Source code for

import functools
import os

from ..exceptions import DependencyError
from ._util import MockModule

[docs] class MPIService: def __init__(self): self._mpi = MPIModule("mpi4py.MPI") self._comm = self._mpi.COMM_WORLD
[docs] def get_communicator(self): return self._comm
[docs] def get_rank(self): if self._comm: return self._comm.Get_rank() return 0
[docs] def get_size(self): if self._comm: return self._comm.Get_size() return 1
[docs] def barrier(self): if self._comm: return self._comm.Barrier() pass
[docs] def abort(self, errorcode=1): if self._comm: return self._comm.Abort(errorcode) print("MPI Abort called on MockCommunicator", flush=True) exit(errorcode)
[docs] def bcast(self, obj, root=0): if self._comm: return self._comm.bcast(obj, root=root) return obj
[docs] def gather(self, obj, root=0): if self._comm: return self._comm.gather(obj, root=root) return [obj]
[docs] def allgather(self, obj): if self._comm: return self._comm.allgather(obj) return [obj]
[docs] class MPIModule(MockModule): """ Module provider of the MPI interface. """ @property @functools.cache def COMM_WORLD(self): if ( any("mpi" in key.lower() for key in os.environ) and "BSB_IGNORE_PARALLEL" not in os.environ ): raise DependencyError( "MPI runtime detected without parallel support." + " Please install with `pip install bsb[parallel]`." + " Set `BSB_IGNORE_PARALLEL` to ignore this error." ) return None