Source code for bsb.placement.distributor

import abc
import uuid
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from .. import config
from .._util import rotation_matrix_from_vectors
from ..config.types import ndarray
from ..exceptions import EmptySelectionError
from ..morphologies import MorphologySet, RotationSet
from ..profiling import node_meter
from import NrrdDependencyNode
from ..topology.partition import Partition
from .indicator import PlacementIndications

[docs] @dataclass class DistributionContext: indicator: PlacementIndications partitions: List[Partition]
[docs] @config.dynamic(attr_name="strategy", required=True) class Distributor(abc.ABC): def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super(cls, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Decorate subclasses to measure performance node_meter("distribute")(cls)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def distribute(self, positions, context): """ Is called to distribute cell properties. :param partitions: The partitions the cells were placed in. :type context: Additional context information such as the placement indications and partitions. :type context: ~bsb.placement.distributor.DistributionContext :returns: An array with the property data :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ pass
[docs] @config.dynamic( attr_name="strategy", required=False, default="random", auto_classmap=True ) class MorphologyDistributor(Distributor): may_be_empty = config.attr(type=bool, default=False)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def distribute(self, positions, morphologies, context): """ Is called to distribute cell morphologies and optionally rotations. :param positions: Placed positions under consideration :type positions: numpy.ndarray :param morphologies: The template morphology loaders. You can decide to use them and/or generate new ones in the MorphologySet that you produce. If you produce any new morphologies, don't forget to encapsulate them in a :class:`` loader, or better yet, use the :class:`~bsb.placement.distributor.MorphologyGenerator`. :param context: The placement indicator and partitions. :type context: ~bsb.placement.distributor.DistributionContext :returns: A MorphologySet with assigned morphologies, and optionally a RotationSet :rtype: Union[~bsb.morphologies.MorphologySet, Tuple[ ~bsb.morphologies.MorphologySet, ~bsb.morphologies.RotationSet]] """ pass
[docs] @config.node class RandomMorphologies(MorphologyDistributor, classmap_entry="random"): """ Distributes selected morphologies randomly without rotating them. .. code-block:: json { "placement": { "place_XY": { "distribute": { "morphologies": {"strategy": "random"} } }}} """ may_be_empty = config.provide(False)
[docs] def distribute(self, positions, morphologies, context): """ Uses the morphology selection indicators to select morphologies and returns a MorphologySet of randomly assigned morphologies """ return np.random.default_rng().integers(len(morphologies), size=len(positions))
[docs] @config.node class RoundRobinMorphologies(MorphologyDistributor, classmap_entry="roundrobin"): """ Distributes selected morphologies round robin, values are looped and assigned one by one in order. .. code-block:: json { "placement": { "place_XY": { "distribute": { "morphologies": {"strategy": "roundrobin"} } }}} """ may_be_empty = config.provide(False)
[docs] def distribute(self, positions, morphologies, context): ll = len(morphologies) lp = len(positions) return np.tile(np.arange(ll), lp // ll + 1)[:lp]
[docs] @config.node class MorphologyGenerator(MorphologyDistributor, classmap_entry=None): """ Special case of the morphology distributor that provides extra convenience when generating new morphologies. """ may_be_empty = config.attr(type=bool, default=True) def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super(cls, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Decorate subclasses to measure performance node_meter("generate")(cls)
[docs] def distribute(self, positions, morphologies, context): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate(self, positions, morphologies, context): pass
[docs] @config.dynamic(attr_name="strategy", required=False, default="none", auto_classmap=True) class RotationDistributor(Distributor): """ Rotates everything by nothing! """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def distribute(self, positions, context): pass
[docs] @config.node class ExplicitNoRotations(RotationDistributor, classmap_entry="explicitly_none"):
[docs] def distribute(self, positions, context): return np.zeros((len(positions), 3))
# Sentinel mixin class to tag RotationDistributor as being overridable by morphology # distributor.
[docs] class Implicit: pass
[docs] @config.node class ImplicitNoRotations(ExplicitNoRotations, Implicit, classmap_entry="none"): pass
[docs] @config.node class RandomRotations(RotationDistributor, classmap_entry="random"):
[docs] def distribute(self, positions, context): return np.random.rand(len(positions), 3) * 360
[docs] @config.node class VolumetricRotations(RotationDistributor, classmap_entry="orientation_field"): orientation_path = config.attr(required=True, type=NrrdDependencyNode) """Path to the nrrd file containing the volumetric orientation field. It provides a rotation for each voxel considered. Its shape should be (3, L, W, D) where L, W and D are the sizes of the field.""" orientation_resolution = config.attr(required=False, default=25.0, type=float) """Voxel size resolution of the orientation field. """ default_vector = config.attr( required=False, default=lambda: np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]), call_default=True, type=ndarray(), ) """Default orientation vector of each position. """ space_origin = config.attr( required=False, default=lambda: np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), call_default=True, type=ndarray(), ) """Origin point for the orientation field. """
[docs] def distribute(self, positions, context): """ Rotates according to a volumetric orientation field of specific resolution. For each position, find the equivalent voxel in the volumetric orientation field and apply the rotation from the default_vector to the corresponding orientation vector. Positions outside the orientation field will not be rotated. :param positions: Placed positions under consideration. Its shape is (N, 3) where N is the number of positions. :param context: The placement indicator and partitions. :type context: ~bsb.placement.distributor.DistributionContext :returns: A RotationSet object containing the 3D Euler angles in degrees for the rotation of each position. :rtype: RotationSet """ orientation_field = self.orientation_path.load_object() voxel_pos = np.asarray( np.floor((positions - self.space_origin) / self.orientation_resolution), dtype=int, ) # filter for positions inside the orientation field. filter_inside = ( np.all(voxel_pos >= 0, axis=1) * (voxel_pos[:, 0] < orientation_field.shape[1]) * (voxel_pos[:, 1] < orientation_field.shape[2]) * (voxel_pos[:, 2] < orientation_field.shape[3]) ) # By default, positions outside the field should not rotate. # So their target orientation vector will be set to the default_vector, # from which the rotation is processed. orientations = np.full((positions.shape[0], 3), self.default_vector, dtype=float) # Expected orientation_field shape is (3, L, W, D) where L, W and D are the sizes # of the field. Here we want to filter on the space dimensions, so we move the axes. if filter_inside.any(): orientations[filter_inside] = np.moveaxis(orientation_field, 0, -1)[ voxel_pos[filter_inside, 0], voxel_pos[filter_inside, 1], voxel_pos[filter_inside, 2], ] orientations[ np.isnan(orientations).any(axis=1) + ~orientations.any(axis=1) ] = self.default_vector return RotationSet( Rotation.from_matrix( rotation_matrix_from_vectors(self.default_vector, v) ).as_euler("xyz", degrees=True) for v in orientations )
[docs] @config.node class DistributorsNode: morphologies: MorphologyDistributor = config.attr( type=MorphologyDistributor, default=dict, call_default=True ) rotations: RotationDistributor = config.attr( type=RotationDistributor, default=dict, call_default=True ) properties: dict[Distributor] = config.catch_all(type=Distributor) def __call__(self, key, partitions, indicator, positions, loaders=None): context = DistributionContext(indicator, partitions) if key == "morphologies": distributor = getattr(self, key) if hasattr(distributor, "generate"): distribute = distributor.generate else: distribute = distributor.distribute values = distribute(positions, loaders, context) if isinstance(values, tuple): # Check for accidental tuple return values. If you return a 2 sized # tuple you're still fucked, but the Gods must truly hate you. try: morphologies, rotations = values except TypeError: raise ValueError( "Morphology distributors may only return tuples when they are" + " to be unpacked as (morphologies, rotations)" ) from None else: values = (values, None) return values elif key == "rotations": distribute = getattr(self, key).distribute else: distribute =[key].distribute return distribute(positions, context) def _curry(self, partitions, indicator, positions, loaders=None): def curried(key): return self(key, partitions, indicator, positions, loaders) return curried def _specials(self, partitions, indicator, positions): sel = indicator.assert_indication("morphologies") loaders =*sel) if not loaders and not self.morphologies.may_be_empty: raise EmptySelectionError( f"Given {len(sel)} selectors: did not find any suitable morphologies", sel ) distr = self._curry(partitions, indicator, positions, loaders) morphologies, rotations = distr("morphologies") if morphologies is not None and ( rotations is None or not isinstance(self.rotations, Implicit) ): # If a RotationDistributor is not explicitly marked as `Implicit`, it # overrides the MorphologyDistributor's implicit rotations. rotations = distr("rotations") if hasattr(self.morphologies, "generate"): prefix = generated = {} indices = [] # Get all the unique morphology objects from the return value and map to them for m in morphologies: idx = generated.setdefault(m, len(generated)) indices.append(idx) mr = self.scaffold.morphologies uid = uuid.uuid4() loaders = [] all_meta = {} # Save morphologies one by one for gen_morpho, i in generated.items(): name = f"{prefix}-{uid}-{i}" # `update_metadata=False` so morphology is incompletely stored. saved =, gen_morpho, update_meta=False) all_meta[name] = saved.get_meta() loaders.append(saved) # Finish morphologies by bulk saving their collective metadata mr.update_all_meta(all_meta) morphologies = MorphologySet(loaders, indices) if not isinstance(morphologies, MorphologySet) and morphologies is not None: morphologies = MorphologySet(loaders, morphologies) return morphologies, rotations def _has_mdistr(self): # This function checks if this distributor node has specified a morpho distributor return self.__class__.morphologies.is_dirty(self) def _has_rdistr(self): # This function checks if this distributor node has specified a rotation distributor return self.__class__.rotations.is_dirty(self)
__all__ = [ "DistributionContext", "Distributor", "DistributorsNode", "ExplicitNoRotations", "Implicit", "ImplicitNoRotations", "MorphologyDistributor", "MorphologyGenerator", "RandomMorphologies", "RandomRotations", "RotationDistributor", "RoundRobinMorphologies", "VolumetricRotations", ]