Source code for bsb.morphologies.selector

import abc
import concurrent
import re
import tempfile
import typing
import urllib
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

import requests

from .. import config
from ..config import types
from ..config._attrs import cfglist
from ..exceptions import MissingMorphologyError, SelectorError
from import MPI
from . import Morphology

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ..core import Scaffold

[docs] @config.dynamic( attr_name="select", auto_classmap=True, required=False, default="by_name", ) class MorphologySelector(abc.ABC): scaffold: "Scaffold"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self, all_morphos): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pick(self, morphology): pass
[docs] @config.node class NameSelector(MorphologySelector, classmap_entry="by_name"): names: cfglist[str] = config.list(type=str, required=types.shortform()) def __init__(self, name=None, /, **kwargs): if name is not None: self.names = [name] def __inv__(self): if self._config_pos_init: return self.names[0] return self.__tree__() def _cache_patterns(self): self._pnames = {n: n.replace("*", r".*").replace("|", "\\|") for n in self.names} self._patterns = {n: re.compile(f"^{pat}$") for n, pat in self._pnames.items()} self._empty = not self.names self._match = re.compile(f"^({'|'.join(self._pnames.values())})$")
[docs] def validate(self, all_morphos): self._cache_patterns() repo_names = {m.get_meta()["name"] for m in all_morphos} missing = [ n for n, pat in self._patterns.items() if not any(pat.match(rn) for rn in repo_names) ] if missing: err = "Morphology repository misses the following morphologies" if self._config_parent is not None: node = self._config_parent._config_parent err += f" required by {node.get_node_name()}" err += f": {', '.join(missing)}" raise MissingMorphologyError(err)
[docs] def pick(self, morphology): self._cache_patterns() return ( not self._empty and self._match.match(morphology.get_meta()["name"]) is not None )
[docs] @config.node class NeuroMorphoSelector(NameSelector, classmap_entry="from_neuromorpho"): _url = "" _meta = "api/neuron/select?q=neuron_name:" _files = "dableFiles/" def __boot__(self): if self.scaffold.is_main_process(): try: morphos = self._scrape_nm(self.names) except: MPI.barrier() raise for name, morpho in morphos.items():, morpho, overwrite=True) MPI.barrier() @classmethod def _swc_url(cls, archive, name): return f"{cls._url}{cls._files}{urllib.parse.quote(archive.lower())}/CNG%20version/{name}.CNG.swc" @classmethod def _scrape_nm(cls, names): # Weak DH key on # requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS += ":HIGH:!DH:!aNULL" try: requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS += ( ":HIGH:!DH:!aNULL" ) except AttributeError: # no pyopenssl support used / needed / available pass with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: # Certificate issues with neuromorpho --> verify=False res = requests.get(cls._url + cls._meta + ",".join(names), verify=False) if res.status_code == 404: raise SelectorError(f"'{names[0]}' is not a valid NeuroMorpho name.") elif res.status_code != 200: raise SelectorError("NeuroMorpho API error: " + res.message) metas = {n: None for n in names} for meta in res.json()["_embedded"]["neuronResources"]: del meta["_links"] metas[meta["neuron_name"]] = meta missing = [name for name, meta in metas.items() if meta is None] if missing: raise SelectorError( ", ".join(f"'{n}'" for n in missing) + " are not valid NeuroMorpho names." ) swc_urls = {n: cls._swc_url(metas[n]["archive"], n) for n in names} req = lambda n: requests.get(swc_urls[n], verify=False) sub = lambda n: (executor.submit(req, n), n) futures = dict(map(sub, names)) morphos = {n: None for n in names} with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures.keys()): name = futures[future] path = tempdir + f"/{name}.swc" with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(future.result().text) morphos[name] = Morphology.from_swc(path, meta=metas[name]) missing = [name for name, m in morphos.items() if m is None] if missing: # pragma: nocover raise SelectorError( "Downloading NeuroMorpho failed for " + ", ".join(f"'{n}'" for n in missing) + "." ) return morphos
__all__ = ["MorphologySelector", "NameSelector", "NeuroMorphoSelector"]