Source code for bsb.morphologies

Morphology module

# This is a note to myself, should expand into docs:
# It goes ``morphology-on-file`` into ``repository`` that the ``storage`` needs to provide
# support for. Then after a placement job has placed cells for a chunk, the positions are
# sent to a ``distributor`` that is supposed to use the ``indicators`` to ask the
# ``storage.morphology_repository`` which ``loaders`` are appropriate for the given
# ``selectors``, then, still hopefully using just morpho metadata the  ``distributor``
# generates indices and rotations. In more complex cases the ``selector`` and
# ``distributor`` can both load the morphologies but this will slow things down.
# In the simulation step, these (possibly dynamically modified) morphologies are passed
# to the cell model instantiators.

import functools
import inspect
import itertools
from collections import deque
from pathlib import Path
from pickle import UnpicklingError

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from .. import _util as _gutil
from .._encoding import EncodedLabels
from ..exceptions import EmptyBranchError, MorphologyDataError, MorphologyError
from ..voxels import VoxelSet

[docs] def parse_morphology_file(file, **kwargs): from .parsers import parse_morphology_file return parse_morphology_file(file, **kwargs)
[docs] class MorphologySet: """ Associates a set of :class:`StoredMorphologies <.storage.interfaces.StoredMorphology>` to cells """ def __init__(self, loaders, m_indices=None, /, labels=None): """ :param loaders: list of Morphology loader functions. :type loaders: List[Callable[[],]] :param m_indices: indices of the loaders for each of the morphologies. :type: List[int] """ if m_indices is None: loaders, m_indices = np.unique(loaders, return_inverse=True) self._m_indices = np.array(m_indices, copy=False, dtype=int) self._loaders = list(loaders) check_max = np.max(m_indices, initial=-1) if check_max >= len(loaders): raise IndexError(f"Index {check_max} out of range for {len(loaders)}.") self._cached = {} self._labels = labels
[docs] def set_label_filter(self, labels): self._cached = {} for loader in self._loaders: loader._cached_load.cache_clear() self._labels = labels
@_gutil.obj_str_insert def __repr__(self): return f"{len(self)} cells, {len(self._loaders)} morphologies" def __contains__(self, value): return value in [ for loader in self._loaders]
[docs] def count_morphologies(self): return len(self._loaders)
[docs] def count_unique(self): uniques = [] count = 0 for m in (m.load() for m in self._loaders): if not any(f == m for f in uniques): uniques.append(m) count += 1 return count
def __len__(self): return len(self._m_indices) def __iter__(self): return self.iter_morphologies() @property def names(self): return [ for loader in self._loaders]
[docs] def get_indices(self, copy=True): return self._m_indices.copy() if copy else self._m_indices
[docs] def get(self, index, cache=True, hard_cache=False): data = self._m_indices[index] if data.ndim: return self._get_many(data, cache, hard_cache) else: return self._get_one(data, cache, hard_cache)
def _get_one(self, idx, cache, hard_cache): if cache: if hard_cache: return self._loaders[idx].cached_load(self._labels) if idx not in self._cached: self._cached[idx] = ( self._loaders[idx].load().set_label_filter(self._labels).as_filtered() ) return self._cached[idx].copy() else: return self._loaders[idx].load().set_label_filter(self._labels).as_filtered() def _get_many(self, data, cache, hard_cache): if hard_cache: return np.array([self._loaders[idx].cached_load() for idx in data]) elif cache: res = [] for idx in data: if idx not in self._cached: self._cached[idx] = self._loaders[idx].load() res.append(self._cached[idx].copy()) else: res = np.array([self._loaders[idx].load() for idx in data]) return res
[docs] def clear_soft_cache(self): self._cached = {}
[docs] def iter_morphologies(self, cache=True, unique=False, hard_cache=False): """ Iterate over the morphologies in a MorphologySet with full control over caching. :param cache: Use :ref:`soft-caching` (1 copy stored in mem per cache miss, 1 copy created from that per cache hit). :type cache: bool :param hard_cache: Use :ref:`hard-caching` (1 copy stored on the loader, always same copy returned from that loader forever). """ if hard_cache: def _load(loader): return loader.cached_load(self._labels) elif self._labels is not None: def _load(loader): return loader.load().set_label_filter(self._labels).as_filtered() else: def _load(loader): return loader.load() if unique: yield from map(_load, self._loaders) elif not cache or hard_cache: yield from map(_load, (self._loaders[idx] for idx in self._m_indices)) else: _cached = {} for idx in self._m_indices: if idx not in _cached: _cached[idx] = _load(self._loaders[idx]) yield _cached[idx].copy()
[docs] def iter_meta(self, unique=False): if unique: yield from (loader.get_meta() for loader in self._loaders) else: yield from (self._loaders[idx].get_meta() for idx in self._m_indices)
def _serialize_loaders(self): return [ for loader in self._loaders]
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls): return cls([], np.empty(0, dtype=int))
[docs] def merge(self, other): merged_loaders = self._loaders.copy() previous_set = set(merged_loaders) if any(loader in previous_set for loader in other._loaders): # There is overlap between the sets, and mapping is required id_map = dict( (i, merged_loaders.index(loader)) for i, loader in enumerate(other._loaders) if loader in previous_set ) if all(k == v for k, v in id_map.items()): mapped_indices = other._m_indices else: def map_ids(id): mapped_id = id_map.get(id, None) if mapped_id is None: mapped_id = id_map[id] = len(merged_loaders) merged_loaders.append(other._loaders[id]) return mapped_id mapped_indices = np.vectorize(map_ids)(other._m_indices) merged_indices = np.concatenate((self._m_indices, mapped_indices)) else: # No overlap, we can just offset the new dataset merge_offset = len(self._loaders) merged_loaders = self._loaders + other._loaders merged_indices = np.concatenate( (self._m_indices, other._m_indices + merge_offset) ) return MorphologySet(merged_loaders, merged_indices)
def _mapback(self, locs): if self._labels is None: raise RuntimeError("Mapback requested on unfiltered morphology set.") locs = locs.copy() for i, loader in enumerate(self._loaders): rows = self._m_indices[locs[:, 0]] == i if np.any(rows): morpho = loader.load() filtered = morpho.set_label_filter(self._labels).as_filtered() # Using np.vectorize is Python speed O(n), worst case in numpy is C speed # O(n^2) (that is if every point is on another branch), not sure. branchmap = np.vectorize( { bid: b._copied_from_branch for bid, b in enumerate(filtered.branches) }.get ) pointmap = np.vectorize( { bid: b._copied_points_offset for bid, b in enumerate(filtered.branches) }.get ) # Map points first, then branches, since points depend on unmapped branch. locs[rows, 2] = locs[rows, 2] + pointmap(locs[rows, 1]) locs[rows, 1] = branchmap(locs[rows, 1]) return locs
[docs] class RotationSet: """ Set of rotations. Returned rotations are of :class:`scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` """ def __init__(self, data): if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): self._data = np.array( [ v.as_euler("xyz", degrees=True) if isinstance(v, Rotation) else v for v in data ] ) else: self._data = data if self._data.ndim != 2 or self._data.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Input should be an (Nx3) matrix of rotations.") def __array__(self, dtype=None, *args, **kwargs): return self._data.__array__(dtype, *args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): return self.iter() def __getitem__(self, index): data = self._data[index] if data.ndim == 2: return np.array([self._rot(d) for d in data]) else: return self._rot(data) def __len__(self): return len(self._data)
[docs] def iter(self, cache=False): if cache: yield from (self._cached_rot(tuple(d)) for d in self._data) else: yield from (self._rot(d) for d in self._data)
@functools.cache def _cached_rot(self, angles): return self._rot(angles) def _rot(self, angles): return Rotation.from_euler("xyz", angles)
[docs] def branch_iter(branch): """ Iterate over a branch and all of its children depth first. """ yield branch for child in branch._children: yield from branch_iter(child)
[docs] class SubTree: """ Collection of branches, not necesarily all connected. """ def __init__(self, branches, sanitize=True): if sanitize: # Find the roots of the full subtree(s) emanating from the given, possibly # overlapping branches. if len(branches) < 2: # The roots of the subtrees of 0 or 1 branches is eaqual to the 0 or 1 # branches themselves. self.roots = branches else: # Collect the deduplicated subtree emanating from all given branches; use # dict.fromkeys and .keys to preserve insertion order (i.e. DFS order) sub = dict.fromkeys( itertools.chain(*(b.get_branches() for b in branches)) ).keys() # Find the root branches whose parents are not part of the subtrees self.roots = [b for b in sub if b.parent not in sub] else: # No subtree sanitizing: Assume the whole tree is given, or only the roots # have been given, and just take all literal root (non-parent-having) # branches. self.roots = [b for b in branches if b.parent is None] self._is_shared = False def __getattr__(self, attr): if not hasattr(self, "_is_shared"): raise UnpicklingError("Morphology class does not support pickling.") if self._is_shared: if attr in self._shared._prop: return self._shared._prop[attr] else: super().__getattribute__(attr) else: return np.concatenate([getattr(b, attr) for b in self.branches]) def __len__(self): if self._is_shared: return len(self._shared._points) else: return sum(b.size for b in self.get_branches()) @property def size(self): return len(self) @property def branches(self): """ Return a depth-first flattened array of all branches. """ return self.get_branches() @property def points(self): return self.flatten() @points.setter def points(self, value): arr = np.array(value, copy=False, dtype=float) if self._is_shared: self.points[:] = arr else: ptr = 0 for b in self.branches: b.points = arr[ptr : (ptr := ptr + len(b))] @property def radii(self): return self.flatten_radii() @radii.setter def radii(self, value): arr = np.array(value, copy=False, dtype=float) if self._is_shared: self.radii[:] = arr else: ptr = 0 for b in self.branches: b.radii = arr[ptr : (ptr := ptr + len(b))] @property def labels(self): return self.flatten_labels() @property def properties(self): return self.flatten_properties() @property def bounds(self): f = self.flatten() if not len(f): return np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3) return np.min(f, axis=0), np.max(f, axis=0) @property def branch_adjacency(self): """ Return a dictonary containing mapping the id of the branch to its children. """ idmap = {b: n for n, b in enumerate(self.branches)} return {n: list(map(idmap.get, b.children)) for n, b in enumerate(self.branches)} @property def path_length(self): """ Return the total path length as the sum of the euclidian distances between consecutive points. """ return sum(b.path_length for b in self.branches)
[docs] def subtree(self, labels=None): return SubTree(self.get_branches(labels))
[docs] def get_branches(self, labels=None): """ Return a depth-first flattened array of all or the selected branches. :param labels: Names of the labels to select. :type labels: list :returns: List of all branches, or the ones fully labelled with any of the given labels. :rtype: list """ root_iter = (branch_iter(root) for root in self.roots) all_branch = itertools.chain(*root_iter) if labels is None: return [*all_branch] else: return [b for b in all_branch if b.contains_labels(labels)]
[docs] def flatten(self): """ Return the flattened points of the morphology or subtree. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self._is_shared: return self._shared._points branches = self.get_branches() if not branches: return np.empty((0, 3)) return np.vstack(tuple(b.points for b in branches))
[docs] def flatten_radii(self): """ Return the flattened radii of the morphology or subtree. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self._is_shared: return self._shared._radii branches = self.get_branches() if not branches: return np.empty(0) return np.concatenate(tuple(b.radii for b in branches))
[docs] def flatten_labels(self): """ Return the flattened labels of the morphology or subtree. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self._is_shared: return self._shared._labels else: return EncodedLabels.concatenate(*(b._labels for b in self.get_branches()))
[docs] def flatten_properties(self): """ Return the flattened properties of the morphology or subtree. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self._is_shared: if not self._shared._prop: return {} return self._shared._prop.copy() else: branches = self.get_branches() len_ = sum(len(b) for b in branches) all_props = [*set(_gutil.ichain(b._properties.keys() for b in branches))] props = {k: np.empty(len_) for k in all_props} ptr = 0 for branch in self.branches: nptr = ptr + len(branch) for k, v in props.items(): prop = branch._properties.get(k, None) if prop is None: prop = np.full(len(branch), np.nan) v[ptr:nptr] = prop ptr = nptr return props
[docs] def label(self, labels, points=None): """ Add labels to the morphology or subtree. :param labels: Labels to add to the subtree. :type labels: list[str] :param points: Optional boolean or integer mask for the points to be labelled. :type points: numpy.ndarray """ if points is None: points = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) points = np.array(points, copy=False) if self._is_shared: self.labels.label(labels, points) else: if len(points) == len(self) and points.dtype == bool: ctr = 0 for b in self.branches: b.label(labels, points[ctr : ctr + len(b)]) ctr += len(b) elif np.can_cast(points.dtype, int): points = np.array(points, copy=False, dtype=int) for b in self.branches: mux = points < len(b) b.label(labels, points[mux]) points = points[~mux] else: raise ValueError( "Label indices must be a boolean or integer mask." f" {points.dtype} given." ) return self
[docs] def rotate(self, rotation, center=None): """ Point rotation :param rot: Scipy rotation :type: Union[scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation, List[float,float,float]] :param center: rotation offset point. :type center: numpy.ndarray """ if not isinstance(rotation, Rotation): rotation = Rotation.from_euler("xyz", rotation, degrees=True) if self._is_shared: self._shared._points[:] = self._rotate(self._shared._points, rotation, center) else: for b in self.branches: b.points[:] = self._rotate(b.points, rotation, center) return self
def _rotate(self, points, rot, center): if center is not None: points = points - center rotated_points = rot.apply(points) rotated_points = rotated_points + center else: rotated_points = rot.apply(points) return rotated_points
[docs] def root_rotate(self, rot, downstream_of=0): """ Rotate the subtree emanating from each root around the start of that root If downstream_of is provided, will rotate points starting from the index provided (only for subtrees with a single root). :param rot: Scipy rotation to apply to the subtree. :type rot: scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation :param downstream_of: index of the point in the subtree from which the rotation should be applied. This feature works only when the subtree has only one root branch. :returns: rotated Morphology :rtype: bsb.morphologies.SubTree """ if downstream_of != 0: if len(self.roots) > 1: raise ValueError( "Can't rotate with subbranch precision with multiple roots" ) elif type(downstream_of) == int and 0 < downstream_of < len( self.roots[0].points ): b = self.roots[0] group = SubTree([b]) upstream = np.copy(b.points[:downstream_of]) group.rotate(rot, b.points[downstream_of]) b.points[:downstream_of] = upstream else: for b in self.roots: group = SubTree([b]) group.rotate(rot, group.origin) return self
[docs] def translate(self, point): """ Translate the subtree by a 3D vector. :param numpy.ndarray point: 3D vector to translate the subtree. :returns: the translated subtree :rtype: bsb.morphologies.SubTree """ if len(point) != 3: raise ValueError("Point must be a sequence of x, y and z coordinates") if self._is_shared: self._shared._points[:] = self._shared._points + point else: for branch in self.branches: branch.points[:] = branch.points[:] + point return self
@property def origin(self): return np.mean([r.points[0] for r in self.roots], axis=0)
[docs] def center(self): """ Center the morphology on the origin """ self.translate(-self.origin) return self
[docs] def close_gaps(self): """ Close any head-to-tail gaps between parent and child branches. """ for branch in self.branches: if branch.parent is not None: gap_offset = branch.parent.points[-1] - branch.points[0] if not np.allclose(gap_offset, 0): SubTree([branch]).translate(gap_offset) return self
[docs] def collapse(self, on=None): """ Collapse all the roots of the morphology or subtree onto a single point. :param on: Index of the root to collapse on. Collapses onto the origin by default. :type on: int """ if on is None: on = self.origin for root in self.roots: root.translate(on - root.points[0]) return self
[docs] def simplify_branches(self, epsilon): """ Apply Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm to all points of all branches of the SubTree. :param epsilon: Epsilon to be used in the algorithm. """ for branch in self.branches: branch.simplify(epsilon)
[docs] def voxelize(self, N): """ Turn the morphology or subtree into an approximating set of axis-aligned cuboids. :rtype: bsb.voxels.VoxelSet """ return VoxelSet.from_morphology(self, N)
[docs] @functools.cache def cached_voxelize(self, N): """ Turn the morphology or subtree into an approximating set of axis-aligned cuboids and cache the result. :rtype: bsb.voxels.VoxelSet """ return self.voxelize(N)
class _SharedBuffers: def __init__(self, points, radii, labels, properties): self._points = points self._radii = radii self._labels = labels if labels is not None else EncodedLabels.none(len(radii)) self._prop = properties def copy(self): copied_props = {k: v.copy() for k, v in self._prop.items()} return self.__class__( self._points.copy(), self._radii.copy(), self._labels.copy(), copied_props ) def points_shared(self, branches): return all(b.points.base is self._points for b in branches) def radii_shared(self, branches): return all(b.radii.base is self._radii for b in branches) def labels_shared(self, branches): return all(b.labels.base is self._labels for b in branches) def properties_shared(self, branches): return all( ( b._properties.keys() == self._prop.keys() and all(c.base is self._prop[c]) for a, c in b._properties.items() ) for b in branches ) def all_buffers_shared(self, branches): return ( self.points_shared(branches) and self.radii_shared(branches) and self.labels_shared(branches) and self.properties_shared(branches) ) def get_shared(self, start, end): copied_props = {k: v[start:end] for k, v in self._prop.items()} return ( self._points[start:end], self._radii[start:end], self._labels[start:end], copied_props, )
[docs] class Morphology(SubTree): """ A multicompartmental spatial representation of a cell based on a directed acyclic graph of branches whom consist of data vectors, each element of a vector being a coordinate or other associated data of a point on the branch. """ def __init__(self, roots, meta=None, shared_buffers=None, sanitize=False): super().__init__(roots, sanitize=sanitize) self._meta = meta if meta is not None else {} self._filter = None if shared_buffers is None: self._shared = None self._is_shared = False else: if isinstance(shared_buffers, _SharedBuffers): self._shared = shared_buffers else: self._shared = _SharedBuffers(*shared_buffers) self._is_shared = self._check_shared() for branch in self.branches: branch._on_mutate = self._mutnotif @_gutil.obj_str_insert def __repr__(self): return ( f"{len(self.roots)} roots, {len(self)} points," f" from {self.bounds[0]} to {self.bounds[1]}" ) def __eq__(self, other): return len(self.branches) == len(other.branches) and all( b1.is_terminal == b2.is_terminal and (not b1.is_terminal or b1 == b2) for b1, b2 in zip(self.branches, other.branches) ) def __lt__(self, other): # Sorting compares using lt, so we use id for useless but stable comparison. return id(self) < id(other) def __hash__(self): return id(self) def _check_shared(self): if self._shared is None: return False return self._shared.all_buffers_shared(self.branches) def _mutnotif(self): self._is_shared = False @property def is_optimized(self): return self._shared
[docs] def optimize(self, force=False): if force or not self._is_shared: branches = self.branches len_ = sum(len(b) for b in branches) points = np.empty((len_, 3)) radii = np.empty(len_) all_props = [*set(_gutil.ichain(b._properties.keys() for b in branches))] types = [ next(_p[k].dtype for b in branches if k in (_p := b._properties)) for k in all_props ] props = {k: np.empty(len_, dtype=t) for k, t in zip(all_props, types)} labels = EncodedLabels.concatenate(*(b._labels for b in branches)) ptr = 0 for branch in self.branches: nptr = ptr + len(branch) points[ptr:nptr] = branch.points branch._points = points[ptr:nptr] radii[ptr:nptr] = branch.radii branch._radii = radii[ptr:nptr] for k, v in props.items(): prop = branch._properties.get(k, None) if prop is None: prop = np.full(len(branch), np.nan) v[ptr:nptr] = prop branch._properties[k] = v[ptr:nptr] branch._labels = labels[ptr:nptr] ptr = nptr self._shared = _SharedBuffers(points, radii, labels, props) self._is_shared = True assert self._check_shared(), "optimize should result in shared buffers"
@property def meta(self): return self._meta @meta.setter def meta(self, value): self._meta = value @property def adjacency_dictionary(self): """ Return a dictonary associating to each key (branch index) a list of adjacent branch indices """ branches = self.branches idmap = {b: n for n, b in enumerate(branches)} return {n: list(map(idmap.get, b.children)) for n, b in enumerate(branches)} @property def labelsets(self): """ Return the sets of labels associated to each numerical label. """ self.optimize() return self._shared._labels.labels
[docs] def list_labels(self): """ Return a list of labels present on the morphology. """ self.optimize() return sorted(set(_gutil.ichain(self._shared._labels.labels.values())))
[docs] def set_label_filter(self, labels): """ Set a label filter, so that `as_filtered` returns copies filtered by these labels. """ self._filter = labels return self
[docs] def get_label_mask(self, labels): """ Get a mask corresponding to all the points labelled with 1 or more of the given labels """ self.optimize() return self.labels.get_mask(labels)
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls): return cls([])
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy the morphology. """ # Make sure to optimize so that we use 1 shared buffer. self.optimize(force=False) # Copy that buffer into a new one buffers = self._shared.copy() roots = [] branch_copy_map = {} ptr = 0 # For each branch, create a copy, and assign a piece of the copied buffer to it. # Also attach it to its intended parent. Since we iterate DFS, each parent occurs # before their children, so we can always find it in `branch_copy_map` from a # previous iteration. for branch in self.branches: nptr = ptr + len(branch) nbranch = Branch(*buffers.get_shared(ptr, nptr)) branch_copy_map[branch] = nbranch if not branch.is_root: branch_copy_map[branch.parent].attach_child(nbranch) else: roots.append(nbranch) ptr = nptr # Construct the morphology return self.__class__(roots, shared_buffers=buffers, meta=self.meta.copy())
[docs] def as_filtered(self, labels=None): """ Return a filtered copy of the morphology that includes only points that match the current label filter, or the specified labels. """ filter = labels if labels is not None else self._filter if filter is None: return self.copy() self.optimize(force=False) buffers = self._shared.copy() roots = [] branch_copy_map = {None: None} ptr = 0 # Iterate over each branch, and turn it into 0 or more branches. for og_id, branch in enumerate(self.branches): # Using the filter mask, figure out where to split the branch into pieces. # Parts, or the entire branch, may be excluded if there are no labelled points filtered = branch.get_label_mask(filter) # Each boolean in filtered represents a point, either included or excluded. # Every subbranch begins where a point is excluded and the next point is # included, and ends where a point is included, and the next point is excluded starts = (np.nonzero(filtered[1:] & ~filtered[:-1])[0] + 1).tolist() ends = (np.nonzero(filtered[:-1] & ~filtered[1:])[0] + 1).tolist() # Treat the boundary. if len(filtered) and filtered[0]: starts.insert(0, 0) if len(filtered) and filtered[-1]: ends.append(len(filtered)) prev = None nbranch = None # Make all the sub branches. Connect the first to the parent, and store the # last in the map, for children to be connected to. for start, end in zip(starts, ends): nbranch = Branch(*buffers.get_shared(ptr + start, ptr + end)) # Store where this branch came from, for loc mapping. nbranch._copied_from_branch = og_id # Store where the points map to nbranch._copied_points_offset = start if not prev: if branch.is_root or branch_copy_map[branch.parent] is None: roots.append(nbranch) else: branch_copy_map[branch.parent].attach_child(nbranch) else: prev.attach_child(nbranch) prev = nbranch ptr = ptr + len(branch) if nbranch is None: # If an entire branch is unlabelled, skip it, and map our children's # parent to their grandparent, since we, the parent, don't exist. branch_copy_map[branch] = branch_copy_map[branch.parent] else: # Did we create some branches? Use the last iteration value as parent for # our children. branch_copy_map[branch] = nbranch # Construct and return the morphology return self.__class__(roots, meta=self.meta.copy())
[docs] def simplify(self, *args, optimize=True, **kwargs): super().simplify_branches(*args, **kwargs) if optimize: self.optimize()
[docs] def to_swc(self, file): """ Create a SWC file from a Morphology. :param file: path to write to """ file_data = _morpho_to_swc(self) if isinstance(file, str) or isinstance(file, Path): np.savetxt( file, file_data, fmt="%d %d %f %f %f %f %d", delimiter="\t", newline="\n", header="", footer="", comments="# ", encoding=None, )
[docs] def to_graph_array(self): """ Create a SWC-like numpy array from a Morphology. .. warning:: Custom SWC tags (above 3) won't work and throw an error :returns: a numpy array with columns storing the standard SWC attributes :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ data = _morpho_to_swc(self) return data
def _copy_api(cls, wrap=lambda self: self): # Wraps functions so they are called with `self` wrapped in `wrap` def make_wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): return f(wrap(self), *args, **kwargs) return wrapper # Decorates a class so that it copies and wraps (see above) the public API of `cls` def decorator(decorated_cls): for key, f in vars(cls).items(): if ( inspect.isfunction(f) and not key.startswith("_") and key not in vars(decorated_cls) ): setattr(decorated_cls, key, make_wrapper(f)) return decorated_cls return decorator # For every `SubTree.f` there is a `Branch.f` == `SubTree([branch]).f` so we copy and wrap # the public API of `SubTree` onto `Branch`, with the `SubTree([self])` wrapped into it.
[docs] @_copy_api(SubTree, lambda self: SubTree([self])) class Branch: """ A vector based representation of a series of point in space. Can be a root or connected to a parent branch. Can be a terminal branch or have multiple children. """ def __init__(self, points, radii, labels=None, properties=None, children=None): """ :param points: Array of 3D coordinates defining the point of the branch :type points: list | numpy.ndarray :param radii: Array of radii associated to each point :type radii: list | numpy.ndarray :param labels: Array of labels to associate to each point :type labels: EncodedLabels | List[str] | set | numpy.ndarray :param properties: dictionary of per-point data to store in the branch :type properties: dict :param children: list of child branches to attach to the branch :type children: List[bsb.morphologies.Branch] :raises bsb.exceptions.MorphologyError: if a property of the branch does not have the same size as its points """ self._points = _gutil.sanitize_ndarray(points, (-1, 3), float) self._radii = _gutil.sanitize_ndarray(radii, (-1,), float) _gutil.assert_samelen(self._points, self._radii) self._children = [] if labels is None: labels = EncodedLabels.none(len(points)) elif not isinstance(labels, EncodedLabels): labels = EncodedLabels.from_labelset(len(points), labels) self._labels = labels if properties is None: properties = {} mismatched = [str(k) for k, v in properties.items() if len(v) != len(points)] if mismatched: raise MorphologyError( f"Morphology properties {', '.join(mismatched)} are not length {len(points)}" ) self._properties = { k: v if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else np.array(v) for k, v in properties.items() } self._parent = None self._on_mutate = lambda: None if children is not None: for child in children: self.attach_child(child)
[docs] def set_properties(self, **kwargs): for prop, values in kwargs.items(): if len(values) != len(self): raise ValueError(f"Expected {len(self)} {prop}, got {len(values)}.") if prop in self._properties: self._properties[prop][:] = values else: self._on_mutate() self._properties[prop] = values
def __getattr__(self, attr): if not hasattr(self, "_properties"): raise UnpicklingError("Branch class does not support pickling.") if attr in self._properties: return self._properties[attr] else: super().__getattribute__(attr) def __copy__(self): return self.copy() def __bool__(self): # Without this, empty branches are False, and `if branch.parent:` checks fail. return True def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Branch): return ( self.points.shape == other.points.shape and np.allclose(self.points, other.points) and self.labels == other.labels ) else: return np.allclose(self.points, other) def __hash__(self): return id(self) @property def parent(self): return self._parent @property def size(self): """ Returns the amount of points on this branch :returns: Number of points on the branch. :rtype: int """ return len(self._points) def __len__(self): return self.size @property def points(self): """ Return the spatial coordinates of the points on this branch. """ return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): arr = np.array(value, copy=False, dtype=float) if arr.shape == self._points.shape: self._points[:] = arr elif arr.ndim != 2 or arr.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError(f"Point data must have (N, 3) shape, {arr.shape} given.") else: self._points = arr @property def _kd_tree(self): """ Return a `scipy.spatial.cKDTree` of this branch points for fast spatial queries. .. warning:: Constructing a kd-tree takes time and should only be used for repeat queries. """ import scipy.spatial return scipy.spatial.cKDTree(self._points) @property def point_vectors(self): """ Return the individual vectors between consecutive points on this branch. """ return np.diff(self.points, axis=0) @property def segments(self): """ Return the start and end points of vectors between consecutive points on this branch. """ return np.hstack( (self.points[:-1], self.points[:-1] + self.point_vectors) ).reshape(-1, 2, 3) @property def start(self): """ Return the spatial coordinates of the starting point of this branch. """ try: return self._points[0] except IndexError: raise EmptyBranchError("Empty branch has no starting point") from None @property def end(self): """ Return the spatial coordinates of the terminal point of this branch. """ try: return self._points[-1] except IndexError: raise EmptyBranchError("Empty branch has no ending point") from None @property def vector(self): """ Return the vector of the axis connecting the start and terminal points. """ try: return self.end - self.start except IndexError: raise EmptyBranchError("Empty branch has no vector") from None @property def versor(self): """ Return the normalized vector of the axis connecting the start and terminal points. """ versor = (self.end - self.start) / np.linalg.norm(self.end - self.start) if np.any(np.isnan(versor)): raise EmptyBranchError("Empty and single-point branched have no versor") else: return versor @property def euclidean_dist(self): """ Return the Euclidean distance from the start to the terminal point of this branch. """ try: return np.sqrt(np.sum((self.end - self.start) ** 2)) except IndexError: raise EmptyBranchError("Empty branch has no Euclidean distance") from None @property def max_displacement(self): """ Return the max displacement of the branch points from its axis vector. """ try: displacements = np.linalg.norm( np.cross(self.versor, (self.points - self.start)), axis=1 ) return np.max(displacements) except IndexError: raise EmptyBranchError( "Impossible to compute max_displacement in branches with 0 or 1 points." ) from None @property def path_length(self): """ Return the sum of the euclidean distances between the points on the branch. """ return np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(self.point_vectors**2, axis=1))) @property def fractal_dim(self): """ Return the fractal dimension of this branch, computed as the coefficient of the line fitting the log-log plot of path vs euclidean distances of its points. """ if len(self.points) == 0: raise EmptyBranchError("Empty branch has no fractal dimension") from None else: euclidean = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.points - self.start) ** 2, axis=1)) path = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum(self.point_vectors**2, axis=1))) log_e = np.log(euclidean[1:]) log_p = np.log(path) if len(self.points) <= 2: return 1.0 return np.polyfit(log_e, log_p, 1)[0] @property def radii(self): """ Return the radii of the points on this branch. """ return self._radii @radii.setter def radii(self, value): arr = np.array(value, copy=False, dtype=float) if arr.shape == self._radii.shape: self._radii[:] = arr else: self._radii = arr.ravel() @property def labels(self): """ Return the labels of the points on this branch. Labels are represented as a number that is associated to a set of labels. See :ref:`morphology_labels` for more info. """ return self._labels @property def labelsets(self): """ Return the sets of labels associated to each numerical label. """ return self._labels.labels
[docs] def list_labels(self): """ Return a list of labels present on the branch. """ lookup = np.vectorize(self._labels.labels.get) labels = np.unique(lookup(self._labels.raw)) return sorted(set(_gutil.ichain(labels)))
@property def is_root(self): """ Returns whether this branch is root or if it has a parent. :returns: True if this branch has no parent, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return not self._parent @property def is_terminal(self): """ Returns whether this branch is terminal or if it has children. :returns: True if this branch has no children, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return not self._children
[docs] def copy(self, branch_class=None): """ Return a parentless and childless copy of the branch. :param branch_class: Custom branch creation class :type branch_class: type :returns: A branch, or `branch_class` if given, without parents or children. :rtype: bsb.morphologies.Branch """ cls = branch_class or type(self) props = {k: v.copy() for k, v in self._properties.items()} return cls(self._points.copy(), self._radii.copy(), self._labels.copy(), props)
[docs] def label(self, labels, points=None): """ Add labels to the branch. :param labels: Label(s) for the branch :type labels: List[str] :param points: An integer or boolean mask to select the points to label. """ if points is None: points = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) self._labels.label(labels, points)
@property def children(self): """ Collection of the child branches of this branch. :returns: list of :class:`Branches <.morphologies.Branch>` :rtype: list """ return self._children.copy()
[docs] def attach_child(self, branch): """ Attach a branch as a child to this branch. :param branch: Child branch :type branch: :class:`Branch <.morphologies.Branch>` """ self._on_mutate() if branch._parent is not None: branch._parent.detach_child(branch) self._children.append(branch) branch._parent = self
[docs] def find_closest_point(self, coord): """ Return the index of the closest on this branch to a desired coordinate. :param coord: The coordinate to find the nearest point to :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ diff = np.sqrt(np.sum((self._points - coord) ** 2, axis=1)) return np.argmin(diff)
[docs] def insert_branch(self, branch, index): """ Split this branch and insert the given ``branch`` at the specified ``index``. :param branch: Branch to be attached :type branch: :class:`Branch <.morphologies.Branch>` :param index: Index or coordinates of the cutpoint; if coordinates are given, the closest point to the coordinates is used. :type: Union[:class:`numpy.ndarray`, int] """ index = np.array(index, copy=False) if index.ndim != 0: index = self.find_closest_point(index) if index < 0 or index >= len(self): raise IndexError( f"Cannot insert branch at cutpoint: index {index} is out of range ({len(self)})" ) if index == len(self.points) - 1: self.attach_child(branch) elif index == 0: self.parent.attach_child(branch) else: first_segment = Branch( self._points.copy()[: index + 1], self._radii.copy()[: index + 1], self._labels.copy()[: index + 1], {k: v.copy()[: index + 1] for k, v in self._properties.items()}, ) self.parent.attach_child(first_segment) self.parent.detach_child(self) first_segment.attach_child(branch) second_segment = Branch( self._points.copy()[index:], self._radii.copy()[index:], self._labels.copy()[index:], {k: v.copy()[index:] for k, v in self._properties.items()}, ) for b in self.children: self.detach_child(b) second_segment.attach_child(b) first_segment.attach_child(second_segment)
[docs] def detach(self): """ Detach the branch from its parent, if one exists. """ if self.parent: self.parent.detach_child(self)
[docs] def detach_child(self, branch): """ Remove a branch as a child from this branch. :param branch: Child branch :type branch: :class:`Branch <.morphologies.Branch>` """ if branch._parent is not self: raise ValueError(f"Can't detach {branch} from {self}, not a child branch.") self._on_mutate() self._children = [b for b in self._children if b is not branch] branch._parent = None
[docs] def walk(self): """ Iterate over the points in the branch. """ return zip( self.points[:, 0], self.points[:, 1], self.points[:, 2], self.radii, self.labels.walk(), *self._properties.values(), )
[docs] def contains_labels(self, labels): """ Check if this branch contains any points labelled with any of the given labels. :param labels: The labels to check for. :type labels: List[str] :rtype: bool """ return self.labels.contains(labels)
[docs] def get_points_labelled(self, labels): """ Filter out all points with certain labels :param labels: The labels to check for. :type labels: List[str] | numpy.ndarray[str] :returns: All points with the labels. :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray] """ return self.points[self.get_label_mask(labels)]
[docs] def get_label_mask(self, labels): """ Return a mask for the specified labels :param labels: The labels to check for. :type labels: List[str] | numpy.ndarray[str] :returns: A boolean mask that selects out the points that match the label. :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray] """ return self.labels.get_mask(labels)
[docs] def introduce_point(self, index, *args, labels=None): """ Insert a new point at ``index``, before the existing point at ``index``. :param index: Index of the new point. :type index: int :param args: Vector coordinates of the new point :type args: float :param labels: The labels to assign to the point. :type labels: list """ self._on_mutate() for v, vector_name in enumerate(type(self).vectors): vector = getattr(self, vector_name) new_vector = np.concatenate((vector[:index], [args[v]], vector[index:])) setattr(self, vector_name, new_vector) if labels is None: labels = set() for label, mask in self._label_masks.items(): has_label = label in labels new_mask = np.concatenate((mask[:index], [has_label], mask[index:])) self._label_masks[label] = new_mask
[docs] def introduce_arc_point(self, arc_val): """ Introduce a new point at the given arc length. :param arc_val: Arc length between 0 and 1 to introduce new point at. :type arc_val: float :returns: The index of the new point. :rtype: int """ arc = self.as_arc() arc_point_floor = self.floor_arc_point(arc_val) arc_point_ceil = self.ceil_arc_point(arc_val) arc_floor = arc[arc_point_floor] arc_ceil = arc[arc_point_ceil] point_floor = self[arc_point_floor] point_ceil = self[arc_point_ceil] rem = (arc_val - arc_floor) / (arc_ceil - arc_floor) new_point = (point_ceil - point_floor) * rem + point_floor new_index = arc_point_floor + 1 self.introduce_point(new_index, *new_point) return new_index
[docs] def get_arc_point(self, arc, eps=1e-10): """ Strict search for an arc point within an epsilon. :param arc: Arclength position to look for. :type arc: float :param eps: Maximum distance/tolerance to accept an arc point as a match. :type eps: float :returns: The matched arc point index, or ``None`` if no match is found :rtype: Union[int, None] """ arc_values = self.as_arc() arc_match = (i for i, arc_p in enumerate(arc_values) if abs(arc_p - arc) < eps) return next(arc_match, None)
[docs] def as_arc(self): """ Return the branch as a vector of arclengths in the closed interval [0, 1]. An arclength is the distance each point to the start of the branch along the branch axis, normalized by total branch length. A point at the start will have an arclength close to 0, and a point near the end an arclength close to 1 :returns: Vector of branch points as arclengths. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ arc_distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(self.points, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1)) arc_length = np.sum(arc_distances) return np.cumsum(np.concatenate(([0], arc_distances))) / arc_length
[docs] def floor_arc_point(self, arc): """ Get the index of the nearest proximal arc point. """ p = 0 for i, a in enumerate(self.as_arc()): if a <= arc: p = i else: break return p
[docs] def ceil_arc_point(self, arc): """ Get the index of the nearest distal arc point. """ for i, a in enumerate(self.as_arc()): if a >= arc: return i return len(self) - 1
[docs] def get_axial_distances(self, idx_start=0, idx_end=-1, return_max=False): """ Return the displacements or its max value of a subset of branch points from its axis vector. :param idx_start = 0: index of the first point of the subset. :param idx_end = -1: index of the last point of the subset. :param return_max = False: if True the function only returns the max value of displacements, otherwise the entire array. """ start = self.points[idx_start] end = self.points[idx_end] versor = (end - start) / np.linalg.norm(end - start) displacements = np.linalg.norm( np.cross( versor, (self.points[idx_start : idx_end + 1] - self.points[idx_start]), ), axis=1, ) if return_max: try: return np.max(displacements) except IndexError: raise EmptyBranchError("Selected an empty subset of points") from None else: return displacements
[docs] def delete_point(self, index): """ Remove a point from the branch :param int index: index position of the point to remove :returns: the branch where the point has been removed :rtype: bsb.morphologies.Branch """ self._points = np.delete(self._points, index, axis=0) self._labels = np.delete(self._labels, index, axis=0) self._radii = np.delete(self._radii, index, axis=0) for k, v in self._properties.items(): self._properties[k] = np.delete(v, index, axis=0) return self
[docs] def simplify(self, epsilon, idx_start=0, idx_end=-1): """ Apply Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm to all points or a subset of points of the branch. :param epsilon: Epsilon to be used in the algorithm. :param idx_start = 0: Index of the first element of the subset of points to be reduced. :param epsilon = -1: Index of the last element of the subset of points to be reduced. """ if len(self.points) < 3: return if idx_end == -1: idx_end = len(self.points) - 1 if epsilon < 0: raise ValueError(f"Epsilon must be >= 0") reduced = [] skipped = deque() while True: dists = self.get_axial_distances(idx_start, idx_end) try: idx_max = np.argmax(dists) dmax = dists[idx_max] idx_max = idx_start + idx_max except ValueError: dmax = 0 reduced.append(idx_start) reduced.append(idx_end) if dmax > epsilon and len(dists) > 2: skipped.append((idx_max, idx_end)) idx_end = idx_max - 1 else: try: idx_start, idx_end = skipped.pop() except IndexError: break # sorted because indexes are appended to reduced from the middle of the list (the first point with dist > epsilon) # then all points with smaller index until 0, then all points with bigger index reduced = np.sort(np.unique(reduced)) self.points = self.points[reduced] self.radii = self.radii[reduced]
[docs] @functools.wraps(SubTree.cached_voxelize) @functools.cache def cached_voxelize(self, *args, **kwargs): return SubTree([self]).voxelize(*args, **kwargs)
def _morpho_to_swc(morpho): # Initialize an empty data array data = np.empty((len(morpho.points), 7), dtype=object) swc_tags = {"soma": 1, "axon": 2, "dendrites": 3} bmap = {} nid = 0 offset = 0 # Convert labels to tags if not hasattr(morpho, "tags"): tags = np.full(len(morpho.points), -1, dtype=int) for key in swc_tags.keys(): mask = morpho.get_label_mask([key]) tags[mask] = swc_tags[key] else: tags = morpho.tags if np.any(tags == -1): raise NotImplementedError("Can't store morphologies with custom SWC tags") # Iterate over the morphology branches for b in morpho.branches: ids = ( np.arange(nid, nid + len(b) - 1) if len(b) > 1 else np.arange(nid, nid + len(b)) ) samples = ids + 1 data[ids, 0] = samples data[ids, 1] = tags[ids + offset] data[ids, 2:5] = morpho.points[ids + offset] try: data[ids, 5] = morpho.radii[ids + offset] except Exception as e: raise MorphologyDataError( f"Couldn't convert morphology radii to SWC: {e}." " Note that SWC files cannot store multi-dimensional radii" ) nid += len(b) - 1 if len(b) > 1 else len(b) offset += 1 bmap[b] = ids[-1] data[ids, 6] = ids data[ids[0], 6] = -1 if b.parent is None else bmap[b.parent] + 1 return data[data != np.array(None)].reshape(-1, 7) __all__ = [ "Branch", "Morphology", "MorphologySet", "RotationSet", "SubTree", "branch_iter", "parse_morphology_file", ]