Source code for bsb.option

This module contains the classes required to construct options.

import argparse
import functools
import os
import pathlib

import toml

from .exceptions import OptionError
from .reporting import warn

[docs] class OptionDescriptor: """ Base option property descriptor. Can be inherited from to create a cascading property such as the default CLI, env & script descriptors. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, slug=None, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls.slug = slug def __init__(self, *tags): self.tags = tags def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return getattr(instance, f"_bsbopt_{self.slug}_value", instance.get_default()) def __set__(self, instance, value): set_value = getattr(instance, "setter", lambda x: x)(value) setattr(instance, f"_bsbopt_{self.slug}_value", set_value) def __delete__(self, instance): try: delattr(instance, f"_bsbopt_{self.slug}_value") except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def is_set(self, instance): return hasattr(instance, f"_bsbopt_{self.slug}_value")
[docs] class CLIOptionDescriptor(OptionDescriptor, slug="cli"): """ Descriptor that retrieves its value from the given CLI command arguments. """ pass
[docs] class EnvOptionDescriptor(OptionDescriptor, slug="env"): """ Descriptor that retrieves its value from the environment variables. """ def __init__(self, *args, flag=False): super().__init__(*args) self.flag = flag def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self getter = getattr(instance, "getter", lambda x: x) # Iterate the env for all tags, if none are set this returns `None` for tag in self.tags: if tag in os.environ: return getter(self._parse(os.environ[tag])) def __set__(self, instance, value): value = getattr(instance, "setter", lambda x: x)(value) parsed = self._rev_parse(value) for tag in self.tags: os.environ[tag] = parsed def __delete__(self, instance): for tag in self.tags: try: del os.environ[tag] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def is_set(self, instance): return any(tag in os.environ for tag in self.tags)
def _parse(self, value): if self.flag: if value is True or str(value).strip().upper() in ("ON", "TRUE", "1", "YES"): return True else: return False else: return value def _rev_parse(self, value): if self.flag: return "ON" if value else "OFF" else: return str(value)
[docs] class ScriptOptionDescriptor(OptionDescriptor, slug="script"): """ Descriptor that retrieves and sets its value from/to the :mod:`bsb.options` module. """ # This class uses `self.tags[0]`, because all tags are aliases of eachother in the # options module. def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self if not self.tags: # This option has no options module binding return None from .options import get_module_option return get_module_option(self.tags[0]) def __set__(self, instance, value): if not self.tags: # This option has no options module binding raise OptionError(f"{} can't be set through `bsb.options`.") from .options import set_module_option set_value = getattr(instance, "setter", lambda x: x)(value) return set_module_option(self.tags[0], set_value) def __delete__(self, instance): from .options import reset_module_option for tag in self.tags: reset_module_option(tag)
[docs] def is_set(self, instance): from .options import is_module_option_set return any(is_module_option_set(tag) for tag in self.tags)
[docs] class ProjectOptionDescriptor(OptionDescriptor, slug="project"): """ Descriptor that retrieves and stores values in the `pyproject.toml` file. Traverses up the filesystem tree until one is found. """ def __init__(self, *tags): if len(tags) > 1: # pragma: nocover raise OptionError(f"Project option can have only 1 tag, got {tags}.") super().__init__(*(tags[0].split(".") if tags else ())) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self if self.tags: _, proj = _pyproject_bsb() for tag in self.tags[:-1]: proj = proj.get(tag, None) if proj is None: return None return proj.get(self.tags[-1], None) def __set__(self, instance, value): if self.tags: path, proj = _pyproject_bsb() deeper = proj for tag in self.tags[:-1]: deeper = deeper.setdefault(tag, {}) deeper[self.tags[-1]] = value _save_pyproject_bsb(proj) def __delete__(self, instance): if self.tags: path, proj = _pyproject_bsb() for tag in self.tags[:-1]: proj = proj.get(tag, None) if proj is None: return None try: del proj[self.tags[-1]] except KeyError: pass else: _save_pyproject_bsb(proj)
[docs] def is_set(self, instance): if self.tags: _, proj = _pyproject_bsb() for tag in self.tags[:-1]: proj = proj.get(tag, None) if proj is None: return False return self.tags[-1] in proj else: return False
[docs] class BsbOption: """ Base option class. Can be subclassed to create new options. """ def __init__(self, positional=False): self.positional = positional def __init_subclass__( cls, name=None, env=(), project=(), cli=(), script=(), description=None, flag=False, inverted=False, list=False, readonly=False, action=False, ): """ Subclass hook that defines the characteristics of the subclassed option class. :param name: Unique name for identification :type name: str :param cli: Positional arguments for the :class:`.CLIOptionDescriptor` constructor. :type cli: iterable :param cli: Positional arguments for the :class:`.CLIOptionDescriptor` constructor. :type cli: iterable :param env: Positional arguments for the :class:`.EnvOptionDescriptor` constructor. :type env: iterable :param script: Positional arguments for the :class:`.ScriptOptionDescriptor` constructor. :type script: iterable :param description: Description of the option's purpose for the user. :type description: str :param flag: Indicates that the option is a flag and should toggle on a default off boolean when given. :type flag: boolean :param inverted: Used only for flags. Indicates that the flag is default on and is toggled off when given. :param list: Indicates that the option takes multiple values. :type list: boolean :param readonly: Indicates that an option can be accessed but not be altered from the ``bsb.options`` module. :type readonly: boolean :param action: Indicates that the option should execute its ``action`` method. :type action: boolean """ if name is None: raise OptionError("Options must be given a name in the class argument list.") = name cls.env = EnvOptionDescriptor(*env, flag=flag) cls.project = ProjectOptionDescriptor(*project) cls.cli = CLIOptionDescriptor(*cli) cls.script = ScriptOptionDescriptor(*script) cls.description = description cls.is_flag = flag cls.inverted_flag = inverted cls.use_extend = list cls.readonly = readonly cls.use_action = action cls.positional = False
[docs] def get(self, prio=None): """ Get the option's value. Cascades the script, cli, env & default descriptors together. :returns: option value """ try: if prio is not None: return getattr(self, prio) cls = self.__class__ if cls.script.is_set(self): return self.script if cls.cli.is_set(self): return self.cli if cls.project.is_set(self): return self.project if cls.env.is_set(self): return self.env return self.get_default() except Exception as e: warn(f"Error retrieving option '{}'.", log_exc=e) return self.get_default()
[docs] def is_set(self, slug): if descriptor := getattr(type(self), slug, None): return descriptor.is_set(self) else: return False
[docs] def get_default(self): """ Override to specify the default value of the option. """ return None
[docs] def get_cli_tags(self): """ Return the ``argparse`` positional arguments from the tags. :returns: ``-x`` or ``--xxx`` for each CLI tag. :rtype: list """ if self.positional: longest = "" for t in type(self).cli.tags: if len(t) >= len(longest): longest = t return [longest] else: return [("--" if len(t) != 1 else "-") + t for t in type(self).cli.tags]
[docs] def add_to_parser(self, parser, level): """ Register this option into an ``argparse`` parser. """ if not self.get_cli_tags(): return kwargs = {} kwargs["help"] = self.description kwargs["dest"] = level * "_" + kwargs["action"] = "store" if self.positional: kwargs["nargs"] = "?" kwargs["metavar"] = self.get_cli_tags() args = [] else: args = self.get_cli_tags() if self.is_flag: kwargs["action"] += "_false" if self.inverted_flag else "_true" kwargs["default"] = argparse.SUPPRESS if self.use_extend: kwargs["action"] = "extend" kwargs["nargs"] = "+" if self.use_action: kwargs["dest"] = "internal_action_list" kwargs["action"] = "append_const" kwargs["const"] = self.action parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls): """ Register this option class into the :mod:`bsb.options` module. """ from . import options opt = cls() options.register_option(, opt) return opt
[docs] def unregister(self): """ Remove this option class from the :mod:`bsb.options` module, not part of the public API as removing options is undefined behavior but useful for testing. """ from . import options options.unregister_option(self)
@functools.cache def _pyproject_path(): path = pathlib.Path.cwd() while str(path)[len( :] != path.root: proj = path / "pyproject.toml" if proj.exists(): return proj path = path.parent def _pyproject_content(): path = _pyproject_path() if path: with open(path, "r") as f: return path.resolve(), toml.load(f) else: return None, {} # pragma: nocover def _pyproject_bsb(): path, content = _pyproject_content() return path, content.get("tools", {}).get("bsb", {}) def _save_pyproject_bsb(project): path, content = _pyproject_content() if path is None: raise OptionError( "No 'pyproject.toml' in current dir or parents," + " can't set project settings." ) content.setdefault("tools", {})["bsb"] = project with open(path, "w") as f: toml.dump(content, f) __all__ = [ "BsbOption", "CLIOptionDescriptor", "EnvOptionDescriptor", "OptionDescriptor", "ProjectOptionDescriptor", "ScriptOptionDescriptor", ]