Source code for bsb.core

import itertools
import os
import sys
import typing

import numpy as np

from ._util import obj_str_insert
from .config._config import Configuration
from .connectivity import ConnectionStrategy
from .exceptions import (
from .placement import PlacementStrategy
from .profiling import meter
from .reporting import report
from .services import MPI, JobPool
from .services._pool_listeners import NonTTYTerminalListener, TTYTerminalListener
from .services.pool import Job, Workflow
from .simulation import get_simulation_adapter
from .storage import Storage, open_storage
from .storage._chunks import Chunk

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .cell_types import CellType
    from .config._config import NetworkNode as Network
    from .postprocessing import AfterPlacementHook
    from .simulation.simulation import Simulation
    from .storage.interfaces import (
    from .topology import Partition, Region

[docs] @meter() def from_storage(root): """ Load :class:`.core.Scaffold` from a storage object. :param root: Root (usually path) pointing to the storage object. :returns: A network scaffold :rtype: :class:`Scaffold` """ return open_storage(root).load()
_cfg_props = ( "network", "regions", "partitions", "cell_types", "placement", "after_placement", "connectivity", "after_connectivity", "simulations", ) def _config_property(name): def fget(self): return getattr(self.configuration, name) def fset(self, value): setattr(self.configuration, name, value) prop = property(fget) return prop.setter(fset) def _get_linked_config(storage=None): import bsb.config try: cfg = storage.load_active_config() except Exception: import bsb.options path = bsb.options.config else: path = cfg._meta.get("path", None) if path and os.path.exists(path): with open(path, "r") as f: cfg = bsb.config.parse_configuration_file(f) return cfg else: return None def _bad_flag(flag: bool): return flag is not None and bool(flag) is not flag
[docs] class Scaffold: """ This is the main object of the bsb package, it represents a network and puts together all the pieces that make up the model description such as the :class:`~.config.Configuration` with the technical side like the :class:``. """ network: "Network" regions: typing.Dict[str, "Region"] partitions: typing.Dict[str, "Partition"] cell_types: typing.Dict[str, "CellType"] placement: typing.Dict[str, "PlacementStrategy"] after_placement: typing.Dict[str, "AfterPlacementHook"] connectivity: typing.Dict[str, "ConnectionStrategy"] after_connectivity: typing.Dict[str, "AfterPlacementHook"] simulations: typing.Dict[str, "Simulation"] def __init__(self, config=None, storage=None, clear=False, comm=None): """ Bootstraps a network object. :param config: The configuration to use for this network. If it is omitted the :ref:`default configuration <default-config>` is used. :type config: :class:`~.config.Configuration` :param storage: The storage to use to read and write data for this network. If it is omitted the configuration's ``Storage`` node is used to construct one. :type storage: :class:`` :param clear: Start with a new network, clearing any previously stored information :type clear: bool :returns: A network object :rtype: :class:`~.core.Scaffold` """ self._pool_listeners: list[tuple[typing.Callable[[list["Job"]], None], float]] = ( [] ) self._configuration = None self._storage = None self._comm = comm or MPI self._bootstrap(config, storage, clear=clear) def __contains__(self, component): return getattr(component, "scaffold", None) is self @obj_str_insert def __repr__(self): file = os.path.abspath( cells_placed = len(self.cell_types) n_types = len(self.connectivity) return f"'{file}' with {cells_placed} cell types, and {n_types} connection_types"
[docs] def is_main_process(self) -> bool: return not MPI.get_rank()
[docs] def is_worker_process(self) -> bool: return bool(MPI.get_rank())
def _bootstrap(self, config, storage, clear=False): if config is None: # No config given, check for linked configs, or stored configs, otherwise # make default config. linked = _get_linked_config(storage) if linked: report(f"Pulling configuration from linked {linked}.", level=2) config = linked elif storage is not None: try: config = storage.load_active_config() except MissingActiveConfigError: config = Configuration.default() else: config = Configuration.default() if not storage: # No storage given, create one. report("Creating storage from config.", level=4) storage = Storage(, if clear: # Storage given, but asked to clear it before use. storage.remove() storage.create() # Synchronize the scaffold, config and storage objects for use together self._configuration = config # Make sure the storage config node reflects the storage we are using config._update_storage_node(storage) # Give the scaffold access to the unitialized storage object (for use during # config bootstrapping). self._storage = storage # First, the scaffold is passed to each config node, and their boot methods called self._configuration._bootstrap(self) # Then, `storage` is initted for the scaffold, and `config` is stored (happens # inside the `storage` property). = storage storage_cfg = _config_property("storage") for attr in _cfg_props: vars()[attr] = _config_property(attr) @property def configuration(self) -> Configuration: return self._configuration @configuration.setter def configuration(self, cfg: Configuration): self._configuration = cfg cfg._bootstrap(self) @property def storage(self) -> Storage: return self._storage @storage.setter def storage(self, storage: Storage): self._storage = storage storage.init(self) @property def morphologies(self) -> "MorphologyRepository": return @property def files(self) -> "FileStore": return
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears the storage. This deletes any existing network data! """
[docs] def clear_placement(self): """ Clears the placement storage. """
[docs] def clear_connectivity(self): """ Clears the connectivity storage. """
[docs] def resize(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): """ Updates the topology boundary indicators. Use before placement, updates only the abstract topology tree, does not rescale, prune or otherwise alter already existing placement data. """ from .topology._layout import box_layout if x is not None: = x if y is not None: = y if z is not None: = z self.topology.do_layout( box_layout(, np.array( + [,,], ) )
[docs] @meter() def run_placement(self, strategies=None, fail_fast=True, pipelines=True): """ Run placement strategies. """ if pipelines: self.run_pipelines() if strategies is None: strategies = [*self.placement.values()] strategies = PlacementStrategy.sort_deps(strategies) with self.create_job_pool(fail_fast=fail_fast) as pool: if pool.is_main(): def scheduler(strategy): strategy.queue(pool, pool.schedule(strategies, scheduler) pool.execute()
[docs] @meter() def run_connectivity(self, strategies=None, fail_fast=True, pipelines=True): """ Run connection strategies. """ if pipelines: self.run_pipelines() if strategies is None: strategies = set(self.connectivity.values()) strategies = ConnectionStrategy.sort_deps(strategies) with self.create_job_pool(fail_fast=fail_fast) as pool: if pool.is_main(): pool.schedule(strategies) pool.execute()
[docs] @meter() def run_placement_strategy(self, strategy): """ Run a single placement strategy. """ self.run_placement([strategy])
[docs] @meter() def run_after_placement(self, hooks=None, fail_fast=None, pipelines=True): """ Run after placement hooks. """ if hooks is None: hooks = self.after_placement with self.create_job_pool(fail_fast) as pool: if pool.is_main(): pool.schedule(hooks) pool.execute()
[docs] @meter() def run_after_connectivity(self, hooks=None, fail_fast=None, pipelines=True): """ Run after placement hooks. """ if hooks is None: hooks = self.after_placement with self.create_job_pool(fail_fast) as pool: if pool.is_main(): pool.schedule(hooks) pool.execute()
[docs] @meter() def compile( self, skip_placement=False, skip_connectivity=False, skip_after_placement=False, skip_after_connectivity=False, only=None, skip=None, clear=False, append=False, redo=False, force=False, fail_fast=True, ): """ Run reconstruction steps in the scaffold sequence to obtain a full network. """ existed = if skip_placement: p_strats = [] else: p_strats = self.get_placement(skip=skip, only=only) if skip_connectivity: c_strats = [] else: c_strats = self.get_connectivity(skip=skip, only=only) todo_list_str = ", ".join( for s in itertools.chain(p_strats, c_strats)) report(f"Compiling the following strategies: {todo_list_str}", level=2) if _bad_flag(clear) or _bad_flag(redo) or _bad_flag(append): raise InputError( "`clear`, `redo` and `append` are strictly boolean flags. " "Pass the strategies to run to the skip/only options instead." ) if sum((bool(clear), bool(redo), bool(append))) > 1: raise InputError("`clear`, `redo` and `append` are mutually exclusive.") if existed: if not (clear or append or redo): raise FileExistsError( f"The `{}` storage" + f" at `{}` already exists. Either move/delete it," + " or pass one of the `clear`, `append` or `redo` arguments" + " to pick what to do with the existing data." ) if clear: report("Clearing data", level=2) # Clear the placement and connectivity data, but leave any cached files # and morphologies intact. self.clear_placement() self.clear_connectivity() elif redo: # In order to properly redo things, we clear some placement and connection # data, but since multiple placement/connection strategies can contribute # to the same sets we might be wiping their data too, and they will need # to be cleared and reran as well. p_strats, c_strats = self._redo_chain(p_strats, c_strats, skip, force) # else: # append mode is luckily simpler, just don't clear anything :) phases = ["pipelines"] if not skip_placement: phases.append("placement") if not skip_after_placement: phases.append("after_placement") if not skip_connectivity: phases.append("connectivity") if not skip_after_connectivity: phases.append("after_connectivity") self._workflow = Workflow(phases) try: self.run_pipelines(fail_fast=fail_fast) self._workflow.next_phase() if not skip_placement: placement_todo = ", ".join( for s in p_strats) report(f"Starting placement strategies: {placement_todo}", level=2) self.run_placement(p_strats, fail_fast=fail_fast, pipelines=False) self._workflow.next_phase() if not skip_after_placement: self.run_after_placement(pipelines=False, fail_fast=fail_fast) self._workflow.next_phase() if not skip_connectivity: connectivity_todo = ", ".join( for s in c_strats) report(f"Starting connectivity strategies: {connectivity_todo}", level=2) self.run_connectivity(c_strats, fail_fast=fail_fast, pipelines=False) self._workflow.next_phase() if not skip_after_connectivity: self.run_after_connectivity(pipelines=False) self._workflow.next_phase() finally: # After compilation we should flag the storage as having existed before so that # the `clear`, `redo` and `append` flags take effect on a second `compile` pass. = True del self._workflow
[docs] @meter() def run_pipelines(self, fail_fast=True, pipelines=None): if pipelines is None: pipelines = self.get_dependency_pipelines() with self.create_job_pool(fail_fast=fail_fast) as pool: if pool.is_main(): pool.schedule(pipelines) pool.execute()
[docs] @meter() def run_simulation(self, simulation_name: str): """ Run a simulation starting from the default single-instance adapter. :param simulation_name: Name of the simulation in the configuration. :type simulation_name: str """ simulation = self.get_simulation(simulation_name) adapter = get_simulation_adapter(simulation.simulator) return adapter.simulate(simulation)[0]
[docs] def get_simulation(self, sim_name: str) -> "Simulation": """ Retrieve the default single-instance adapter for a simulation. """ if sim_name not in self.simulations: simstr = ", ".join(f"'{s}'" for s in self.simulations.keys()) raise NodeNotFoundError( f"Unknown simulation '{sim_name}', choose from: {simstr}" ) return self.configuration.simulations[sim_name]
[docs] def place_cells( self, cell_type, positions, morphologies=None, rotations=None, additional=None, chunk=None, ): """ Place cells inside of the scaffold .. code-block:: python # Add one granule cell at position 0, 0, 0 cell_type = scaffold.get_cell_type("granule_cell") scaffold.place_cells(cell_type, cell_type.layer_instance, [[0., 0., 0.]]) :param cell_type: The type of the cells to place. :type cell_type: ~bsb.cell_types.CellType :param positions: A collection of xyz positions to place the cells on. :type positions: Any `np.concatenate` type of shape (N, 3). """ if chunk is None: chunk = Chunk([0, 0, 0], if hasattr(chunk, "dimensions") and np.any(np.isnan(chunk.dimensions)): chunk.dimensions = self.get_placement_set(cell_type).append_data( chunk, positions=positions, morphologies=morphologies, rotations=rotations, additional=additional, )
[docs] def create_entities(self, cell_type, count): """ Create entities in the simulation space. Entities are different from cells because they have no positional data and don't influence the placement step. They do have a representation in the connection and simulation step. :param cell_type: The cell type of the entities :type cell_type: ~bsb.cell_types.CellType :param count: Number of entities to place :type count: int :todo: Allow `additional` data for entities """ if count == 0: return ps = self.get_placement_set(cell_type) # Append entity data to the default chunk 000 chunk = Chunk([0, 0, 0], ps.append_entities(chunk, count)
[docs] def get_placement( self, cell_types=None, skip=None, only=None ) -> typing.List["PlacementStrategy"]: if cell_types is not None: cell_types = [ self.cell_types[ct] if isinstance(ct, str) else ct for ct in cell_types ] return [ val for key, val in self.placement.items() if (cell_types is None or any(ct in cell_types for ct in val.cell_types)) and (only is None or key in only) and (skip is None or key not in skip) ]
[docs] def get_placement_of(self, *cell_types): """ Find all of the placement strategies that given certain cell types. :param cell_types: Cell types (or their names) of interest. :type cell_types: Union[~bsb.cell_types.CellType, str] """ return self.get_placement(cell_types=cell_types)
[docs] def get_placement_set( self, type, chunks=None, labels=None, morphology_labels=None ) -> "PlacementSet": """ Return a cell type's placement set from the output formatter. :param tag: Unique identifier of the placement set in the storage :type tag: str :returns: A placement set :param labels: Labels to filter the placement set by. :type labels: list[str] :param morphology_labels: Subcellular labels to apply to the morphologies. :type morphology_labels: list[str] :rtype: :class:`` """ if isinstance(type, str): type = self.cell_types[type] return type, chunks=chunks, labels=labels, morphology_labels=morphology_labels )
[docs] def get_placement_sets(self) -> typing.List["PlacementSet"]: """ Return all of the placement sets present in the network. :rtype: List[] """ return [cell_type.get_placement_set() for cell_type in self.cell_types.values()]
[docs] def get_connectivity( self, anywhere=None, presynaptic=None, postsynaptic=None, skip=None, only=None ) -> typing.List["ConnectivitySet"]: conntype_filtered = self._connectivity_query( any_query=set(self._sanitize_ct(anywhere)), pre_query=set(self._sanitize_ct(presynaptic)), post_query=set(self._sanitize_ct(postsynaptic)), ) return [ ct for ct in conntype_filtered if (only is None or in only) and (skip is None or not in skip) ]
[docs] def get_connectivity_sets(self) -> typing.List["ConnectivitySet"]: """ Return all connectivity sets from the output formatter. :param tag: Unique identifier of the connectivity set in the output formatter :type tag: str :returns: All connectivity sets """ return [self._load_cs_types(cs) for cs in]
[docs] def require_connectivity_set(self, pre, post, tag=None) -> "ConnectivitySet": return self._load_cs_types(, post, tag), pre, post )
[docs] def get_connectivity_set(self, tag=None, pre=None, post=None) -> "ConnectivitySet": """ Return a connectivity set from the output formatter. :param tag: Unique identifier of the connectivity set in the output formatter :type tag: str :returns: A connectivity set :rtype: :class:`` """ if tag is None: try: tag = f"{}_to_{}" except Exception: raise ValueError("Supply either `tag` or a valid pre and post cell type.") return self._load_cs_types(, pre, post)
[docs] def get_cell_types(self) -> typing.List["CellType"]: """ Return a list of all cell types in the network. """ return [*self.configuration.cell_types.values()]
[docs] def merge(self, other, label=None): raise NotImplementedError("Revisit: merge CT, PS & CS, done?")
def _sanitize_ct(self, seq_str_or_none): if seq_str_or_none is None: return [] try: if isinstance(seq_str_or_none, str): return [self.cell_types[seq_str_or_none]] return [ self.cell_types[s] if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in seq_str_or_none ] except KeyError as e: raise NodeNotFoundError(f"Cell type `{e.args[0]}` not found.") def _connectivity_query(self, any_query=set(), pre_query=set(), post_query=set()): # Filter network connection types for any type that satisfies both # the presynaptic and postsynaptic query. Empty queries satisfy all # types. The presynaptic query is satisfied if the conn type contains # any of the queried cell types presynaptically, and same for post. # The any query is satisfied if a cell type is found either pre or post. def partial_query(types, query): return not query or any(cell_type in query for cell_type in types) def query(conn_type): pre_match = partial_query(conn_type.presynaptic.cell_types, pre_query) post_match = partial_query(conn_type.postsynaptic.cell_types, post_query) any_match = partial_query( conn_type.presynaptic.cell_types, any_query ) or partial_query(conn_type.postsynaptic.cell_types, any_query) return any_match or (pre_match and post_match) types = self.connectivity.values() return [*filter(query, types)] def _redo_chain(self, p_strats, c_strats, skip, force): p_contrib = set(p_strats) while True: # Get all the placement strategies that effect the current set of CT. full_wipe = set(itertools.chain(*(ps.cell_types for ps in p_contrib))) contrib = set(self.get_placement(full_wipe)) # Keep repeating until no new contributors are fished up. if contrib.issubset(p_contrib): break # Grow the placement chain p_contrib.update(contrib) report( "Redo-affected placement: " + " ".join( for ps in p_contrib), level=2 ) c_contrib = set(c_strats) conn_wipe = full_wipe.copy() if full_wipe: while True: contrib = set(self.get_connectivity(anywhere=conn_wipe)) conn_wipe.update( itertools.chain(*(ct.get_cell_types() for ct in contrib)) ) if contrib.issubset(c_contrib): break c_contrib.update(contrib) report( "Redo-affected connectivity: " + " ".join( for cs in c_contrib), level=2, ) # Don't do greedy things without `force` if not force: # Error if we need to redo things the user asked to skip if skip is not None: unskipped = [ for p in p_contrib if in skip] if unskipped: chainstr = ", ".join(f"'{}'" for s in (p_strats + c_strats)) skipstr = ", ".join(f"'{}'" for s in unskipped) raise RedoError( f"Can't skip {skipstr}. Redoing {chainstr} requires to redo them." + f" Omit {skipstr} from `skip` or use `force` (not recommended)." ) # Error if we need to redo things the user didn't ask for for label, chain, og in zip( ("placement", "connection"), (p_contrib, c_contrib), (p_strats, c_strats) ): if len(chain) > len(og): new = chain.difference(og) raise RedoError( f"Need to redo additional {label} strategies: " + ", ".join( for n in new) + ". Include them or use `force` (not recommended)." ) for ct in full_wipe: report(f"Clearing all data of {}", level=2) ct.clear() for ct in conn_wipe: report(f"Clearing connectivity data of {}", level=2) ct.clear_connections() return p_contrib, c_contrib
[docs] def get_dependency_pipelines(self): return [*self.configuration.morphologies]
[docs] def get_config_diagram(self): from .config import make_configuration_diagram return make_configuration_diagram(self.configuration)
[docs] def get_storage_diagram(self): dot = f'digraph "{ or "network"}" {{' for ps in self.get_placement_sets(): dot += f'\n {ps.tag}[label="{ps.tag} ({len(ps)} {})"]' for conn in self.get_connectivity_sets(): dot += f"\n {} -> {}" dot += f'[label="{conn.tag} ({len(conn)})"];' dot += "\n}\n" return dot
def _load_cs_types( self, cs: "ConnectivitySet", pre=None, post=None ) -> "ConnectivitySet": if pre and != cs.pre_type_name: raise ValueError( "Given and stored type mismatch:" + f" {} vs {cs.pre_type_name}" ) if post and != cs.post_type_name: raise ValueError( "Given and stored type mismatch:" + f" {} vs {cs.post_type_name}" ) try: cs.pre_type = self.cell_types[cs.pre_type_name] cs.post_type = self.cell_types[cs.post_type_name] except KeyError as e: raise NodeNotFoundError( f"Couldn't load '{cs.tag}' connections, missing cell type '{e.args[0]}'." ) from None return cs
[docs] def create_job_pool(self, fail_fast=None, quiet=False): pool = JobPool( self, fail_fast=fail_fast, workflow=getattr(self, "_workflow", None) ) try: # Check whether stdout is a TTY, and that it is larger than 0x0 # (e.g. MPI sets it to 0x0 unless an xterm is emulated. tty = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) and sum(os.get_terminal_size()) except Exception: tty = False if tty: fps = 25 default_listener = TTYTerminalListener(fps) default_max_wait = 1 / fps else: default_listener = NonTTYTerminalListener() default_max_wait = None if self._pool_listeners: for listener, max_wait in self._pool_listeners: pool.add_listener(listener, max_wait=max_wait) elif not quiet: pool.add_listener(default_listener, max_wait=default_max_wait) return pool
[docs] def register_listener(self, listener, max_wait=None): self._pool_listeners.append((listener, max_wait))
[docs] def remove_listener(self, listener): for i, (l, _) in enumerate(self._pool_listeners): if l is listener: self._pool_listeners.pop(i) break
[docs] class ReportListener: def __init__(self, scaffold, file): self.file = file self.scaffold = scaffold def __call__(self, progress): report( str(progress.progression) + "+" + str(progress.duration) + "+" + str(progress.time), token="simulation_progress", )
__all__ = ["ReportListener", "Scaffold", "from_storage"]