Source code for bsb.connectivity.detailed.shared

from functools import cache
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np

from ... import config
from ...config import types
from ...exceptions import ConnectivityWarning
from ...reporting import warn
from import Chunk

[docs] class Intersectional: affinity = config.attr(type=types.fraction(), default=1)
[docs] def get_region_of_interest(self, chunk): post_ps = [ct.get_placement_set() for ct in self.postsynaptic.cell_types] lpre, upre = self._get_rect_ext(tuple(chunk.dimensions), True) lpost, upost = self._get_rect_ext(tuple(chunk.dimensions), False) # Get the `np.arange`s between bounds offset by the chunk position, to be used in # `np.meshgrid` below. bounds = list( np.arange(l1 - u2 + c, u1 - l2 + c + 1) for l1, l2, u1, u2, c in zip(lpre, lpost, upre, upost, chunk) ) # Flatten and stack the meshgrid coordinates into a list. clist = np.column_stack( [a.reshape(-1) for a in np.meshgrid(*bounds, indexing="ij")] ) if not hasattr(self, "_occ_chunks"): # Filter by chunks where cells were actually placed self._occ_chunks = set( chain.from_iterable(ps.get_all_chunks() for ps in post_ps) ) if not self._occ_chunks: warn( f"No {', '.join(ps.tag for ps in post_ps)} were placed, skipping {}", ConnectivityWarning, ) return [] else: size = next(iter(self._occ_chunks)).dimensions return [t for c in clist if (t := Chunk(c, size)) in self._occ_chunks]
@cache def _get_rect_ext(self, chunk_size, pre_post_flag): if pre_post_flag: types = self.presynaptic.cell_types loader = self.presynaptic.morpho_loader else: types = self.postsynaptic.cell_types loader = self.postsynaptic.morpho_loader ps_list = [ct.get_placement_set() for ct in types] ms_list = [loader(ps) for ps in ps_list] if not sum(map(len, ms_list)): # No cells placed, return smallest possible RoI. return [np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0])] metas = list(chain.from_iterable(ms.iter_meta(unique=True) for ms in ms_list)) # TODO: Combine morphology extension information with PS rotation information. # Get the chunk coordinates of the boundaries of this chunk convoluted with the # extension of the intersecting morphologies. lbounds = np.min([m["ldc"] for m in metas], axis=0) // chunk_size ubounds = np.max([m["mdc"] for m in metas], axis=0) // chunk_size return lbounds, ubounds
[docs] def candidate_intersection(self, target_coll, candidate_coll): target_cache = [ (tset.cell_type, tset, tset.load_boxes()) for tset in target_coll.placement ] for cset in candidate_coll.placement: box_tree = cset.load_box_tree() for ttype, tset, tboxes in target_cache: yield (tset, cset, self._affinity_filter(box_tree.query(tboxes)))
def _affinity_filter(self, query): if self.affinity == 1: return query else: aff = self.affinity def sizemod(q): ln = len(q) return int(np.floor(ln * aff) + (np.random.rand() < ((ln * aff) % 1))) return (np.random.choice(q, sizemod(q), replace=False) for q in query)
__all__ = ["Intersectional"]