Source code for bsb.connectivity.detailed.voxel_intersection

import itertools
import random

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng

from ... import config
from ..._util import ichain
from ...config import types
from ..strategy import ConnectionStrategy
from .shared import Intersectional

_rng = default_rng()

[docs] @config.node class VoxelIntersection(Intersectional, ConnectionStrategy): """ This strategy finds overlap between voxelized morphologies. """ contacts = config.attr(type=types.distribution(), default=1) voxels_pre = config.attr(type=int, default=50) voxels_post = config.attr(type=int, default=50) cache = config.attr(type=bool, default=True) favor_cache = config.attr(type=types.in_(["pre", "post"]), default="pre")
[docs] def connect(self, pre, post): # Note on the caching terms: `targets` are the population that will be cached the # strongest; their voxelized tree will remain in place, while the candidates are # rotated and translated to overlap the target tree. # The choice to make something cached harder is if they have less different # morphologies, and good choices for candidates are the population with more # numerous and smaller morphologies. if self.favor_cache == "pre": targets = pre candidates = post self._n_tvoxels = self.voxels_pre self._n_cvoxels = self.voxels_post target_morpho = self.presynaptic.morpho_loader cand_morpho = self.postsynaptic.morpho_loader else: targets = post candidates = pre self._n_tvoxels = self.voxels_post self._n_cvoxels = self.voxels_pre target_morpho = self.postsynaptic.morpho_loader cand_morpho = self.presynaptic.morpho_loader combo_itr = self.candidate_intersection(targets, candidates) mset_cache = {} for target_set, cand_set, match_itr in combo_itr: if self.cache: if id(target_set) not in mset_cache: mset_cache[id(target_set)] = target_morpho(target_set) if id(cand_set) not in mset_cache: mset_cache[id(cand_set)] = cand_morpho(cand_set) target_mset = mset_cache[id(target_set)] cand_mset = mset_cache[id(cand_set)] else: target_mset = target_morpho(target_set) cand_mset = cand_morpho(cand_set) self._match_voxel_intersection( match_itr, target_set, cand_set, target_mset, cand_mset )
def _match_voxel_intersection(self, matches, tset, cset, tmset, cmset): # Soft-caching caches at the IO level and gives you a fresh copy of the morphology # each time, the `cached_voxelize` function we need wouldn't have any effect! tm_iter = tmset.iter_morphologies(cache=self.cache, hard_cache=self.cache) target_itrs = zip(tset.load_positions(), tset.load_rotations().iter(), tm_iter) rotations = cset.load_rotations() positions = cset.load_positions() data_acc = [] for target, candidates in enumerate(matches): tpos, trot, tmor = next(target_itrs) if not len(candidates): # No need to load or voxelize if there's no candidates anyway continue # Load and voxelize the target into a box tree if self.cache: tvoxels = tmor.cached_voxelize(N=self._n_tvoxels) else: tvoxels = tmor.voxelize(N=self._n_tvoxels) tree = tvoxels.as_boxtree(cache=self.cache) for cand in candidates: cpos = positions[cand] crot = rotations[cand] # Don't hard cache, as we mutate the instance we get. morpho = cmset.get(cand, cache=self.cache, hard_cache=False) # Transform candidate, keep target unrotated and untranslated at origin: # 1) Rotate self by own rotation # 2) Translate by position relative to target # 3) Anti-rotate by target rotation # Gives us the candidate relative to the target without having to modify, # reload, recalculate or revoxelize any of the target morphologies. # So in the case of a single target morphology we can keep that around. morpho.rotate(crot) morpho.translate(cpos - tpos) morpho.rotate(trot.inv()) cvoxels = morpho.voxelize(N=self._n_cvoxels) boxes = cvoxels.as_boxes() # Filter out the candidate voxels that overlap with target voxels. overlap = [(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(tree.query(boxes)) if v] if overlap: locations = self._pick_locations( target, cand, tvoxels, cvoxels, overlap ) data_acc.append(locations) # Preallocating and filling is faster than `np.concatenate` :shrugs: acc_idx = np.cumsum( [len(a[0]) for a in data_acc], ) # The inline if guards against the case where there's no overlap tlocs = np.empty((acc_idx[-1] if len(acc_idx) else 0, 3), dtype=int) clocs = np.empty((acc_idx[-1] if len(acc_idx) else 0, 3), dtype=int) for (s, e), (tblock, cblock) in zip(_pairs_with_zero(acc_idx), data_acc): tlocs[s:e] = tblock clocs[s:e] = cblock if self.favor_cache == "pre": src_set, dest_set = tset, cset src_locs, dest_locs = tlocs, clocs else: src_set, dest_set = cset, tset src_locs, dest_locs = clocs, tlocs self.connect_cells(src_set, dest_set, src_locs, dest_locs) def _pick_locations(self, tid, cid, tvoxels, cvoxels, overlap): n = int(self.contacts.draw(1)[0]) if n <= 0: return np.empty((0, 3), dtype=int), np.empty((0, 3), dtype=int) cpool = cvoxels.get_data([c for c, _ in overlap]) tpool = [tvoxels.get_data(t) for _, t in overlap] pool = np.column_stack( ( np.repeat(cpool, [len(t) for t in tpool]), np.array([*ichain(tpool)], dtype=object), ) ) weights = [len(c) * len(t) for c, t in pool] tlocs = [] clocs = [] for cpick, tpick in random.choices(pool, weights, k=n): clocs.append((cid, *random.choice(cpick))) tlocs.append((tid, *random.choice(tpick))) return tlocs, clocs
def _pairs_with_zero(iterable): a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) try: yield 0, next(b) except StopIteration: pass else: yield from zip(a, b) __all__ = ["VoxelIntersection"]