Source code for bsb.placement.indicator

import typing

import numpy as np

from .. import config
from ..config import refs, types
from ..config._attrs import cfglist
from ..exceptions import IndicatorError, PlacementError, PlacementRelationError
from ..morphologies.selector import MorphologySelector

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ..cell_types import CellType
    from ..core import Scaffold

[docs] @config.node class PlacementIndications: scaffold: "Scaffold" radius: float = config.attr(type=float) density: float = config.attr(type=float) planar_density: float = config.attr(type=float) count_ratio: float = config.attr(type=float) density_ratio: float = config.attr(type=float) relative_to: "CellType" = config.ref(refs.cell_type_ref) count: int = config.attr(type=int) geometry: dict = config.dict(type=types.any_()) morphologies: cfglist[MorphologySelector] = config.list(type=MorphologySelector) density_key: str = config.attr(type=str)
class _Noner: def __getattr__(self, attr): return None
[docs] class PlacementIndicator: def __init__(self, strat, cell_type): self._strat = strat self._cell_type = cell_type @property def cell_type(self): return self._cell_type
[docs] def get_radius(self): return self.assert_indication("radius")
[docs] def use_morphologies(self): return bool(self.indication("morphologies"))
[docs] def indication(self, attr): ind_strat = self._strat.overrides.get( or _Noner() ind_ct = self._cell_type.spatial strat = getattr(ind_strat, attr) ct = getattr(ind_ct, attr) if strat is not None: return strat return ct
[docs] def assert_indication(self, attr): ind = self.indication(attr) if ind is None: raise IndicatorError( f"No configuration indicators found for the {attr}" f" of '{}' in '{}'" ) return ind
[docs] def guess(self, chunk=None, voxels=None): """ Estimate the count of cell to place based on the cell_type's PlacementIndications. Float estimates are converted to int using an acceptance-rejection method. :param chunk: if provided, will estimate the number of cell within the Chunk. :type chunk: :param voxels: if provided, will estimate the number of cell within the VoxelSet. Only for cells with the indication "density_key" set or with the indication "relative_to" set and the target cell has the indication "density_key" set. :type voxels: bsb.voxels.VoxelSet :returns: Cell counts for each chunk or voxel. :rtype: numpy.ndarray[int] """ count = self.indication("count") density = self.indication("density") density_key = self.indication("density_key") planar_density = self.indication("planar_density") relative_to = self.indication("relative_to") density_ratio = self.indication("density_ratio") count_ratio = self.indication("count_ratio") if count is not None: estimate = self._estim_for_chunk(chunk, count) if density is not None: estimate = self._density_to_estim(density, chunk) if planar_density is not None: estimate = self._pdensity_to_estim(planar_density, chunk) if relative_to is not None: relation = relative_to if count_ratio is not None: strats = self._strat.scaffold.get_placement_of(relation) estimate = ( sum( PlacementIndicator(s, relation).guess(chunk, voxels) for s in strats ) * count_ratio ) elif density_ratio is not None: # Create an indicator based on this strategy for the related CT. # This means we'll read only the CT indications, and ignore any # overrides of other strats, but one can set overrides for the # related type in this strat. rel_ind = PlacementIndicator(self._strat, relation) rel_density = rel_ind.indication("density") rel_pl_density = rel_ind.indication("planar_density") rel_pl_density_key = rel_ind.indication("density_key") if rel_density is not None: estimate = self._density_to_estim(rel_density * density_ratio, chunk) elif rel_pl_density is not None: estimate = self._pdensity_to_estim( rel_pl_density * density_ratio, chunk ) elif rel_pl_density_key is not None: # Use the relation's `guess` to guess according to the relation's density key estimate = rel_ind.guess(chunk, voxels) * density_ratio else: raise PlacementRelationError( f"{} requires relation {}" + " to specify density information." ) else: raise PlacementError( f"Relation specified but no ratio indications provided." ) if density_key is not None: if voxels is None: raise Exception("Can't guess voxel density without a voxelset.") elif density_key in voxels.data_keys: estimate = self._estim_for_voxels(voxels, density_key) else: raise RuntimeError( f"No voxel density data column '{density_key}' found in any of the" " following partitions:\n" + "\n".join( f"* {}: " + ( fstr if ( fstr := ", ".join( f"'{col}'" for col in p.voxelset.data_keys ) ) else "no data" ) for p in self._strat.partitions if hasattr(p, "voxelset") ) + "\n".join( f"* {} contains no voxelsets" for p in self._strat.partitions if not hasattr(p, "voxelset") ) ) try: estimate = np.array(estimate) except NameError: # If `estimate` is undefined after all this then error out. raise IndicatorError( "No configuration indicators found for the number of" + f"'{}' in '{}'" ) if not np.allclose(estimate, estimate // 1): # 1.2 cells == 0.8 probability for 1, 0.2 probability for 2 return ( np.floor(estimate) + (np.random.rand(estimate.size) < estimate % 1) ).astype(int) else: return np.round(estimate).astype(int)
def _density_to_estim(self, density, chunk=None): return sum(p.volume(chunk) * density for p in self._strat.partitions) def _pdensity_to_estim(self, planar_density, chunk=None): return sum(p.surface(chunk) * planar_density for p in self._strat.partitions) def _estim_for_chunk(self, chunk, count): if chunk is None: return count # When getting with absolute count for a chunk give back the count # proportional to the volume in this chunk vs total volume chunk_volume = sum(p.volume(chunk) for p in self._strat.partitions) total_volume = sum(p.volume() for p in self._strat.partitions) return count * chunk_volume / total_volume def _estim_for_voxels(self, voxels, key): return voxels.get_data(key).ravel().astype(float) * voxels.get_size_matrix(copy=False), axis=1 )
__all__ = ["PlacementIndicator"]