Source code for

import typing

import numpy as np

from ..exceptions import ChunkError

_iinfo = np.iinfo(np.int16)
Chunklike = typing.Union["Chunk", "numpy.typing.ArrayLike"]

[docs] class Chunk(np.ndarray): """ Chunk identifier, consisting of chunk coordinates and size. """ def __new__(cls, chunk, chunk_size): if any(c < _iinfo.min or c > _iinfo.max for c in chunk): raise ChunkError( f"Chunk coordinates must be between {_iinfo.min} and {_iinfo.max}." ) obj = super().__new__(cls, (3,), dtype=np.short) obj[:] = chunk obj._size = np.array(chunk_size, dtype=float) return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is not None: self._size = getattr(obj, "_size", None) def __ne__(self, other): return != def __eq__(self, other): self_id, other_id = _safe_ids(self, other) return self_id == other_id def __gt__(self, other): self_id, other_id = _safe_ids(self, other) return self_id > other_id def __lt__(self, other): self_id, other_id = _safe_ids(self, other) return self_id < other_id def __ge__(self, other): self_id, other_id = _safe_ids(self, other) return self_id >= other_id def __le__(self, other): self_id, other_id = _safe_ids(self, other) return self_id <= other_id def __hash__(self): return int( def __reduce__(self): # Pickle ourselves, appending the `_size` attribute to our reduced state pickled_state = super().__reduce__() new_state = pickled_state[2] + (self._size,) return (pickled_state[0], pickled_state[1], new_state) def __setstate__(self, state): # Unpickle ourselves, grabbing the state we appended for `_size` super().__setstate__(state[:-1]) self._size = state[-1] def _safe_id(self): return int(self) if self.shape == () else @property def dimensions(self): return self._size @dimensions.setter def dimensions(self, value): self._size = np.array(value, dtype=float) @property def id(self): return sum(int(n) * 2 ** (i * 16) for i, n in enumerate(self.astype(np.uint16))) @property def box(self): return np.array(np.concatenate((self.ldc, self.mdc)), copy=False) @property def ldc(self): return np.array(self._size * self.astype(np.float64), copy=False) @property def mdc(self): return np.array(self._size * (self.astype(np.float64) + 1), copy=False) @classmethod def from_id(cls, id, size): return cls( np.uint16( [id % 2**16, (id // 2**16) % 2**16, (id // 2**32) % 2**16] ).astype(np.int16), size, )
[docs] def chunklist(chunks) -> typing.List[Chunk]: """ Convert an iterable of chunk like objects to a sorted unique chunklist """ return sorted(set(c if isinstance(c, Chunk) else Chunk(c, None) for c in chunks))
def _safe_ids(self, other): return ( np.array(self, copy=False).view(Chunk)._safe_id(), np.array(other, copy=False).view(Chunk)._safe_id(), ) __all__ = ["Chunk", "chunklist"]