Source code for bsb.placement.strategy

import abc
import itertools
import typing

import numpy as np

from .. import config
from .._util import obj_str_insert
from ..config import refs, types
from ..config._attrs import cfgdict
from ..exceptions import DistributorError, EmptySelectionError
from ..mixins import HasDependencies
from ..profiling import node_meter
from ..reporting import warn
from import Chunk
from ..voxels import VoxelSet
from .distributor import DistributorsNode
from .indicator import PlacementIndications, PlacementIndicator

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ..cell_types import CellType
    from ..core import Scaffold
    from ..topology import Partition

[docs] @config.dynamic(attr_name="strategy", required=True) class PlacementStrategy(abc.ABC, HasDependencies): """ Quintessential interface of the placement module. Each placement strategy defines an approach to placing neurons into a volume. """ scaffold: "Scaffold" name: str = config.attr(key=True) cell_types: list["CellType"] = config.reflist(refs.cell_type_ref, required=True) partitions: list["Partition"] = config.reflist(refs.partition_ref, required=True) overrides: cfgdict["PlacementIndications"] = config.dict(type=PlacementIndications) depends_on: list["PlacementStrategy"] = config.reflist(refs.placement_ref) distribute: DistributorsNode = config.attr( type=DistributorsNode, default=dict, call_default=True ) indicator_class = PlacementIndicator def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super(cls, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Decorate subclasses to measure performance node_meter("place")(cls) def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __lt__(self, other): # This comparison should sort placement strategies by name, via __repr__ below return str(self) < str(other) @obj_str_insert def __repr__(self): config_name = if not hasattr(self, "scaffold"): return f"'{config_name}'" part_str = "" if len(self.partitions): partition_names = [ for p in self.partitions] part_str = f" into {partition_names}" ct_names = [ for ct in self.cell_types] return f"'{config_name}', placing {ct_names}{part_str}"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def place(self, chunk, indicators): """ Central method of each placement strategy. Given a chunk, should fill that chunk with cells by calling the scaffold's (available as ``self.scaffold``) :func:`~bsb.core.Scaffold.place_cells` method. :param chunk: Chunk to fill :type chunk: :param indicators: Dictionary of each cell type to its PlacementIndicator :type indicators: Mapping[str, bsb.placement.indicator.PlacementIndicator] """ pass
[docs] def place_cells(self, indicator, positions, chunk, additional=None): if additional is None: additional = {} if self.distribute._has_mdistr() or indicator.use_morphologies(): selector_error = None try: morphologies, rotations = self.distribute._specials( self.partitions, indicator, positions ) except EmptySelectionError as e: selector_error = ", ".join(str(s) for s in e.selectors) if selector_error: # Starting from Python 3.11, even though we raise from None, the original # EmptySelectionError somehow still gets pickled and contains unpicklable # elements. So we work around by raising here, outside of the exception # context. raise DistributorError( "Morphology distribution couldn't find any" + f" morphologies with the following selector(s): {selector_error}" ) elif self.distribute._has_rdistr(): rotations = self.distribute( "rotations", self.partitions, indicator, positions ) morphologies = None else: morphologies, rotations = None, None distr = self.distribute._curry(self.partitions, indicator, positions) additional.update( {prop: distr(prop) for prop in} ) self.scaffold.place_cells( indicator.cell_type, positions=positions, rotations=rotations, morphologies=morphologies, additional=additional, chunk=chunk, )
[docs] def queue(self, pool, chunk_size): """ Specifies how to queue this placement strategy into a job pool. Can be overridden, the default implementation asks each partition to chunk itself and creates 1 placement job per chunk. """ # Get the queued jobs of all the strategies we depend on. deps = set( itertools.chain( *(pool.get_submissions_of(strat) for strat in self.get_deps()) ) ) for p in self.partitions: chunks = p.to_chunks(chunk_size) for chunk in chunks: job = pool.queue_placement(self, Chunk(chunk, chunk_size), deps=deps)
[docs] def is_entities(self): return "entities" in self.__class__.__dict__ and self.__class__.entities
[docs] def get_indicators(self): """ Return indicators per cell type. Indicators collect all configuration information into objects that can produce guesses as to how many cells of a type should be placed in a volume. """ return { self.__class__.indicator_class(self, ct) for ct in self.cell_types }
[docs] def guess_cell_count(self): return sum(ind.guess() for ind in self.get_indicators().values())
[docs] def get_deps(self): return set(self.depends_on)
[docs] @config.node class FixedPositions(PlacementStrategy): positions: np.ndarray = config.attr(type=types.ndarray())
[docs] def place(self, chunk, indicators): if self.positions is None: raise ValueError( f"Please set `.positions` on '{}' before placement." ) if not len(self.positions): warn(f"No positions given to {self.get_node_name()}.") return for indicator in indicators.values(): inside_chunk = VoxelSet([chunk], chunk.dimensions).inside(self.positions) self.place_cells(indicator, self.positions[inside_chunk], chunk)
[docs] def guess_cell_count(self): if self.positions is None: raise ValueError(f"Please set `.positions` on '{}'.") return len(self.positions)
[docs] def queue(self, pool, chunk_size): if self.positions is None: raise ValueError(f"Please set `.positions` on '{}'.") # Get the queued jobs of all the strategies we depend on. deps = set( itertools.chain( *(pool.get_submissions_of(strat) for strat in self.get_deps()) ) ) for chunk in VoxelSet.fill(self.positions, chunk_size): pool.queue_placement(self, Chunk(chunk, chunk_size), deps=deps)
[docs] @config.node class Entities(PlacementStrategy): """ Implementation of the placement of entities that do not have a 3D position, but that need to be connected with other cells of the network. """
[docs] def queue(self, pool, chunk_size): # Entities ignore chunks since they don't intrinsically store any data. pool.queue_placement(self, Chunk([0, 0, 0], chunk_size))
[docs] def place(self, chunk, indicators): for indicator in indicators.values(): cell_type = indicator.cell_type # Guess total number, not chunk number, as entities bypass chunking. n = sum( # Pass the voxelset if it exists np.sum(indicator.guess(voxels=getattr(p, "voxelset", None))) for p in self.partitions ) self.scaffold.create_entities(cell_type, n)
__all__ = ["Entities", "FixedPositions", "PlacementStrategy"]