Source code for bsb.mixins

import abc as _abc
import itertools
import typing
from graphlib import TopologicalSorter

from . import _util as _gutil
from .reporting import warn
from .storage._chunks import Chunk

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .services import JobPool

def _queue_placement(self, pool: "JobPool", chunk_size):
    # Get the queued jobs of all the strategies we depend on.
    deps = set(
        itertools.chain(*(pool.get_submissions_of(strat) for strat in self.get_deps()))
    # todo: perhaps pass the volume or partition boundaries as chunk size
    pool.queue_placement(self, Chunk([0, 0, 0], None), deps=deps)

def _all_chunks(iter_):
    return _gutil.unique(
        _gutil.ichain(ct.get_placement_set().get_all_chunks() for ct in iter_)

def _queue_connectivity(self, pool: "JobPool"):
    # Get the queued jobs of all the strategies we depend on.
    deps = set(_gutil.ichain(pool.get_submissions_of(strat) for strat in self.get_deps()))
    # Schedule all chunks in 1 job
    pre_chunks = _all_chunks(self.presynaptic.cell_types)
    post_chunks = _all_chunks(self.postsynaptic.cell_types)
    job = pool.queue_connectivity(self, pre_chunks, post_chunks, deps=deps)

def _raise_na(*args, **kwargs):
    raise NotImplementedError("NotParallel connection strategies have no RoI.")

[docs] class HasDependencies: """ Mixin class to mark that this node may depend on other nodes. """
[docs] @_abc.abstractmethod def get_deps(self): pass
@_abc.abstractmethod def __lt__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} must implement __lt__.") @_abc.abstractmethod def __hash__(self): raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} must implement __hash__.")
[docs] @classmethod def sort_deps(cls, objects): """ Orders a given dictionary of objects by the class's default mechanism and then apply the `after` attribute for further restrictions. """ objects = set(objects) ordered = [] sorter = TopologicalSorter( {o: set(d for d in o.get_deps() if d in objects) for o in objects} ) sorter.prepare() while sorter.is_active(): node_group = sorter.get_ready() ordered.extend(sorted(node_group)) sorter.done(*node_group) return ordered
[docs] class NotParallel: def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): from .connectivity import ConnectionStrategy from .placement import PlacementStrategy super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if PlacementStrategy in cls.__mro__: cls.queue = _queue_placement elif ConnectionStrategy in cls.__mro__: cls.queue = _queue_connectivity if "get_region_of_interest" not in cls.__dict__: cls.get_region_of_interest = _raise_na else: raise Exception( "NotParallel can only be applied to placement or " "connectivity strategies" )
[docs] class InvertedRoI: """ This mixin inverts the perspective of the ``get_region_of_interest`` interface and lets you find presynaptic regions of interest for a postsynaptic chunk. Usage: ..code-block:: python class MyConnStrat(InvertedRoI, ConnectionStrategy): def get_region_of_interest(post_chunk): return [pre_chunk1, pre_chunk2] """
[docs] def queue(self, pool): # Get the queued jobs of all the strategies we depend on. deps = set( _gutil.ichain(pool.get_submissions_of(strat) for strat in self.get_deps()) ) post_types = self.postsynaptic.cell_types # Iterate over each chunk that is populated by our postsynaptic cell types. to_chunks = set( _gutil.ichain(ct.get_placement_set().get_all_chunks() for ct in post_types) ) rois = { chunk: roi for chunk in to_chunks if (roi := self.get_region_of_interest(chunk)) is None or len(roi) } if not rois: warn( f"No overlap found between {[ for post in post_types]} and " f"{[ for pre in self.presynaptic.cell_types]} " f"in '{}'." ) for chunk, roi in rois.items(): pool.queue_connectivity(self, roi, [chunk], deps=deps)
__all__ = ["HasDependencies", "InvertedRoI", "NotParallel"]