Source code for bsb.morphologies.parsers.parser

import abc
import itertools
import typing
from collections import deque
from functools import reduce

import morphio
import numpy as np

from ... import config
from ..._encoding import EncodedLabels
from ...config import types
from .. import Morphology

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import FileDependency

[docs] @config.dynamic(attr_name="parser", auto_classmap=True, default="bsb") class MorphologyParser: cls: type = config.attr(type=types.class_(), default="bsb.morphologies.Morphology") branch_cls: type = config.attr(type=types.class_(), default="bsb.morphologies.Branch")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse(self, file: typing.Union["FileDependency", str]) -> Morphology: """Parse the morphology""" pass
[docs] @config.node class BsbParser(MorphologyParser, classmap_entry="bsb"): tags: dict[typing.Union[str, list[str]]] = config.attr( type=types.dict(type=types.or_(types.str(), types.list(str))) ) """ Dictionary mapping SWC tags to sets of morphology labels. """ skip_boundary_labels: list[str] = config.attr(type=types.list(str)) """ A set of labels that is used to create gaps in a morphology at certain boundaries. No point will be inferred between a child branch of a branch labelled with the given labels; usually used to skip points between the soma and its child branches. """
[docs] def parse(self, file: typing.Union["FileDependency", str]): from import FileDependency if not isinstance(file, FileDependency): file = FileDependency(file) content, encoding = file.get_content(check_store=False) return self.parse_content(content.decode(encoding or "utf8"))
[docs] def parse_content(self, content: str): data = self._swc_parse(content) return self._swc_data_to_morpho(data)
def _swc_parse(self, content: str): try: data = [ swc_data for line in content.split("\n") if not line.strip().startswith("#") and (swc_data := [float(x) for x in line.split() if x != ""]) ] except Exception: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not parse SWC content") err_lines = ", ".join(str(i) for i, d in enumerate(data) if len(d) != 7) if err_lines: raise ValueError(f"SWC incorrect on lines: {err_lines}") return np.array(data) def _swc_data_to_morpho(self, data): data = np.array(data, copy=False) tag_map = {1: "soma", 2: "axon", 3: "dendrites"} if self.tags is not None: tag_map.update((int(k), v) for (k, v) in self.tags.items()) # `data` is the raw SWC data, `samples` and `parents` are the graph nodes and edges. samples = data[:, 0].astype(int) # Map possibly irregular sample IDs (SWC spec allows this) to an ordered 0 to N map. id_map = dict(zip(samples, itertools.count())) id_map[-1] = -1 # Create an adjacency list of the graph described in the SWC data adjacency = {n: [] for n in range(len(samples))} adjacency[-1] = [] map_ids = np.vectorize(id_map.get) parents = map_ids(data[:, 6]) for s, p in enumerate(parents): adjacency[p].append(s) # Now turn the adjacency list into a list of unbranching stretches of the graph. # Call these `node_branches` because they only contain the sample/node ids. node_branches = [] for root_node in adjacency[-1]: self._swc_branch_dfs(adjacency, node_branches, root_node, data, tag_map) branches = [] roots = [] _len = sum(len(s[1]) for s in node_branches) points = np.empty((_len, 3)) radii = np.empty(_len) tags = np.empty(_len, dtype=int) labels = EncodedLabels.none(_len) # Now turn each "node branch" into an actual branch by looking up the node data in the # samples array. We copy over the node data into several contiguous matrices that will # form the basis of the Morphology data structure. ptr = 0 for parent, branch_nodes in node_branches: node_data = data[branch_nodes] nptr = ptr + len(node_data) # Example with the points data matrix: copy over the swc data into contiguous arr points[ptr:nptr] = node_data[:, 2:5] # Then create a partial view into that data matrix for the branch branch_points = points[ptr:nptr] # Same here for radius, radii[ptr:nptr] = node_data[:, 5] branch_radii = radii[ptr:nptr] # the SWC tags tags[ptr:nptr] = node_data[:, 1] if len(branch_nodes) > 1: # Since we add an extra point we have to copy its tag from the next point. tags[ptr] = tags[ptr + 1] branch_tags = tags[ptr:nptr] # And the labels branch_labels = labels[ptr:nptr] for v in np.unique(branch_tags): u_tags = tag_map.get(v, f"tag_{v}") branch_labels.label( [u_tags] if isinstance(u_tags, str) else u_tags, branch_tags == v ) ptr = nptr # Use the views to construct the branch branch = self.branch_cls(branch_points, branch_radii, branch_labels) branch.set_properties(tags=branch_tags) branches.append(branch) if parent is not None: branches[parent].attach_child(branch) else: roots.append(branch) # Then save the shared data matrices on the morphology morpho = self.cls(roots, shared_buffers=(points, radii, labels, {"tags": tags})) # And assert that this shared buffer mode succeeded assert morpho._check_shared(), "SWC import didn't result in shareable buffers." return morpho def _swc_branch_dfs(self, adjacency, branches, node, data, tags): boundaries = set() if self.skip_boundary_labels: tset = set(self.skip_boundary_labels) for tag, labels in tags.items(): lset = set(labels if not isinstance(labels, str) else [labels]) if tset.issuperset(lset): boundaries.add(tag) branch = [] branch_id = len(branches) branches.append((None, branch)) node_stack = deque() while True: if node is not None: # Append the current node to the current branch, and get its child nodes branch.append(node) child_nodes = adjacency[node] if not child_nodes: # No children, pop next branch try: parent_bid, parent, node, skip = node_stack.pop() except IndexError: # No next branch, we're done break else: # Start the next branch branch = [] if skip else [parent] branch_id = len(branches) branches.append((parent_bid, branch)) elif len(child_nodes) == 1 and not ( data[node, 1] in boundaries and data[child_nodes[0], 1] not in boundaries ): # One child, and not a skipped boundary: grow the branch node = child_nodes[0] else: # Branch point: create 1 new branch per child point # If skip is False we add the current node to all the child branches. skip = data[node, 1] in boundaries node_stack.extend( (branch_id, node, child, skip) for child in reversed(child_nodes) ) child_nodes = [] node = None
# Wrapper to append our own attributes to morphio somas and treat it like any other branch class _MorphIoSomaWrapper: def __init__(self, obj): self._o = obj def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._o, attr)
[docs] @config.node class MorphIOParser(MorphologyParser, classmap_entry="morphio"): def flags(self): return getattr(self, "_flags", morphio.Option.no_modifier) @flags.setter def flags(self, values): self._flags = reduce( morphio.Option.__or__, [getattr(morphio.Option, flag) for flag in values or []], morphio.Option.no_modifier, )
[docs] def parse(self, file: typing.Union["FileDependency", str]) -> Morphology: from import FileDependency if isinstance(file, str): file = FileDependency(file) with file.provide_locally() as (fp, encoding): morpho_io = morphio.Morphology(fp, self.flags) # We create shared buffers for the entire morphology, which optimize operations on the # entire morphology such as `.flatten`, subtree transformations and IO. The branches # have views on those buffers, and as long as no points are added or removed, we can # keep working in shared buffer mode. soma = _MorphIoSomaWrapper(morpho_io.soma) _len = len(morpho_io.points) + len(soma.points) points = np.empty((_len, 3)) radii = np.empty(_len) tags = np.empty(_len, dtype=int) labels = EncodedLabels.none(_len) soma.children = morpho_io.root_sections section_stack = deque([(None, soma)]) branch = None roots = [] ptr = 0 while True: try: parent, section = section_stack.pop() except IndexError: break else: nptr = ptr + len(section.points) # Fill the branch data into the shared buffers and create views into them. points[ptr:nptr] = section.points branch_points = points[ptr:nptr] radii[ptr:nptr] = section.diameters / 2 branch_radii = radii[ptr:nptr] tags[ptr:nptr] = np.ones(len(section.points), dtype=int) * int( section.type ) branch_tags = tags[ptr:nptr] branch_labels = labels[ptr:nptr] ptr = nptr # Pass the shared buffer views to the branch branch = self.branch_cls(branch_points, branch_radii, branch_labels) branch.set_properties(tags=branch_tags) if parent: parent.attach_child(branch) else: roots.append(branch) children = reversed([(branch, child) for child in section.children]) section_stack.extend(children) morpho = self.cls(roots, shared_buffers=(points, radii, labels, {"tags": tags})) assert ( morpho._check_shared() ), "MorphIO import didn't result in shareable buffers." return morpho
__all__ = ["BsbParser", "MorphIOParser", "MorphologyParser"]