Source code for bsb.plugins

Plugins module. Uses ``pkg_resources`` to detect installed plugins and loads them as

import types
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from itertools import chain

import errr

from .exceptions import PluginError

# Before 3.10 `importlib.metadata` was provisional, and didn't have `select` yet.
class _EntryPointsPatch(dict):
    def select(self, *, group=None):
        return self.get(group, [])

class mutdict(dict):

class mutlist(list):

[docs] def discover(category): """ Discover all plugins for a given category. :param category: Plugin category (e.g. ``adapters`` to load all ``bsb.adapters``) :type category: str :returns: Loaded plugins by name. :rtype: dict """ registry = {} eps = entry_points() if not hasattr(eps, "select"): eps = _EntryPointsPatch(eps) for entry in chain("bsb." + category), _unittest_plugins[category]): try: advert = entry.load() if hasattr(advert, "__plugin__"): advert = advert.__plugin__ # Use `types.FunctionType` over `callable` as `callable` might confuse plugin # objects that have a `__call__` method with plugin factory functions. if isinstance(advert, types.FunctionType): advert = advert() advert = _decorate_advert(advert, entry) registry[] = advert except Exception as e: # pragma: nocover errr.wrap( PluginError, e, entry, prepend="Could not instantiate the `` plugin:\n", ) return registry
def _decorate_advert(advert, entry): if type(advert) is list: advert = mutlist(advert) elif type(advert) is dict: advert = mutdict(advert) advert._bsb_entry_point = entry return advert # Registry to insert plugins without having to install them, intended for testing purposes. _unittest_plugins = defaultdict(list) __all__ = ["discover"]