Source code for bsb.simulation.adapter

import abc
import itertools
import types
import typing
from contextlib import ExitStack
from time import time

import numpy as np

from .results import SimulationResult

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import PlacementSet
    from .cell import CellModel
    from .simulation import Simulation

[docs] class AdapterProgress: def __init__(self, duration): self._duration = duration self._start = self._last_tick = time() self._ticks = 0
[docs] def tick(self, step): """ Report simulation progress. """ now = time() tic = now - self._last_tick self._ticks += 1 el = now - self._start progress = types.SimpleNamespace( progression=step, duration=self._duration, time=time(), tick=tic, elapsed=el ) self._last_tick = now return progress
[docs] def steps(self, step=1): steps = itertools.chain(np.arange(0, self._duration, step), (self._duration,)) a, b = itertools.tee(steps) next(b, None) yield from zip(a, b)
[docs] def complete(self): return
[docs] class SimulationData: def __init__(self, simulation: "Simulation", result=None): self.chunks = None self.populations = dict() self.placement: dict["CellModel", "PlacementSet"] = { model: model.get_placement_set() for model in simulation.cell_models.values() } self.connections = dict() self.devices = dict() if result is None: result = SimulationResult(simulation) self.result: SimulationResult = result
[docs] class SimulatorAdapter(abc.ABC): def __init__(self): self._progress_listeners = [] self.simdata: dict["Simulation", "SimulationData"] = dict()
[docs] def simulate(self, *simulations, post_prepare=None, comm=None): """ Simulate the given simulations. """ with ExitStack() as context: for simulation in simulations: context.enter_context( alldata = [] for simulation in simulations: data = self.prepare(simulation) alldata.append(data) for hook in simulation.post_prepare: hook(self, simulation, data) if post_prepare: post_prepare(self, simulations, alldata) results =*simulations) return [ self.collect(simulation, data, result) for simulation, result in zip(simulations, results) ]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def prepare(self, simulation, comm=None): """ Reset the simulation backend and prepare for the given simulation. :param simulation: The simulation configuration to prepare. :type simulation: ~bsb.simulation.simulation.Simulation :param comm: The mpi4py MPI communicator to use. Only nodes in the communicator will participate in the simulation. The first node will idle as the main node. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self, *simulations, comm=None): """ Fire up the prepared adapter. """ pass
[docs] def collect(self, simulation, simdata, simresult, comm=None): """ Collect the output of a simulation that completed """ simresult.flush() return simresult
[docs] def add_progress_listener(self, listener): self._progress_listeners.append(listener)
__all__ = ["AdapterProgress", "SimulationData", "SimulatorAdapter"]