, "produced": True} try: # Root node bootstrapping sequence _bootstrap_components(kwargs.get("components", []), file_store=_store) warn_missing_packages(kwargs.get("packages", [])) except Exception as e: raise BootError("Failed to bootstrap configuration.") from e try: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as log: try: post_new(self, *args, _parent=None, _key=None, **kwargs) except (CastError, RequirementError) as e: _bubble_up_exc(e, self._meta) self._config_isfinished = True _resolve_references(self) finally: _bubble_up_warnings(log) return __post_new__ def _is_settable_attr(attr): return not hasattr(attr, "fget") or attr.fset def _bubble_up_exc(exc, meta): if hasattr(exc, "node") and exc.node is not None: node = " in " + exc.node.get_node_name() else: node = "" attr = f".{exc.attr}" if hasattr(exc, "attr") and exc.attr else "" errr.wrap(type(exc), exc, append=node + attr) def _bubble_up_warnings(log): for w in log: m = w.message if hasattr(m, "node"): # Unpack the inner Warning that was passed instead of the warning msg attr = f".{m.attr.attr_name}" if hasattr(m, "attr") else "" warn(str(m) + " in " + m.node.get_node_name() + attr, type(m), stacklevel=4) else: warn(str(m), w.category, stacklevel=4) def _bootstrap_components(components, file_store=None): from import CodeDependencyNode for component in components: component_node = CodeDependencyNode(component) component_node.file_store = file_store component_node.load_object()
[docs] def get_config_attributes(cls): attrs = {} if not isinstance(cls, type): cls = cls.__class__ for p_cls in reversed(cls.__mro__): if hasattr(p_cls, "_config_attrs"): attrs.update(p_cls._config_attrs) else: # Scrape for mixin config attributes from ._attrs import ConfigurationAttribute attrs.update( { key: attr for key, attr in p_cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr, ConfigurationAttribute) } ) for unset in getattr(p_cls, "_config_unset", []): attrs.pop(unset, None) return attrs
def _get_node_name(self): name = ".<missing>" if getattr(self, "attr_name", None) is not None: name = "." + str(self.attr_name) if getattr(self, "_config_key", None) is not None: name = "." + str(self._config_key) if hasattr(self, "_config_index"): if self._config_index is None: return "{removed}" else: name = "[" + str(self._config_index) + "]" if getattr(self, "name", None) is not None: name = "." + if getattr(self, "_config_parent", None): return self._config_parent.get_node_name() + name else: return "{standalone}" + name def make_get_node_name(node_cls, root): if root: node_cls.get_node_name = lambda self: r"{root}" else: node_cls.get_node_name = _get_node_name class UncaughtAttributeError(Exception): pass def _try_catch_attrs(node, catchers, key, value): # See if any of the attributes in the node can catch the value of an unknown key in # the configuration section. If none of them catch the value, raise an # `UncaughtAttributeError` for attr in catchers: try: _try_catch(attr.__catch__, node, key, value) break except UncaughtAttributeError: pass else: raise UncaughtAttributeError() def _try_catch(catch, node, key, value): try: return catch(node, key, value) except Exception: raise UncaughtAttributeError() def _get_dynamic_class(node_cls, kwargs): if node_cls is not node_cls._config_dynamic_root: # When the node is already a subclass of its dynamic root, we don't need to cast # it anymore. return node_cls attr_name = node_cls._config_dynamic_attr dynamic_attr = getattr(node_cls, attr_name) if attr_name in kwargs: loaded_cls_name = kwargs[attr_name] elif dynamic_attr.required(kwargs): raise RequirementError(f"Dynamic node must contain a '{attr_name}' attribute") elif dynamic_attr.should_call_default(): # pragma: nocover loaded_cls_name = dynamic_attr.default() else: # Fall back to the default value, or the current class. loaded_cls_name = dynamic_attr.default or node_cls.__name__ module_path = ["__main__", node_cls.__module__] classmap = get_classmap(node_cls) interface = getattr(node_cls, "_config_dynamic_root") try: dynamic_cls = _load_class( loaded_cls_name, module_path, interface=interface, classmap=classmap ) except DynamicClassInheritanceError: mapped_class_msg = _get_mapped_class_msg(loaded_cls_name, classmap) raise UnfitClassCastError( "'{}'{} is not a valid class as it does not inherit from {}".format( loaded_cls_name, mapped_class_msg, node_cls.__name__, ) ) from None except DynamicClassError: mapped_class_msg = _get_mapped_class_msg(loaded_cls_name, classmap) raise UnresolvedClassCastError( f"Could not resolve '{loaded_cls_name}'{mapped_class_msg} to a class" ) from None return dynamic_cls def _get_pluggable_class(node_cls, kwargs): plugin_label = node_cls._config_plugin_name or node_cls.__name__ if node_cls._config_plugin_key not in kwargs: raise CastError( "Pluggable node must contain a '{}' attribute to select a {}".format( node_cls._config_plugin_key, plugin_label, ) ) plugin_name = kwargs[node_cls._config_plugin_key] plugins = node_cls.__plugins__() if plugin_name not in plugins: raise PluginError("Unknown {} '{}'".format(plugin_label, plugin_name)) plugin_cls = plugins[plugin_name] # TODO: Enforce class inheritance return plugin_cls def _get_mapped_class_msg(loaded_cls_name, classmap): if classmap and loaded_cls_name in classmap: return " (mapped to '{}')".format(classmap[loaded_cls_name]) else: return "" def _load_class(cfg_classname, module_path, interface=None, classmap=None): if classmap and cfg_classname in classmap: cfg_classname = classmap[cfg_classname] if inspect.isclass(cfg_classname): class_ref = cfg_classname class_name = cfg_classname.__name__ else: class_ref = _load_object(cfg_classname, module_path) class_name = class_ref.__name__ def qualname(cls): return cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__ if interface and not issubclass(class_ref, interface): raise DynamicClassInheritanceError( "Dynamic class '{}' must derive from {}".format( class_name, qualname(interface) ) ) return class_ref def _load_object(object_path, module_path): class_parts = object_path.split(".") object_name = class_parts[-1] module_name = ".".join(class_parts[:-1]) if not module_name: object_ref = _search_module_path(object_name, module_path, object_path) else: object_ref = _get_module_object(object_name, module_name, object_path) return object_ref def _search_module_path(class_name, module_path, cfg_classname): for module_name in module_path: module_dict = sys.modules[module_name].__dict__ if class_name in module_dict: return module_dict[class_name] raise DynamicObjectNotFoundError("Class not found: " + cfg_classname) def _get_module_object(object_name, module_name, object_path): sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) try: module_ref = importlib.import_module(module_name) finally: tmp = list(reversed(sys.path)) tmp.remove(os.getcwd()) sys.path = list(reversed(tmp)) try: return getattr(module_ref, object_name) except Exception: raise DynamicObjectNotFoundError(f"'{object_path}' not found.") def make_dictable(node_cls): def __contains__(self, attr): return attr in get_config_attributes(self.__class__) def __getitem__(self, attr): if attr in get_config_attributes(self.__class__): return getattr(self, attr) else: raise KeyError(attr) def __iter__(self): return (attr for attr in get_config_attributes(self.__class__)) node_cls.__contains__ = __contains__ node_cls.__getitem__ = __getitem__ node_cls.__iter__ = __iter__ def make_tree(node_cls): def get_tree(instance): if hasattr(instance, "__inv__") and not getattr(instance, "_config_inv", None): instance._config_inv = True inv = instance.__inv__() instance._config_inv = False return inv attrs = get_config_attributes(instance.__class__) catch_attrs = [a for a in attrs.values() if hasattr(a, "__catch__")] tree = {} for name in instance._config_attr_order: if name in attrs: attr = attrs[name] if attr.is_dirty(instance): value = attr.tree(instance) else: value = None else: for catcher in catch_attrs: if catcher.contains(instance, name): value = catcher.tree_callback(instance, name) break else: value = getattr(instance, name, None) if value is not None: tree[name] = value return tree node_cls.__tree__ = get_tree def make_copyable(node_cls): def loc_copy(instance, memo=None): return type(instance)(instance.__tree__()) node_cls.__copy__ = loc_copy node_cls.__deepcopy__ = loc_copy
[docs] def walk_node_attributes(node): """ Walk over all of the child configuration nodes and attributes of ``node``. :returns: attribute, node, parents :rtype: Tuple[:class:`~.config.ConfigurationAttribute`, Any, Tuple] """ attrs = get_config_attributes(node) if not attrs: if hasattr(node, "_config_attr"): attrs = _get_walkable_iterator(node) else: return for attr in attrs.values(): yield node, attr # Yield but don't follow references. if hasattr(attr, "__ref__"): continue child = attr.__get__(node, node.__class__) yield from walk_node_attributes(child)
[docs] def walk_nodes(node): """ Walk over all of the child configuration nodes of ``node``. :returns: node generator :rtype: Any """ if hasattr(node.__class__, "_config_attrs"): attrs = node.__class__._config_attrs elif hasattr(node, "_config_attr"): attrs = _get_walkable_iterator(node) else: return yield node for attr in attrs.values(): # Yield but don't follow references. if hasattr(attr, "__ref__"): continue child = attr.__get__(node, node.__class__) yield from walk_nodes(child)
def walk_node_values(start_node): for node, attr in walk_node_attributes(start_node): yield node, attr.attr_name, attr.__get__(node, node.__class__) def _resolve_references(root, start=None, /): from ._attrs import _setattr if start is None: start = root if root._config_isfinished: for node, attr in walk_node_attributes(root): if hasattr(attr, "__ref__"): ref = attr.__ref__(node, root) _setattr(node, attr.attr_name, ref) class WalkIterDescriptor: def __init__(self, n, v): self.attr_name = n self.v = v def __get__(self, instance, cls): return self.v def _get_walkable_iterator(node): if isinstance(node, dict): walkiter = {} for name, value in node.items(): walkiter[name] = WalkIterDescriptor(name, value) return walkiter elif isinstance(node, list): walkiter = {} for i, value in enumerate(node): walkiter[i] = WalkIterDescriptor(i, value) return walkiter _classmap_registry = defaultdict(dict) @functools.cache def load_component_plugins(): from ..plugins import discover plugins = discover("components") for plugin in plugins.values(): if isinstance(plugin, dict): for class_name, classmap in plugin.items(): register_classmap(class_name, classmap) return plugins def register_classmap(cls_name, classmap): _classmap_registry[cls_name].update(classmap) def get_classmap(cls): load_component_plugins() classmap = getattr(cls, "_config_dynamic_classmap", {}) classmap.update(_classmap_registry[get_qualified_class_name(cls)]) return classmap MISSING = object()